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Coping Strategies Utilized in the Caregiving Situation and Predictors of Health Responses among Informal Caregivers of Older Adults
Hae Jung Lee, Rha Yun Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):893-904.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The sample of this study consisted of 140 informal caregivers who provided care to the older adults(over 60 years of age) in Great Cleveland, USA. Self-rated questionnaires were utilized to collect information. The purpose of the study was to identify coping strategies most frequently utilized by informal caregivers of older adults and to examine predictors of the caregivers' health responses to the caregiving situation applying Lazarus and Folkman stress model(1984). Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify significant predictors among caregivers' demographic-socio-economic factors, older adult's dependency of activities of daily living(ADLs), caregiver's appraisal to the caregiving situation, and coping strategies. Informal caregivers (N=140) included in the study utilized help-seeking and problem-solving coping strategies more than self-blame and minimization of threat coping strategies. Caregivers' responses to the caregiving situation were observed by caregivers' perceived physical health, depression and life satisfaction. For perceived physical health, threat appraisal, older adult's dependency on ADLs, existential growth coping strategy, and monthly income accounted for 25% of the variance. Caregivers who appraised the caregiving situation as more threatening, reported higher dependency on ADLs, used more existential growth coping strategy, and had higher monthly income reported better physical health. For depression, threat appraisal, stress appraisal, existential growth coping strategy, self-blame coping strategy, and monthly income accounted for 48% of the variance. Caregivers who used more existential growth coping and less self-blame coping, appraised the situation as less threatening, less stressful, and had higher monthly income reported less depression. For life satisfaction, self-blame coping, existential growth coping, monthly income, stress appraisal accounted for 49% of the variance. Caregivers who used more existential growth coping, less self-blame coping, less stress appraisal, lower monthly income reported better life satisfaction. In conclusion, informal caregivers in this study utilized positive coping strategies such as problem-focused, existential growth, help-seeking, rather than negative coping strategies including self-blame. When they utilized positive coping strategies more often, caregivers experienced higher perceived physical health, higher life satisfaction and lower depression. Therefore, nursing intervention which utilized positive coping strategies is needed to enhance informal caregivers to have positive health responses to the caregiving demands.

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Empathy In Informal Caregiving: Extension of A Concept from Professional Practice
Hae Jung Lee, Patricia F Brennan
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1123-1133.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The concept of empathy was examined in the professional caregiving relationship and its application was extended to the context of informal caregiving. Using the Lazarus and Folkman model. the influence of empathy on the caregiver's experience in the caregiving relationship was illustrated. The effects of the caregiver's empathy on his/her own caregiving outcomes were investigated by examining the relationship between empathy and burnout experience and life satisfaction. Empathy increased emotional exhaustion while increased personal accomplishment and personalization. indicating conflicting relationship between empathy and burnout. This conflict relationship between empathy and burnout can be explained by suggesting the distinct roles of two dimensions of empathy: emotional and caregiving context and to examine the definite roles of two dimensions of empathy were suggested.

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Predictors of Burnout among Informal Caregivers of Older Adults: Using Discriminant Analysis
Haejung Lee, Rhayun Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):585-595.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purse fo this study was to examine the predictors of burnout among informal caregivers of older adults. One hundred thirty seven caregivers of who had provided care to older adults over 60 years of age for more than one month were included in the study. Most of the caregivers where white (91%) and female (78%). mean ages of the caregivers were 64 years and 78% of them were married. Seventy percent of the older adults suffered from Alzheimer and related disease. In this study, caregivers and related disease. In this study, caregivers reported that they experience burnout once a month. The scores of emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment of the caregivers were in the moderate burnout rang. To examine the predictors of burnout, discriminant analysis was used. Caregivers were divided by two groups based on the sum of score (cutpoint=6) on three dimensions of burnout after each dimension was categorized into high(3), moderate(2), and low(1). Nine predictors were include in the analysis: Caregiver's age, employment status, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) of the older adult, presence of dementia of the older adult, caregiver's empathy toward the older adult(emotional and cognitive), and 3 coping strategies (negative, problem-focused, cognitive reconstructioning). Catefgivers who reported high burnout showed higher cognitive empathy toward the adults than those who showed low burnout. Caregivers who experienced high burnout used negative coping more often, and cognitive reconstructioning coping and problem focused coping less often than their counterparts. Wilks' Lambda was .78 indicating that their differences between the two groups were signigicant. Cognitive empathy and cognitive reconstructioning coping showed high standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients over .40. Discriminant function with 9 predictors correctly classified 71% of the sample. In conclusion, informal caregivers also experienced certain level of burnout. Cognitive empathy and coping strategies predicted burnout experience of the caregivers. Based on this study, nursing intervention to the informal caregovers to improve their cognitive empathy toward the older adults and to modify their coping strategies in way to reduce burnout experience can be applied. Further research to develop effective nursing interventions for the purpose of reducing burnout experience by modifying predictors was suggested.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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