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A Study on Assessment of Mothers' Perception of a Newborn Baby
Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(3):67-77.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The research was carried out in order to assess, at an early stage, the potential barrier in mother-child relationship in the childs' development by using the screening tool. onsequently, after modifying the Neonatal Perception Inventory developed by Broussard and testing its reliability. It has been applied to 152 mothers at the hospital of three universities in Seoul from August 1 to September 00, 1986. The data was analyzed by S.P.S.S. program and the results were as follows: 1) Mothers perceived the newborn as an individual, and evaluated their baby higher than other babies. 2) Mothers indicated difficulties in their role performance in the following order-bathing, safety, detecting pain or suffering, and feeding. 3) Mothers' perceptien of a newborn was positive for 75% of the mothers. 4) The factor analysis of the modified tool using principal components analysis and Varimax rotation resulted in the two factors: Factor I, Baby as an individual; Factor II, Performances are required to meet the new-bora's needs. 5) The difference in mothers' individual characteristics such as the number of childbirth, the desire to get pregnant or not, the type of delivery, and the sex of the newborn did not influence on a mothers' perception of her newborn. As seen above, most of the mothers perceived their newborns as able individuals and expressed difficulties involved in taking care of the newborn. Also most of the mothers perceived their babies positively. My point here is, we ought to observe those mothers who perceive their babies negatively, and then compare them with those mothers who perceive their babies extremely positive or extreme ly negative. In the future, for more comprehensive assessment tool for maternal perception of the newborn, a repetitive verification and modification of this tool is demanded. At the same time, father's perception of the newborn should be included.

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A study of the growth and development of the low birth weigth infant
Young Soon Byun, Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(3):51-60.   Published online April 3, 2017

Currently changing trends of child health care is demand total health assessment of child including growth and development. This study concentrates on the growth & developmental status of low birth weight infant for help their growth & development. Thus it can be provide a direction for scientific health education and counseling materials by investigating factor of growth & development. The subjects for this study were made up of 40 low birth weight infant who attended the well baby clinic of E university Hospital. The study method used was a questionnaire & anthropometric assessment and DDST for normative data of development. The period for data collection was from July 1st to August 31th, 1982. Analysis of the data was done using percentages, x2-test Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of study were as follows. 1. The mean weight of birth was 2,068gm and mean of gestational period was 35.65 weeks. 2. The age at which weight; 32.5%. head circumference 67.5% chest circumference 55.0% height 50.0% was normal range of physical growth. 3. The reverse age at which social development; 87.5% fine motor & adaptive development 70.0% gross motor development;

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A study of the influence of stimulus on newborn infant's response: Specifically in heart rate change
Ja Hyung Lee, Young Soo Ha
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(3):119-126.   Published online April 3, 2017

Early extra-uterine development of the newborn infant has the potential for clarifying important questions of nature and care taking environment. In this study, tactile and auditory stimulation is used on . a group of infants to determine the effects of their response. Infants were tested by EKG at 24-48 hrs after birth and all they are free from complication. Stimuli presented were touch and sound (40dB, 70dB and 40-70dB). The result of the study were as follows: 1) The heart rate was seen to depend on their sleep-wake state. (light sleep; 125/mm, eyes open & motor activity increase; 151/mm crying; 185/mm). 2) The heart rate affected by tactile & auditory stimulus. The heart rate response was acceleration above the prestimulus level. (tactile,. 23/mm increase, auditory; 16-21/min increase) and heart rate change was seen to depend on prestimulus rate. (r=. 73) 3) There was a decrease in heart rate when they were soothe. (touch ; 24. 8sec, 21/mm decrease, pacifier; 14.5sec, 26/mm decrease) and significant difference in time between touch and pacifier (t=1.76, p<0.05). This result support the evaluation of newborn infant's sensory abilitics, and has even begin to influence changes in nursing care. But systemic monitoring of newborn infants respense would further define.

