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Analysis of Factors related to the Utilization of a Community Health Posts Information System
Chung Yul Lee, Suk Myung Bang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(1):7-12.   Published online March 30, 2017
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A computerized Community Health Posts information system was developed in 1991 by Yonsei University, College of nursing and disseminated to more than four hundred Community Health Posts. The content of was published in the journal, The Korean nurses in 1995, volume 34, number 4. Successful adoption to the computer program is related to many factors, such as personal factors and environmental factors. For the computer program to succeed it must be significantly related to the users and therefore it is necessary to analyze these related factors. This study describes the status of the utilization of computer programs in Community Health posts and analyzed the factors related to utilization of the computer program. Of the 801 community health practitioners, 656 responded and data were analyzed using SPSS computer programs. Respondents were from six provinces and about 85% had been working as CHPs for more than five years and 84.1% had graduated from a community college. Of these 656, 42.1% had a computer and about 60% had funding aid from the community or government. The percentage using the community health post's computer program was 22.3%. Community health practitioners were most often using the following content of the computer program ; treatment activities (65.5%), medication management (53.5%), counselling and education (46.4%), bookkeeping (39.5%), chronic disease management (28%), and insurance billing (15.9%). The factors which were significantly related to the computer utility were degree of support from province, years of working, and age. The Community health practitioners who had more support from the province, who had fewer working years, and were younger used the computer program more frequently.

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Evaluation of Visiting Nursing Care Using Geographical Information System(GIS) Technology
Suk Jeong Lee, Jeong Mo Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(6):1042-1054.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Previous evaluation studies of the visiting nursing program explained an average change of the participants' health status, without considering socio-ecological characteristics and their impacts. However, these factors must affect individual health problems and lifestyles. For effective and appropriate community based programs, the Geographical Information System(GIS) can be utilized. GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that happen on earth, and integrates statistical analysis with unique visualization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate visiting nursing care and to advocate the usefulness of planning and evaluating visiting nursing programs using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA) with GIS technology.


One hundred eighty-four elderly participants with cerebrovascular risk factors who lived in 13 areas of one community received visiting nursing care. The data analyzed characteristics of pre-post change and autocorrelation by ESDA using GIS technology.


Visiting nursing care showed an improvement in the participants' lifestyle habits, and family management ability and stress level, while the improvements were different depending on the regions. The change of family management ability and stress level correlated with neighborhoods (Morgan's I= 0.1841, 0.1675).


Community health providers need to consider the individual participant's health status as well as socio-ecological factors. Analysis using GIS technology will contribute to the effective monitoring, evaluation and design of a visiting nursing program.

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Developing a Home Care Nursing Information System by utilizing Wire-Wireless Network and Mobile Computing System
Jung Ho Park, Sung Ae Park, Soon Nyoung Yoon, Sung Rye Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):290-296.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a home care nursing network system for operating home care effectively and efficiently by utilizing a wire-wireless network and mobile computing in order to record and send patients' data in real time, and by combining the headquarter office and the local offices with home care nurses over the Internet. It complements the preceding research from1999 by adding home care nursing standard guidelines and upgrading the PDA program.


Method/1 and Prototyping were adopted to develop the main network system.


The detailed research process is as follows : 1)home care nursing standard guidelines for Diabetes, cancer and peritoneal-dialysis were added in 12 domains of nursing problem fields with nursing assessment/intervention algorithms. 2) complementing the PDA program was done by omitting and integrating the home care nursing algorhythm path which is unnecessary and duplicated. Also, upgrading the PDA system was done by utilizing the machinery and tools where the PDA and the data transmission modem are integrated, CDMX-1X base construction, in order to reduce a transmission error or transmission failure.

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Development and Application of a Web-based Expert System using Artificial Intelligence for Management of Mental Health by Korean Emigrants
Jeongyee Bae
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(2):203-214.   Published online April 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this project was to develop an international web-based expert system using principals of artificial intelligence and user-centered design for management of mental health by Korean emigrants. Using this system, anyone can access the system via computer access to the web.


Our design process utilized principles of user-centered design with 4 phases: needs assessment, analysis, design/development/testing, and application release. A survey was done with 3,235 Korean emigrants. Focus group interviews were also conducted. Survey and analysis results guided the design of the web-based expert system.


With this system, anyone can check their mental health status by themselves using a personal computer. The system analyzes facts based on answers to automated questions, and suggests solutions accordingly. A history tracking mechanism enables monitoring and future analysis. In addition, this system will include intervention programs to promote mental health status.


This system is interactive and accessible to anyone in the world. It is expected that this management system will contribute to Korean emigrants' mental health promotion and allow researchers and professionals to share information on mental health.

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Development of a User Centered Web Site for Mental Health Management in Adolescents
Jeong Yee Bae
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(1):14-25.   Published online February 28, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF

A user centered web-based mental health management system may be particularly useful in Korea where there is widespread diffusion of personal computers and internet connectivity. The purpose of this paper was to describe the development of a web-based system for mental health management in adolescents using principals of a user centered design.


Our design process includes five distinct phases: needs assessment, analysis, design, development/testing/revision, and application release.


Web content includes an introduction, information about mental health management in adolescents, self-assessment and guidance, interventions for improving mental health, directory of self-help groups, and counseling and additional community resources. The web site was released using the URL:


The end result was a web based mental health management system for adolescents with a high degree of usability. The author believes that web-based mental health interventions in the future have true potential in helping Koreans who are suffering, or at risk, for mental health problems, particularly because of the stigma related to psychiatric therapy in Korea.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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