The purpose of this study was to present an effective nursing intervention for helping the patients of mental illness by determining the effect of nursing-logotherapy on purpose in life and finding meaning, and hope of the patients of mental illness by developing and applicating program of nursing-logotherapy. The data was collected from March to September in 1995, and its subjects were the patients of mental illness who was appropriate to the standard of this study among the patients of mental illness who hospitalized into Neuro-Psychiatric ward of M. and B. hospital located in Pusan area. They were all 60 subjects, thirty of them for an experimental group and the rest for a control group. The research design was an equivalent control group pre-test and post-test design as an quasiexpe-rimental research and the conceptual framework was an interpersonal model. The data analysis was computerized by using SP-SS/PC+ and hypothesis testing was done with 2-way ANCOVA and simple correlation. Results were summarized as follows : 1. There were significant changes of purpose in life and finding meaning in an experimental group before and after treatment and a control group before and after. 2. There were significant changes of hope in an experimental group before and after treatment and a control group before and after. 3. The positive correlation between purpose in life and finding meaning and hope of the patients of mental illness were observed. Consequently, nursing-logotherapy could significantly increase the purpose in life and finding meaning, and of hope, so it could be said an effective nursing intervention for helping the healing of the patients of mental illness.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of ‘Logotherapy with Exercise’ on the meaning of life, ego integrity and IADL's in the Elderly.
This quasi-experimental study was designed for a nonequivalent control group repeated measurement study. This study was done from Oct. 13. 2004 to Dec. 18. 2004. The subjects were between the ages of 65 to 75, who were literate in Korean and able to communicate and participate in physical exercise without any discomfort. The experimental group was 25 subjects and the control group was 26. The 5-week ‘Logotherapy with Exercise’ program was given to the experimental group. Data was analyzed by X2, t-test, ANCOVA, ANOVA, and post-hoc comparison by Bonferroni correction with the SPSS/WIN 12.0.
The experimental group had a greater difference in meaning of life, ego integrity and IADL's than the control group. The experimental group had differences in changes in meaning of life, ego integrity and IADL's during time period.
‘Logotherapy with Exercise’ can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for the elderly.