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A Study of the Maternal Attachment Behavior During Early Postpartum Period
Ja Hyung Lee, Jin Hyang Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(2):9-22.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to observe and describe the maternal attachment behavior during the mother's first interactions with her newborn and define the factors contributing to differences in maternal attachment behavior. Observations of the mother's first interaction with her newborn can offer valuable information about the mother-infant relationship, and it provides an opportunity for planning individulized care for them. Data was collected from Sep. 1, 1980 to Oct. 30, 1980 at Ewha Womans University Hospital. Maternal attachment behaviors of healthy full-term Infants were observed and recorded on the maternal attachment tool and analysed by the use of means, standard deviations and ANEVA test. The following trends of maternal behaviors were observed: 1. Identifying behaviors was the predominant mode and all of the mothers inspects baby's body features. 2. Modalities of interaction, that is, touching was initiated on the babies extremities and heads (57.3%) rather than the trunks (8.7%) and mothers touched their infants with their fingertips (58.2%) more than palm touching (14.6%) 3. Care-taking activities performed by the mother were negligible at the first interaction. 4. Parity of mother, sex of infant, age of mother, planned pregnancy, length of visits by mother to infant appeared to have significant influence on the maternal attachment behaviors.

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A Study of the Assessing the High Risk Mothers and Influencing to Their Newborn Babies
Kyung Hye Lee, Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1979;9(2):7-16.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was undertaken to determine the identify the relation between the high risk mother and their baby which then allows the nurse to assess and plen for the delivery of optimal health care to the high risk groups. This study was carried out between January through December 1978. This study sample consisted of 300 pregnant women who visited Ewha womens hospital during this time. The method used to for the collection of data was an "Antepartum High-risk pregnancy acoring form. The questionair included 4 categories: 1) reproductives history 2) Associated conditions 3) present pregnancy and 4) total risk score The bind are as follows: 1. The frequency of high risk pregnancy women 149(49.7%) was highest. 2. In the investigation sample high risk factors were related to hypertension and toremia. 3. There was a difference in the high risk scores and newborn babys scores (r = 0.610). 4. Relationship between high risk pregnancy women and least of pregnant women was highest prenatal mortality. Implications of positive assessing of high risk factors by MCH nurse and community health nurses.

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Study of the Effect of comprehensive Nursing Care on the Adjustment of Children to Hospotalization
Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1973;3(3):97-110.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The goal of Modern nursing is to provide comprehensive nursing care to patients. If comprehensive nursing care to children (within the hospital setting) is to be provide, consideration of the stage of growth and development of the child is especially important. From clinical observation, it appeared that nurses often disregarded individual requirements of children in giving nursing care. Therefore, the purpose os this study is to show that comprehensive nursing care which is based on an understanding of the growth and development of the child contributes to both the child and the mother's adaptability to the child's hospitalization. METHOD: Sixty children, three to twelve year of age, hospitalized at the Yonsei University Pediatric Ward were studied. From April 1, 1973 to May 5, 1973 children admitted to the hospital were assigned to either an experimental or a compare groups. There were 30 children in each group. The sex and age of the children in each group was similar. In both groups were more male than female children. In the experimental group, each mother stayed with her child continuously during his hospitalization. In the compare groups, the mother or some other member of the family stayed with the child. Each day on the child's admission the investigator visited the ward from 1-2 P.M. to 9-10 P.M., in order to provide comprehensive care for the experimental group. The assistance given the nurses by the investigator was in the from of conferences regarding care and in giving direct care to the child and his mother. The compare group of children received nursing care as usually provided by the hospital. The instrumental used to obtain the data for analysis were as follows : 1. The fear and anxiety reaction of the child was recorded by observation of the investigator for four areas : 1) separation from parent and relatives 2) reaction to Doctor and Nurse with white gowns 3) reaction to nursing care 4) reaction to injection and tests, etc. 2. Regression in area of eating, sleeping, and elimination were recorded by the investigator by questioning the mother and by observation. 3. Adaptability to the hospitalization was reordered by direct questioning of the children for areas of emotional and social adjustment. For children older than 3 years of age or children not seriously ill, using the simple I.Q. test this was possible for only 35 of the total 60 children. RESULTS : 1. 55 percents of the total 60 children had been prepared by their patents for hospitalization. The children who had received prior preparation accepted hospitalization more readily than those who had received no preparation. ( x2 4.6 P<0.05 ) 2. On admission 31.7 percent of the children expressed verbal fear of their disease or treatment. 25 percent felt that the disease was due to their mistake. 3. There was a significant difference in the reaction of the child to separation from the parent or relatives, between the two groups. The experimental groups showed less anxiety due to separation than the compare group. ( x2 4.34 P<0.05 ) In both groups there was less anxiety due to separation among school age(6-12 years) children than among preschool age(3-5 years) children. 4. More than half of the children in both groups reacted with fear and avoidance to doctor and / or nurses wearing white gowns. ( x2 0.06 P<0.05 ) 5. The experimental group reacted more favorably to nursing in general than the compare group. ( x2 4.8 P<0.05 ) 6. There was no difference in the fear and refused reaction to special tests and / or such as X-rays and injections, etc. between the groups. ( x2 3.77 1>P>0.05 ) 7. More children in the compare group showed regressive tendencies in eating, sleeping, and elimination habits than in experimental groups. ( x2 2.3 P>0.05 x2 3.88 P<0.05 x2 4.9 P<0.05 ) 8. There was a significant difference in the adaptability to hospitalization between the two groups. The experimental groups adapted more readily. ( x2 2.02 P<0.05 ) 9. For children who had higher I.Q.s the adaptability to hospitalization was better regardless of the group. However, because of the small number of cases(60), this finding cannot be extrapolated without further verification. The data demonstrates that there was a greater adaptability to hospitalization by the child when comprehensive nursing care was given. By planning care and applying knowledge of growth and development to meet, nurses are in a position to prevent some of the psychological trauma associated with ospitalization.

