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1 "Jun Ju Oh"
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Original Article
A Study on risk factors for senile dementia
Yeo Shin Hong, Sun Ja Lee, Hyeoun Ae Park, Nam Ok Cho, Jun Ju Oh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(3):448-460.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to investigate risk factors for senile dementia as well as care givers' stresses and thier needs for nursing care. It was done using a retrospective survey. A convenience sample of 100 senile dementia patients and 120 normal elders in a rural area was used. The tools used in the study were the MMSE-K(Mini-Mental State Examination-Korea) for dementia screening test and a questionaire developed by the research team. Data were collected through home visits by Community Health Practitioners. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, T-test, and Chi-square test. The findings are as follows: 1. There were significant differences in age, marital status, and religions between the two groups. 2. There was a significant difference in smoling behavior between the two groups. 3. There was a significant difference in past history of cancer between groups. 4. There was a significant difference in past and present elderfamily relationship between the two groups. 5. There were significant differences in intellectual activities, assuming major role in famliy and seeking other's help in daily life troubles between the two groups. 6. There were significant differences in stress factors such as child problem, family conflict, health problem and illegal behavior between the two groups. 7. The major problems out by families in caring for dementia patient were catastrophic reactions, dirtiness, mood change, devouring and tremor. The most serious problems faced by families was dirtiness, with catastrophic reactions, sleep distrubance, changeableness, and a suspcio-usness following. The care givers expressed chronic fatigue, anxiety, tension, depression, disorder in daily life, shamefulness, blame from neighbours and guiltiness. 8. There is need for geriatric hospitals, nursing homes, burden sharing, and counselling or education for family care givers. A replicate study in the urban area is recommended to validate the findings of this study. To explore the impact of stress in life and 'han' on senile dementia, a qualitative study is recommended.

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