PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the maternal role
education program for primiparas in mother-infant interaction, childrearing environ-
ment, and infant development. METHOD: A Non-equivalent control group time-series
design was used. For the intervention group, programmed parenting education focusing
on mother-infant interaction, home environment for infant development, and parent
counseling and support was provided via home visits or telephone for twelve months.
Significant differences were found in the mother-infant interaction feeding scale
at one and three months, but no differences were found in the teaching scale at six and
twelve months between the intervention and control groups. Also, the difference in
childrearing environment (HOME) between the two groups was significant at three, six,
twelve months. In addition, the intervention group showed higher GQ in the Griffiths
mental development scale at three and six months. In multiple regression analysis, 22.6%
to 43.6% of infant development was explained by HOME, mother-infant interaction, and
previous development. CONCLUSION: The maternal role education program proved to be
effective in promoting mother-infant interaction, organizing the childrearing environment,
and fostering infant development.