This study was designed to construct a structural model explaining depression in university students.
Data were collected from 1,640 university students by questionnaire, and analyzed using AMOS 5.0 to test the hypothetical model.
Fitness statistics for the modified model were GFI=.93, AGFI=.89, NFI=.91, and RMSEA=.081. All the 12 paths in the modified model proved to be statistically significant. Depression of university students accounted for 52% of the covariance by the factors. The factor that had the most influence on depression was individual vulnerability, and followed by sequence order, stress, social support, coping, and self-efficacy. Depression was influenced directly by individual vulnerability, stress, social support, and coping, and indirectly by individual vulnerability, stress, social support, and selfefficacy.
A screening and management system for the high risk group is needed to effectively prevent depression and reduce rate of depression in university students. Detailed support programs which specifically deal with prevailing stressors should be developed to effectively reduce the harmful effects of individual vulnerability and stress. It is anticipated that the model constructed in this study could be utilized as a reference in developing various strategies to prevent and intervene depression in university students.