The Graduate School of Education Introduction Nursing as a profession is getting wide acceptance today, especially among independent -minded women with necessary phisical, mental and academic qualifications. This is parti-culary true of "comprehensive nursing", which requires to total dedication on the part if the nurse herself-phisical, mental and sociocultural. Such comprehensive approach is likewise called for in the institutional training of professional nurses. Undergraduate nursing courses nowadays place an increasing emphasis on the microscopic approach of training a nurse as an intelligent and well-balanced human being with an optimum degree of cultural sophistication. Greater attention then ever before is now paid to close observation of the individual traits and aptitude of nursing students, so as to permit full development of individual capabilities, interests and propensities within the concept of "comprehensive human education." Purpose of study 1. To determine the degree of understanding of the part of nursing students of the various aspects of the subject taught in undergraduate nursing course. 2. To determine the motivation of nursing students in choosing the profession and possible subsequent change or attitude and outlook in the course of undergraduated studies, as a means of presenting a new practical approach in nursing training based on the concept of "comprehensive human education." Problems of study 1. The environments of nursing training will impinge on individual nursing students with different psychological impacts from lower to upper classes of undergraduated studies. 2. Educational environments will have varying psychological impacts on students: a. Difference in religious faith among students. b. Difference in campus environments. c. Difference in domestic (family) circumstances. d. Diflerence in innate capabilities of students. 3. The understanding and attitude of individual nursing students towards the science of nursing will have a close correlation with their respective motivations in choosing-nursing as a psofession, aad will also be closely influenced by the peculiarities of the subjects taught, the campus environments, etc. Delimitations of the study 1. Two universities offering 4-year nursing courses were selected. Due to the limited number of potential subjects, the optimum conditions of sample collection could not be fulfilled. 2. Subjects were confined to two classes in each university (sophomores and seniors) but without regard to the ages or scholastic achievements of individual students. 3. The conclusions derived from this study should be limited in application to the subject groups covered by the present study: they should not in any event be extended or applied to other groups. Procedures 1. Subjects: 40 nursing students each from the sophomore and senior classes of the "Y" and "K" universities situated in Seoul, aggregating 160 students altogether. 2. Instruments: Use has been made of questionnaires on (1) family backgrounds and (2) general information concerning. 3. Statistical Methed: The findings of the present survey have been subjected to critical analysis as to the means, percentages, Cgi squares (X), standard deviations and the significance of the difference in means. Findings 1. Nursing students have chosen their subject of study with a confident outlook towards their future in society. 2. Nursing students have the necessary abilities to complete the prescribed courses of study. 3. The campus life of nursing students has been judged as very constructive, notwithstanding certain in adequacies in the available educational facilities and the shortages of teaching staff. 4. The achievement levels of nursing trainees varied greatly according to their respective educational environments as well as their school years. 5. Clear and definite distinctions were discernible between the two universities as regards certain aspects of this survey, while no significant difference was observed in other: a. Sophomores and seniors in both universities gave nearly identical answers to questions concerning (1) motivation in choosing nursing as a profession, and (2) the way of spending leisure hours. b. Both universities revealed similar respective differences between sophomores and seniors as regards the abilities of fulfilling academic requirements in the basic subjects. c. Educational environments have been found to be somewhat superior in the "Y" university to those of the "K" university, particularly as regard general campus and dormitory conditions. d. The high degree of dissatisfaction with the faculty, found in both universities, was considered to be a consequence of the universal phenomenon of "brain drain" and the relative neglect of the "comprehensive approach" in education.
Numerous research reports have substantiated the role of stressful life events in relation to the onset of health changes. The relationship tends to hold across different age groups. Theoretically, adolescence has been considered a developmental crisis period of great stress, impoverished coping skills and high vulnerability to biological, social and psychological demands. The research problem addressed by this study was to examine the relationships between stressful life events and health symptom patterns, and the effect of two variables, coping and social support, theoretically considered to mediate the relationship between stress and health symptoms in adolescents. The following five hypotheses were tested in this research : 1. Health symptoms are positively related to stressful life events in adolescents, 2. Health symptoms are negatively related to coping in adolescents, 3. Health symptoms are negatively related to social support in adolescents, 4. When coping is controlled, the relationship between health symptoms and stressful life events will decrease, and 5. When social support is controlled, the relationship between health symptoms and stressful life events will increase. The study subjects consisted of 1090 high school students of the metropolitan city of Seoul. The following sampling procedure was used : 1. Of the 169 high schools in nine school administrative districts in the city, a proportional sample of ten schools was selected. 