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Perception and Emotions of Mothers of High-risk Newborn Infants
Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(4):557-567.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to defined mothers perception of their infants when the babies were high-risk babies, and to describe the feelings and responses of the mothers following on the birth of high-risk babies and on their hospitalization. The subjects of the study were 30 mothers of high-risk infants at D and M Hospital of E University. Data were collected between August 1993 and June 1994. Using the Neonatal Perception Inventory (NPI) devised by Broussard to determine the perception of mothers and an open-ended, semi-structured interview which was conducted in the nursery room within 24 to 72 hours after delivery. And NPI tested 1 month after the babies were discharged from the NICU also. Data were analyzed using SAS and content analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The mothers tended to perceive their infants positively, regardless of the condition of the infant. Mothers who perceived their infant negatively were slightly increased at 1 month after the babies were discharged from the NICU, but the difference was not statistically significant. 2. Mothers reported that they thought that the newborn can see and hear well, and also they can express themselves. 3. There were many types of response noted such as anxiety, fear, helplessness, pity, resentment, guilt, resignation, hope, relief, appreciation, and feelings of being able to overcome the situation. These were differentiated into postive and negative responses. The finding of positive responses being expressed by mother of high-risk infants while their infants were in NICU was a unique finding especially, appreciation and feelings of being able overcome the situation. The results suggest the need for replication studies and for research on nursing interventions directed at improving the quality of life of high-risk infants and their mother.


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  • Comparison between Parents and Teachers Assessment of Language Development for Infants: 18-35 Months
    Yun-hee Kim, Kyunghee Jung
    Communication Sciences & Disorders.2021; 26(2): 284.     CrossRef
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The Development of a CD-ROM and an Educational Program for the Prevention Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence in Preschool Children
Kyung Hye Lee, Ja Hyung Lee, Il Ok Kim, Jeong Yi Bae
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(6):1067-1076.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to developed to create a CD-ROM and an educational program for the prevention of sexual harassment and violence and to contribute to the perception and add to the coping of the victims of sexual harassment and violence as well as the child, parents, and teachers.
The study's methods were literature reviews, surveys, and assessments of the negotiation process for educational needs of sexual harassed and abused children.
The sexual harassment and violence prevention program will contain four subjects : 1) sexual development of a preschool child, 2) characteristics of sexual harassment and violence of a preschool child, 3) safe sex, early detection of sexual violence syndrome, and coping strategies. The CD-RON was composed from three sites. The first was a child site, the second was a parent/teacher site, and the third was a game site for evaluations. The child site consisted of 10 possible scenarios of sexual harassment and violence that a child could experience. The parent/teacher site consisted of knowledge and information for prevention and coping strategies for sexual harassment and violence. At the end of each situation question and answer sections that were used for formative evaluation. Also, the game site could be a summative evaluation.
The effects of this program and the CD-ROM were based of the promotion of reverence for humanity and gender equality for preschool childen. Eventually, children, parents, and teachers will have prevention and coping ability that will reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment and violence in Korea.

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Health Education Program Development for Infants, Toddlers and Preschool Children
Ja Hyung Lee, Il Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):262-269.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a health education program for child care workers of infants, toddlers and preschoolers to improve their care ability. The program provided child care teachers and children with information on how to take care of their health.


