This Study was undertaken to delineate the relationship between numerical score and the amount of nursing hours required in the nursing process. Score was a numerical description of the patients functional nursing needs. Therefore this study focused on standard nursing hours required by patient's self-care status. This study observed the 62 patients and 15 R.N. in H. university hospital from Aug. 7, 1982 to Aug. 13, 1982. 1. For the first time, each head nurse assessed self-care status by Schoening's self-care score. Minimal care patient (self-care score: 23,24) was placed in Group I, intermediate care patient (self-care score: ll~22) was Group II, and special care score: 0~10) was Group III. 2. We observed and recorded the nursing care received from nurses according to patient's group. (8AM-4PM) 3. And, We observed and recorded the activities of nurses in order to determine standard nursing hours required. (8AM~4PM) 4. If we apply the content of paragraph 3 to paragraph 2, we will predict the number of patient that nurse can care during day time by self-care status. The following results were obtained: 1) Patieat's mean self-care score were Group 1 : 23.9 score Group 2 : 17.8 score Group 3 : 1.6 score 2) Nursipg hours required by patient's physical function (self-care status) status were Group 1 : 35 min. Group 2 : 47.5 min. Group 3 : 104. 6 min. 3) Nurse's nursing time and distribution required in nursing activities during day duty were A.D.L. : 84.3min. (17.56%) Functional nursing activities: 279.9min.(58.31%) Education & Emotional support: 11. 3min.(2.35%) Task unrelated patients : 54min.(11.25%) Non Productive nursing care : 50. 5min.(10. 52%) 4) Mean nursing hours required by each patient and the number of patient that nurse can care during day duty by self-care status were Group 1 : 38.6min. 11.1 patients/1 nurse Group 2 : 51. 1min. 8.4 patients/1 nurse Group 3 : 108.2min. 4 patients/1 nurse It seems reasonable that this could be done effectively as each-unit has an established standard for hours required. This not only allows time for planning of staff but helps to avoid the very human inelination to predict excessive staffing requirements by placing the majority of patients in high care group.
With the dynamically changing environment of society, managing change is the vital element of organizations's survival and growth. Health care organizations have expended enormous resources to restructure patient care delivery. Despite the growing literature describing these organizational innovations, there is a paucity of credible data that reflects systematic measurement and evaluation of such changes. This study examined the nurses' psychological response toward the work process redesign, newly introduced by the nursing department in a acute care hospital. The aim of the study was to figure out how nurses's general perception of change and perceived attributes of change affected their acceptance of change during the organizational transition. This was descriptive-correlational. The sample for the study included 50 head nurses and 135 staff nurses. Data was analyzed using SPSS PC+, version 10.0. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, the mean score of the perception of change was 71.2 (SD=13.8) with the range of 0-100, which means nurses generally perceived change positively. There were significant differences in perception of change by gender and education level. Head nurses perceived change more positively than staff nurses. The higher education level showed the more positive view of change. Second, among the perceived attributes of change, trialability had the highest mean score, which means nurses perceived the change more positively if it is testable on a limited basis. Relative advantage was perceived the most negatively. Finally, factors influencing the acceptability of the work-process redesign were perceived comparability, complexity, relative advantage, and observability, which accounted for 43.7% of the variance in the acceptability of change.This study evaluated the preliminary effects of the nursing process for reengineering, focusing on nurses' acceptability towards change. The usefulness of this research study was to determine the factors influencing acceptance of organizational members during transitional periods of change and to suggest effective strategies for increasing adoption as well as for decreasing resistance to change.
