The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among family stress, family meaning and family adaptation of families with high risk neonates.
The date was collected on the basis of self- report questionnaires (August 2004 to March 2005); Tow-hundred twelve parents, who had high risk neonates in C hospital's neonatal intensive care unit, participated on request.
Family sense of coherence, family meaning, social support, family stress, marital communication and patient condition had a significant, direct effect on family adaptation. Family cohesion, religion, confidence in the health professional, and length of stay had a significant, direct effect on family meaning.
The results of this study suggest the consequences associated with high risk neonates may be alleviated by a family support intervention designed to improve parental communication skills as well as to maintain family cohesiveness. Medical care could also encourage more emotional support of parents towards their neonate.