The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of using gauze frozen with normal saline or ice on thirst-relief and oral condition of laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients.
A quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group, pretest-posttest design was used. Participants (n=53) received either gauze frozen with normal saline (n=17), ice (n=18) or wet gauze (n=18) for thirst-relief. The subjective thirst level and oral condition of the participants were assessed before the intervention, 15 min after the first intervention and 15 min after the second intervention.
After oral care was provided twice, there were significant differences in thirst level among the groups. When oral care was provided twice, the oral condition of tongue, saliva, mucosal membrane, and gingiva was improved in patients receiving gauze frozen with normal saline or ice.
Gauze frozen with normal saline and ice can be effective for oral care in reducing the thirst level and improving the condition of the oral cavity.