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2 "Kang Mi Ja Kim"
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Predictors of Sick Role Behavior on Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Cancer
Kang Mi Ja Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(3):341-356.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Cancer is still a threat to human beings. The incidence and mortality rate of cancer have been gradually increasing as the life span has been lengthened. Radiotherapy is one of the most commonly used treatments for cancer. This study explored the influence of social support and stress on sick role behavior of patients receiving radiotherapy for cancer. The subjects for this study were 60 patients undergoing radiotherapy for cancer, selected from the radiotherapy treatment unit of the out patient departments of two major medical centers in Jeonju. Data were collected from February 1 to 28, 1990 by a Likert Scale Questionnaire and an interview schedule designed by the investigator. Data analysis included percentages, mean and standard deviation, to or F-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. Results included the following : 1. Support came primarily from sons and daughters(90.1%) ; the type of support was primarily emotional support from friends(60.0%) ; information support came from health personnel(81.7%) ; and material support was sons and daughters(40.0%) ; satisfaction with support was highest for the spouse(4.02+/-.52). 2. Among the patient's demographic status was occupation the was the only socioeconomic characteristic influencing sick role behavior(F=2.91, p=.029). 3. Directly perceived support was positively correlated with sick role behavior(r=.2374, p=.034). 4. Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the predictors of sick role behavior. Directly perceived support was the most significant predictor accounting for the highest contribution to sick role behavior(5.6%). Directly perceived support, socioeconomic status, perceived stress and indirectly perceived support variables together, accounted for only 6.8% of sick role behavior.

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Educational Issues and Strategies to Improve APN Education
Kasil Oh, Kang Mi Ja Kim, Keum Soon Kim, Jee Won Park, Myung Sook Sung, Eui Geum Oh, Myung Ha Lee, Chae Weon Chung, Dong Sook Cho, Young Ran Tak, Jee In Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):801-809.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed at exploring the current status of graduate programs for an advanced practice nurse(APN) to recommend future directions of APN education.


A total of 142 students enrolled in seven APN specialty programs, 67 professors who were involved in APN education, and nine nurse administrators participated in the study. Data was collected by questionnaires and focus group interviews.


The current definition of APN was found not to be specific enough to represent expected roles of APN in regards to knowledge, attitudes, roles, and skills. Standard curricula employed regardless of the area of APN specialty, lack of qualified clinical practice settings, as well as prepared instructors were found to be problematic.


The following needs to be addressed: 1. redefining of APN roles, 2. tailoring specialty areas of APN, 3. consolidating educational programs, and 4. ensuring APN role models and faculty. Suggesting a CNS role in Korean APN, areas of APN should be rearranged toclarify their roles and educational programs need to be further developed to meet the expectations and quality of APNs. It is necessary to ensure APN's employment in the health care system by laws and policies to perform advanced nursing roles.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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