This program development was based on a systematic design of instruction by Dick & Carey(1996). The process included a review of literature, setting an instructional goal, getting advice from various experts, designing instruction and instructional medias, designing formative evaluation, revising the program and making a summative evaluations.


The products of this program were the ‘ Teachers Guide Book & CD-ROM.” The guide book included health education programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. The infant program included a basic baby care program for teachers. The toddlers and preschoolers program included basic health promotion, dental health, nutrition management, communicable disease prevention, substance abuse prevention and a safety program.


These programs provided a systematic content of health education for children andtheir teachers, and useful data which can be applied to child care centers.


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  • The Effects of Negative Emotionality in Toddlers, Mothers' Perceptions of Sleep Problems, and Co-Sleeping on Sleep Problems in Toddlers
    SeulKi Lee, SunHee Ann
    Journal of Families and Better Life.2021; 39(3): 53.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Information on Management Practices for Children Suffering from Respiratory Communicable Diseases
    Kyungmin Yi
    Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing.2009; 15(3): 291.     CrossRef
  • Development of a Web‐based child safety education program for Busan Safe City WHO Certification Project
    Jeongyee Bae, Rosel L. Panuncio, Haesook Sohn
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2009; 11(4): 362.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Dental Health Education on Dental Health Knowledge and Dental Hygiene Status in Preschoolers
    Young-Mee Ahn, Jung-Mi Yun, Hyun-Hwa Kim, Min-Young Seo, Mi-Kyung Yeom
    Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing.2009; 15(2): 201.     CrossRef
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Rearing Behavior and Rearing Stress of Fathers with Children of Preschool and School Age
Ja Hyung Lee, Hye Young Kim, Young Ae Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(8):1491-1498.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to compare the paternal rearing behavior and rearing stress level between fathers with a preschooler and fathers with school children so that it can be utilized as a basic source for developing parental rearing education programs.


A descriptive comparative method was conducted to identify the paternal rearing behavior and paternal rearing stress. Respondents were 361 fathers who had either preschoolers (n=189) or children of elementary age (n=172).


Comparing the two group's means, the rearing activity score and rearing stress there were significant differences. In the school children's group's father, ‘ outdoor activity’ and ‘ guidance on discipline activity’ were significantly higher than the other group. In the preschool children's fathers group, ‘ play interaction activity’ was statistically significant higher than the other, and the child-part mean score of paternal rearing stress was significantly higher than the other group. The correlation between paternal rearing behavior and paternal rearing stress, indicates that more paternal rearing behavior means less paternal rearing stress.


These results of this study will help design more effective rearing programs for fathers that have either preschool children or school children by providing the basic data for paternal rearing behaviors and paternal rearing stress.


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  • Father-child play: A systematic review of its frequency, characteristics and potential impact on children’s development
    Annabel Amodia-Bidakowska, Ciara Laverty, Paul G. Ramchandani
    Developmental Review.2020; 57: 100924.     CrossRef
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Development of the Educational Program for Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children
Kyung Hye Lee, Ja Hyung Lee, Jeong Yee Bae, Il Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(2):189-199.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study is to develop an educational program to prevent sexual abuse of children and to improve the physical and mental health of children by providing a rape-free environment and safety education. This program will provide parents and children with information on how to prevent sexual abuse in children. Children learn specific methods to avoid being victimized both at home and outside the home through a learning game and simulation, which is based on problem solving.


This program was developed based on a literature reviews, surveys and negotiation process. School- aged-children, parents, and teachers were interviewed to reveal their educational needs based on their experiences related to sexual abuse.


This program includes useful subjects such as safety education, early detection of sexual abuse, crisis management, resource persons, and phone numbers of available hospital. Counseling is provided by researcher or by a pediatric psychiatrist if needed.


This program could be adequately utilized for prevention of sexual abuse of children. It also will provide an intervention strategy for abused children. This educational program was distributed to all of the elementary school through the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.


