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A Study on the Actual Conditions of Children's Rehabilitation Centers in Seoul
Kae Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):64-80.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The social understanding of the rehabilitaion and welfare work for the handicapped children is nearly devoid in Korea. Especially the medical rehabilitation or nursing for them is left ignored as well as the literature referential to this study is wanted. For the purpose of conducting the study of this thesis Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. and Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical center sampled out; covering three months from Aug. 1 to Oct. 30, 1973, the problems of children's rehabilitation, the characteristics of the children, the medical rehabilitation, nursing, education, and vocational rehabilitation were interviewed and widely grasped. This thesis aimed at developing the rehabilitation, the professional nursing and especially aimed at contributing to the improvement of welfare for the handicapped by analysing, observing the result of this study. The result is as follows: 1. Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. has, since its establishment, contributed to the advancement of the crippled children and its purpose consists in implementing services, medical rehabilitation, nursing, education and vocational training. Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center is, being based on Christianity, aiming at the medical treatment and education for the crippled children. 2. All of the children admitted in the children's rehabilitation centers are the crippled children. The ratio of boys to girls is three to two. Boys are more than girls. Orphan formed 55.2 per Cent of them. About 63 per cent of them is receiving medical attention free of charge. But there is no orphan in Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center. 3. 15. 7 per cent of them have received the previous medical attention before their admitting in the centers; in Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center 8. 6 per cent, Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center 50 per cent; there is remarkable difference between the two. 4. On the standpoint of period of being in the centers, the children who have been over three years in Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitaion Center formed 48.7 per cent; in Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center 2. 6 per cent; there is also considerabie dif fference between the two; they could'nt discharge from the centers owing to the economic conditions and being orphan. 5. Among the diagnosis of the crippled children, poliomyelitis formed highest 51.7 per cent of them; cerebral palsy formed 30 per cent secondly in order. Environmental factors (67.8 per cent) formed about three times of congenital factors (23.7 per cent). 6. The children who are capable of doing independently activity of daily living formed 87.9 per cent; 73.2 per cent can walk about 300 m by wearing brace and so on. The ratio of wearing brace or leg prosthesis formed 47.4 per cent; crutch 44. 3 per cent. The medical rehabilitation service and education for the crippled, are comparatively well carried out. But it is desired to improve and cultivate the vocational training, vocational guidance and special nursing to the insufficiency of their implementation. In the tendency that the rehabilitation and welfare for the handicapped are today emphasized, International Handicapped Rehabilition Association, declaring that 1970s are the decade of rehabilitation, urged to improve positively the policy of rehabilitation and welfare for the handicapped. But here in korea the handicapped, being the object of social prejudice, ignorance, disdain lives in obsucurity. Therefore the government or the community should draw up countermeasure on social understanding, f inancial support, and rehabilitation services for the handicapped as well as should endeavor to make them participate in social activities as the productive total- person though they are physically imperfect.

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