2. One class from each of the freshman and sophomore was randomly selected and all the students who were in the sampled class were used as the study sample. The study was limited to freshman and sophomore adolescents, aged 15 to 18(mean=16.6). Of the 1090 subjects 688(63%) were boys and 402(37%) were girls. An Adolescent Inventory of Stressful Life Events, a Health Symptom Questionnaire and an Adolescent Coping Inventory were adapted for this study. The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire was utilized to collect the data on perceived social support. Five high school teachers in the areas of school health and counselling reviewed the items of each questionnaire for content validity. A pilot study was undertaken to ascertain reliability. Fifty three high school students responded to the questionnaires and gave their opinions on the items. For stressful life events, health symptoms, coping, and social support, the Cronbach's alpha's on the study were .70, .94, .77, and .76 respectively. Research assistants attended all the sampled classes with the school proctor to explain the purpose and procedures of the study to the students. The questionnaires along with a ballpoint pen were distributed to the students who were asked to complete each item. The research assistants left the ballpoint pen with the students as a gift for their cooperation. An average of 50 minutes was required to complete the questionnaires. Using as SPSS, the first, three hypotheses were tested using Gamma, a measure of association for ordinal variables. Partial gamma was used to test the fourth and fifth hypotheses. Patterns of elaboration described by Babbie was selected to interpret the relationship of the three variable analyses. The significance of gamma was determined by Chisquare at a .05 level of significance. There was a positive relationship between health symptoms and stressful life events (Gamma=.35, p=.000). Thus the first hypothesis was supported. Unexpectedly, coping was positively related with health symptoms(Gamma=.13, p=.000). That is, the higher the coping levels, the greater number of health problems. The third hypothesis, the higher the level of social support, the fewer the health symptoms, was not accepted in this adolescent study group. When coping was controlled, under the condition of low coping the association between health symptoms and stressful life events increased significantly to a partial gamma of .39, and under the condition of high coping it was .30. According to the elaboration model, when one partial relationship is the same or greater than the original and the other is smaller, the control variable should be considered to be specifying the conditions. When social support was controlled the relationship between stressful life events and health symptoms increased under the condition of low social support, but with high social support, the relationship decreased. Both partial gamma were statistically significant at .05 level(.43 and .26 relatively). It can be interpreted that stressful life events are strongly and positively related to health symptoms under the condition of low social support, however this relationship can not be expected with high social support. Thus, the last two hypotheses were conditionally sustained. In this study, the relationships between stressful life events and health symptoms, and the specified me diating roles of coping and social support were found to have statistical interaction. This finding supports the theoretical position of this study. It suggests that stressful life events would create high susceptibility to biological, social and psychological health symptoms and coping and social support buffering the relationship between stressful life events and health symptom. The findings of this study have implications for nursing practice. When adolescents are confronted with non-developmental life events that are perceived as stressful, nurses should recognize the evidence of the stress-buffering effect of coping and social support on health symptoms and utilize to diverse sources of social support that are readily available to adolescents.
There is no national system to manage, evaluate, and analyse the information about accidents, even though it is necessary for accident prevention policies and health promotion of the general public. The existing studies are, also limited as they focus only on particular group (for example: inpatients, emergency room patients) or on particular geographic areas. Thus the results of the studies cannot be applied to the general public. In order to overcome these limitations, this research focuses on data collection and analysis from accident information for the general population. By providing the analysis on types and causes of accidents, this research aims to produce the basic data neccesary for accident prevention policy development. The specific aims of this research are to: 1. Analyse the actual occurrences and characteristics of accidents. 2. Suggest for the accident prevention policies and safety education. Accident report form three major newspaper printed in Korea between January 1, 1989 and December 31, 1993 were collected, and the cause, place, time, and personal injury related to the accidents were classified and then analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results of this research conclude: 1. The number of accidents reported by the three newspapers were 2155. 2. The highest proportion of accidents were as follows; occurred during the June-August(31. 2%), Sunday (24.8%), and 5 p.m. (7.6%) of the day. 3. The highest proportion of the accident occurred in Seoul(33.1%), Kyunggi province (14.5%), Kangwon province(7.8%), and Kyungnam province6.7%) were next highest. 4. The main causes include car accidents (32.4%), drowning(10.9%), falls(8.8%), explosion(7.1%), and poisoning (5.8%). 5. Slightly more than half of injuries(50.5%) and about two fifths of deaths(40.3%) were caused by car accidents. Therefore, the most serious type of accidents were car accidents. 6. The number of males in accidents were almost three times higher than that of females (males: 72.3%, females :27.7%). 7. The age group from 10 to 19 years old represents the highest proportion(21%) of accidents. 8. The number of the accidents in Korea, based on the information collected from the newspapers, is estimated to be 14,367 per year. The number of injuries is estimated to be 88,480 persons, and the number of deaths 29,007 respectively. It is said that ninety percent of accidents can be prevented. Several accidents prevention policies are suggested here. 1. Safety education should be done more actively throughtout life, with special emphasis on safety education for children. 2. Safety measures for children(halmets for cycling, children car seats, seats belts, and so on) should be emphasized. 3. An injury surveillance system should be initiated. The initiation of injury reporting system in each factory and school could contribute considerably to the reduction of accidents.
Baby walkers have been a major cause of injuries in young children. The main purpose of this study is to identify the pattern of injuries associated with baby walker. The data were collected from May 13 to June 15, 1998 from 438 mothers who have used or are using baby walkers for their children aged average 6 month old(range 1-33 month). It was founded that 19.2%(84 infants) of these children had walker-related accidents. The types of injuries included 'falling down'(52.4%), 'tiping over'(21.4%), 'being crashed into the wall'(17.9%), and burns(1.2%). These injuries predominantly involved the head and neck region(88%). The majority of injuries were minor, and most injuries occurred at home with the mother present. The most common reason to use the baby walker was to keep the infant happy and occupied. Although many parents used walker to promote walking, there was no supportive evidence that walkers helped babies learn to walk sooner. In conclusion, injuries among infants who use walkers are minor, but common. Also, baby walkers may cause a fatal injury to some infants. Therefore, child safety warning label policies, anticipatory safety guidance and quality control of infant walkers are needed to prevent injuries associated with a infant walker.