Home health care is moving into a set of new realities. An era of competition and cost containment has arrived. Before nurses are able to contain costs or describe the relationship between nursing activities, cost must be accurately measured based on the nurse's workload. Nurses in home health care usually desire to measure expenses for one of three reasons : reimbursement, management, or research. The purpose of the study was to investigate the work input by Registered Nurse in each of the home health care activities by relative value units and identify the factors affecting the nurses' total work input in health care services. To measure the work input by nurses, work was defined by four dimensions: time, physical effort, mental effort, and stress. This study used a descriptive-correlational design. Data collection consisted of two phases. In phase I, data on home health activities performed by nurses were collected. In phase II, data on nurses' time, physical effort, mental effort, and stress in each of home health care activities discovered phase I were collected. In this method, the respondent was asked to rate a service in relation to a reference service using a ratio scale. The sample included 39 home health care nurses. The results of the study indicated that home health care activities performed by the nurses were in 10 categories and 69 items. Measuring the relative work inputs in each of home health care activities, and foley catheterization was selected as the reference to service. In terms of time and physical effort dimensions, full bath service was rated as the most strenuous among 69 activities by the respondents, and intramuscular injection was rated as least. It was found that emergency treatment required the highest mental effort and the highest stress, while blood sugar tests required the lowest mental effort. Approximately 91.3% of the variance in total work input was accounted for by the linear combination of time, physical effort, mental effort judgement, and stress. Examining the regression coefficients of those variables, physical effort, time, and stress were found as the predictors which were significantly associated with the total work of nurses in home health care. Professional nursing's next step in the conundrum of economic volatility is to develop a tool to reflect the interaction of functional deficiency and direct professional nursing care. And this will be a more accurate predictor of nursing resource use and ultimately a great forcaeter cost.
This study, based on current home nursing services, aims at promoting measures for establishing a community-based home nursing system derived from the pilot home nursing demonstration project conducted by the Seoul Nurses Association. The study was based on an analysis of home nursing records from march 1993 to December 1999. The following is a summary analysis, based on individual characteristics of the patients, the organization, which recommended the service for their patients and personnel services. 1. The service has been used by many elderly people 60years of age or older(66.4%). and married people(60.9%). The average number of visits by service personnel for patients of city government was 23.5. This is 2.5 times as many visits by general patients. General patients(20.2%) had only one visit from service personnel, while 65.5% of patients of city government had 10 or more visits. Particularly, for government recommended patients, 72.7% of the patients were recommended by nurses, while only 21.9% where referred to the services by doctors. The main focus of a home nursing service was to maintain present health status (53.4%), and hospice(11.6%). Also to increase hospital-based home nursing services focused on recovery(55.9%) and maintain present health conditions (19.0%). 2. For general patients, 42.0% of patients were suffering from problems related to CVA, 11.3% from high blood pressure, and for patients referred from city, 21.2% from skeletal muscular disease. Results of home nursing services 29.4% of patients were able to recover or maintain their health status, but 48.9% of the patients died. Another main point of community-based home nursing services is medication(6.7%), other basic nursing services(6.1%), special treatment, instructions on how to use medical devices(5.9%), change of physical posture(4.6%), and training on changing physical positions(4.7%). As mentioned above there were some differences between the characteristics of patients who used the pilot home nursing service conducted by the Seoul Nurses Association and those hospital-based service users. The results are believed to be useful to support a community-based home nursing service model. Particularly, patients under medical supervision and patients recommended by government-run health clinics show a higher frequency and longer use of home nursing services compared to general patients or hospital-based home nursing service users. According to the study, nurses accounted for a large number of recommendations for home nursing services. Many patients with CVA, high blood pressure, skeletal muscular disease and bedsores used community-based home nursing services, while others used the service for minor treatments or maintaining their current health status. Based on the study, the researchers make several suggestions to establish a community- based home nursing service system. First, different ways of setting up a community-based home nursing system have to be mapped out based on the evaluation of the pilot home nursing service conducted by the Seoul Nurses Association. Secondly, a new, community-based, home health care nursing service model, and reimbursement payment system have to be developed. This is based on the outcome of the analysis, and implemented policy. Accordingly, efforts are needed to develop a community- based home nursing system with an intermediary role to promote the visiting nursing services of government-run health centers.