This study examined the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior in diabetic patients. The purpose was to improve diabetic patents Compliance by D. M. patient teaching. The study objectives were to determine the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, and factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patients. The Sujects, consisting of 52 diabtic patients diagnosed in the C. and other hospitals in K. city were divided into experimental and Control groups. Data were gathered from July 25th to September 3rd, 1988 through inecrvicwe by questionnaires, measurment of blood sugar level by Reflolux. D. M. Patient teaching was defined as informational intervention of social support by the nurse. A booklet representing patient education and questionnaire were developed by the investigator, and were tested for Content validity, and reliability by Item Analysis: Cron-bachs alpha for any instrument to measure variables was patient Compliance .83, perceived health belief .65, diabetic knowledge .70. Analysis of data were done by paired t-test, t-test, Anova, Pearson correlation, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results of the study may be summarized as follows: 1. The effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, on diabetic Knowledge and health belief was Confirmed by significant differences between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiments. (P=000 P=006, P=004). 2. Factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patient were diabetic patient teaching (P<.005), perceived health belief (r=.5597, P<.005), blood sugar(r=.3205, P<.01), diabetic knowledge (r=.2876, P<.05).