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  • Child sexual abuse ‒ issues and prevention
    Monika Dacka
    Educational Psychology.2022; 65(23): 5.     CrossRef
  • Sexual Abuse Prevention Mobile Application (SAP_MobAPP) for Primary School Children in Korea
    Kyoung Ja Moon, Kyung Min Park, Yunsick Sung
    Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.2017; 26(5): 573.     CrossRef
  • Contents Analysis of Sexual Abuse Recognized by Elementary School Students
    Shin-Jeong Kim, Sun-Jung Park, Sung-Hee Kim, Kyung-Ah Kang
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2013; 19(4): 518.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a CD-ROM Educational Program on Sexual Knowledge and Attitude
    CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing.2005; 23(4): 214.     CrossRef
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Analysis of Trends and Contents of Nursing Doctoral Dissertations in Korea
Kwang-Ja Lee, Younhee Kang, Mee Ock Gu, Kyunghee Kim, Oksoo Kim, Yeon-Ok Suh, Eunyoung Suh, Soo Yang, Eun-Hyun Lee, Ja Hyung Lee, Myoung-Ae Choe, Yang Sook Hah
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(2):302-309.   Published online April 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study aimed to identify contents and trends of Korean nursing doctoral dissertations in terms of research methodology and theoretical characteristics.


The design of the study was descriptive study and a total of 1,089 quantitative studies completed between 1982 and 2010 were reviewed using the analytical framework developed by the researchers.


The majority of studies utilized the experimental design (51.5%) and the others were survey design (38.8%) and methodological design (5.0%). Study subjects were shown as patients (45%), care givers (11.2%), ordinary persons (40.6%) and others (3.2%). There were growing trends in experimental design and patients as subjects. The prevailing data collection settings were hospitals (45.8%) and community (27.8%). The theoretical frameworks that studies were based on were the existing theories (37%) and a newly developed theoretical framework by a researcher (25.2%). a framework derived from other studies by the researcher (25.2%). Majority of studies (78.5%) employed a single theory as a theoretical framework. However, 31.8% of studies had no theoretical framework based on.


Findings of this study provided the opportunities to shed new light on the current status of Korean doctoral dissertation and to deliberate on the future direction of nursing studies in Korea.


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  • An Integrative Review of Korean Nursing Studies on Pediatric Tonsillectomy
    Kyoung Eun Yu, Jin Sun Kim
    Child Health Nursing Research.2017; 23(4): 416.     CrossRef
  • Trend Analysis of Research in the Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing (2010~2015)
    Yerin Cha, Joeun Kwon, Sunhye Kwon, Kyung Hee Lee, Jiyun An
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2017; 19(2): 92.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Trends and Contents of Ancestral Ritual Foods of Korean Jong-ga
    Changhyeon Lee, Young Kim, Young Hwang, Hyeonmi Kim
    Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture.2016; 31(4): 286.     CrossRef
  • A Historical Trends of Doctoral Nursing Education in Korea
    Kasil Oh, Young Sook Park, Ja Hyung Lee, Kyong-Ok Oh, Yang Heui Ahn, Jiyoung Lim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2014; 20(1): 93.     CrossRef
  • An Analysis of Nursing Research on Child Rearing in Korea.
    Dong Won Lee, In Soo Kwon
    Child Health Nursing Research.2014; 20(4): 264.     CrossRef
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Effects of Non-nutritive Sucking on the Physiological and Behavioral States of Pre-term Infants during Tube Feeding
Kyoung Hwa Joung, Il Young Yoo, Hee Soon Kim, Soo Kim, Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(5):732-741.   Published online August 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to investigate the effects of non-nutritive sucking on physiological and behavioral state of pre-term infants during tube feeding.


This nonequivalent, non-synchronized experimental study included 50 pre-term infants. An attempt was made to match gestational age and birth weight of infants in each group. Infants in the experimental group were given a pacifier 2 minutes before, during, and for 2 minutes after tube feeding. Infants in the control group did not get a pacifier. Both groups were tested at three stages for changes in the physiologic state and behavioral state-2 minutes before, during, and 2 minutes after feeding. Date was analyzed with SPSS WIN 10.0 using an χ2-test, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA.


Heart rates and oxygen saturation levels of the two groups were significantly different(P=.001, P=.000). The behavioral states of the two groups were significantly different during and post feeding(P=.000, P=.000).


This result suggests non-nutritive sucking by using a pacifier is an effective intervention for pre-term infants during tube feeding.


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  • Oral stimulation for promoting oral feeding in preterm infants
    Zelda Greene, Colm PF O'Donnell, Margaret Walshe
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Mental Status in High-Risk Neonates using Infants Coma Scale
    Young-Mee Ahn, Min Sohn, Sang-Mi Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(4): 561.     CrossRef
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