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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing



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1 "Loss Experience"
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Original Article
The Loss Experience in Women with Hysterectomy
Mi Hae Sung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(1):128-140.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

When women are removed with their matrix which is a emotionally significant organ of symbol in psychologically adapting themselves to mother and woman, that is threatened and injured with woman role decisively. This study tried to find the efficient nursing intervention method to maintain and promote their health, to cope with health problem, and to inquire into the loss experience of women with hysterectomy by using the phenomenological method. The analysis of the data was made through the phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi. The result of the study was as follows: The factors which have influence on the loss experience of the subjects are an offer of information, support system, age, occupation, economic situation, family history, character, season, the existence of ovary and religion. The loss experience of matrix was expressed in lingual, reactions to the loss of function, sex, body change and husband, in behavioral behaviors in emotion and body. The loss of matrix of the subjects was relived by religion, perineorrhapy, exercise, reading, watching video and diet. The subjects each showed ways of reaction of fatalism, giving-up, coping on the loss experience of matrix. In conclusion, since we ascertained that the nursing in the process of recovery decide the quality of life, though women with hysterectomy undergo various loss experience and adapt to it in the end, it is necessary to give them enough information and educate husband, having on important effect on the loss experience, to be a good supporter. And technically skilled nurses of consultant are thought to be able to contrive better qualitative life of women with hysterectomy as an important bridge between the subjects and their required information, since the nurses have their well-formed position of relationship of confidence through continuous contact with patients and their family.

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