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Differences in Body Temperatures according to Three Methods of Cold Application
Nan Young Him, Jin Kyung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(2):157-169.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The most effective modality for cold application and the length of the application have not been determined despite many studies about the use of cold. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the most effective modality among three methods of cold application, the most effective length of time for the application and the continuing effect after each type of cold application. Thirty adult patients admitted to medical and neurnsurgical unit and with high fever (above 38.2 degrees C) were assigned randomly to each of three cold application methods: (a) ice bag; (b) cold compress; and (c) tepid water sponge bath. Each method was applied to the whole anterior surface except the face and neck with the patient in the supine position. Rectal temperatures and skin temperatures (mid chest, upper arm,thigh and leg) were measured before each application and every 10 minutes during each application for a period of 60 minutes. They were also measured every 10 minutes for 30 minutes after each cold application was finished. The experiments were carried out from Dec. 22. 1992 through Feb. 26,1993. The data were analyzed using means, ANCOVA, Sheffe test and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study are as follows: 1. There were no significant differences among the three cold application methods in the reduction of body temperature. 2. Among the ice bag, cold compress and tepid water sponge bath groups, the ice bag proved to be the most effective method for lowering skin temperature while the cold compress was least effective. 3. Both rectal and skin temperature continued to decrease during the 60 minutes of cold application, but the hunting phenomena was not observed at any of the cold application sites. 4. There were no significant correlations between mean rectal and skin temperatures. 5. Skin temperatures according to the cold application sites decreased to a range of 3.46 degrees C to 5.20 degrees C (mid chest), a range of 4.48 degrees C 4.96 degrees C (upper arm), a range of 3.86 degrees C to 5.05 degrees C (thigh), and a range of 5. 42 degrees C -7.12 degrees C(leg). 6. In continuing effect after the cold applications were finished, rectal temperatures according to ice bag, cold compress and tepid sponge bath decreased to 0.29 degrees C, 0.23 degrees C and 0.09 degrees C respectively,while the mean skin temperatures increased to 2.39 degrees C, 2.04 degrees C aud 2.22 degrees C respectively. In this experiment the ice bag was the most-effective modality for lowering skin temperature, whenever cold is applied for systemic effect, the continuing effect of cold should be considered. The determination of the most effective length of time for cold application needs further study.

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Typological Study on Attitudes of Alternative Therapy Among Cancer Patients
Jin Kyung Kim, Boon Han Kim, Mi Hyang Lee, Hwa Jeong Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(7):1718-1728.   Published online March 29, 2017

The purpose of this study is to identify and classify the different types of cancer patients who use alternative therapies, to understand their subjective frameworks in using such alternative therapies. The results of this study provided the subjective information on five types of attitudes towards alternative therapies and described characteristics of five types from 30 cancer patients. The "Dependent to Others" (the first type) decided to use alternative therapy because they were influenced by the experiences of others and invocations of the family (especially spouse) or close relatives. In general, they did not believe that it will cure the diseases but generally thought it was not harmful and it may be better than doing nothing. There were a group of patients who chose to use alternative therapy with vague hope and belief. These patients decided to try alternative methods with their own convictions and confidences because they have personally seen or heard about some people who had been cured miraculously. This group of patients was grouped as "Belief in Effects (second type)." Although, there is a very little chance for miracles, "Expecting for Effects (third type)" believed alternative therapy will strengthen immune systems, help with feces and urine, change physical constitutions, slow down the progression of cancerous cell, have no side-effects, and expects to have practical effects and uses. The fourth group of patients thought foods in alternative therapies were same as general foods, therefore, it was easy to take, did not expect miracles to happen but considered the alternative therapy as supplementary treatments. This "Supplementary for Effects (fourth type)" patients thought it was their duty to do everything possible. The last type was "Expecting for Miraculous Effects (fifth type)." The patients in this group were devastated and thought of alternative treatments as the last hope for miracles. They thought it would relieve their physical pains, reduce the chance of side effects from chemical treatments, help them for comfortable and painless death, and considered it as the last possible option with expecting for miracles. The result of this study has implications to provide practical and concrete guidelines for caring and nursing cancer patients using alternative therapies. It will be used as a tool to work on independent for nursing intervention. Furthermore, the result of study will provide practical guidelines to help develop better tools and nursing intervention strategies to nurse cancer patients.

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A Comparison of Phenomenological Research Methodology: Focused on Giorgi, Colaizzi, Van Kaam Methods
Boon Han Kim, Keum Ja Kim, In Sook Park, Keum Jae Lee, Jin Kyung Kim, Jeong Ju Hong, Mi Whang Lee, Young Hee Kim, In Young Yoo, Hee Young Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(6):1208-1220.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in three phenomenological research methods used to understand the experience of families of patients with cancer and so provide as guideline to novices first attempting qualitative research. The subjects were 3 family members - spouse, daughter, daughter-in-law -of cancer patients at S-hospital. Unstructured deep interviews were carried out and taped for further analyzed. Interviews were analyzed using three phenomenological methods ; Giorgi's, Colazzi's, and Van Kaam's. The results are as follows: The experience of family the analyzed using Giorgi's method showed different characteristics according to the family members' role. According to Colaizzi's method, they experienced burden, a willingness to care, role conflict, thanks to family and significant others, and ambivalence about treatment. Using Van Kaam's methodology, two categories were identified ; change of family function and burden. Themes in change of family function were positive attitude(9), role conflict(6), negative attitude(5), active attitude(2), and passive attitude(2) ; Themes in burden were emotional burden, physical burden, and economic burden. The result from using Giorgi's method were centered or individual characteristics and these results constituteds situational structured description and a general structured description. From Colaizzi's method the focus was on the common experience of all fo the subjects. In Van Kaam's method, subthemes (13), themes(8), and categories(2) were identified. So researchers should choose the qualitative method according to their research goals and methodological characteristics.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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