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2 "In Ja Lee"
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Basic Knowledge Level of Nurses on the Administration of Medication
Yoo Ja Ro, Myung Ja Kim, In Ja Lee, Yoon Bok Hahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(1):12-22.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Amongst varieties of clinical nursing role, the administration of medication is often highlighted as of prime importance. In order to attain data for the improvement of teaching strategies of medication, diagnostic evaluation of the knowledge level is a necessity. This study was performed from August through December 1975. 449 registered nurses, randomly sampled from general hospitals;16 of Seoul and 7 of Taegu and Pusan, were tested through 54 test questionaires based on 4 practical dimensions of administration of medication. Results are as follows; 1. Status of respondents; Length of clinical experiences;the average length revealed to be 2 years and 7 months. 72% revealed to have had less than 3 years of experience;38.6%-less than 1 year, 19 .2%-over 1 year and less than 2 years, and 14. 2%-over 2 years and less than 3 years. Type of Nursing education received;9.4% revealed to have graduated technical high school of nursing, 67.5% the 3 year diploma school and 21.7% the baccalaureate degree program. The knowledge Level; Degree of self-satisfaction on knowledge level revealed that;27. 4% responded to "more or less satisfied", 48.8% to "more or less un-satisfied" and 19.8% to "not satisfied". The average level of basic knowledge revealed to be moderate by 66.95 points. The level of knowledge of 4 questionaire categories revealed that;drug action category by average of 66. 5 points, methodology category by 65. 4 points, safety measure category by 71.4 points and terminology and concepts category by 64.6 points. Questionaire items which revealed high points are of;6 of drug action category, 4 of methodology, 4 of safety measure, and 3 of terminology. The items of low points are;8of drug action, 3 of methodology, 3 of safety measure and 5 of terminolology categories. 3. The type of nursing education revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge on the administration of medication. 4. The length of clinical experience revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge. 5. 75.1% responded that the actual practice of medication modes are similar to that included in the fundamentals of nursing course. 6. In-service education on medication; 54.0% revealed to have some incidental in-service education on medication while 34.0% receive programmed in-service education. 61.8% revealed to have expressed the need of systemic in-service education as one of the means for improvement of medication. 32.7% revealed to obtain information concerning medicine by reading commercial publications on drug package, while only 20.9% by reading specific information channel.

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Value orientation and the relationship between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation on selected routine nursing activities
Yoon Bok Hahn, Soon Ja Kim, In Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(2):144-158.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study waa undertaken in an attempt to; 1) measure value orientation of nursing activities, 2)identify the relationship between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation, and 2) evaluate the pattern of nursing education and nursing service administration. 203 hospitalized adults and 203 professional nurses from 11 general hospitals in Seonl during the period of July to December 1973 were tested according to questionnaire based on 4 categories of clinical nursing activities, 1) physical care, 2) observation and control, 3) psychosocial care and 4) therapeutic measures. Results of the study are as follows: 1. Nurses were more concerned than patients in the physical care category. Significant difference was revealed by p<. 01 level (t=2.800). Mean value score of nurses was average (2.84), and mean value score of patients was relative'y low (2.49). None of the physical care category questionnaire items were over 3.5. 2. Respondents from hospitals of total care system revealed significant difference in the physical care category by p<. 025 level. (t=2.242). Mean value score of both group were average level (nurse 2.90, patient 2.53)> nurses showed higher concern. :3. Difference between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation in observation and control category was revealed non- significance by p> 0.05. level (t = 1.238). Mean value score of both group revea ed relatively high Cnurse=3. 44, patient 3.19). 4. Difference between nurse's role perception and patient' sexpectation in psycho- social care category revealed non- significance by p> .05 level (t-0.758), Mean value score of both group revealed average level (nurse=2.71, patient=2.53). 5. Non- significant difference was noted between B. S. N. and diploma nurse's role perception in the psycho- social care category by p> 0.1 level (t = 0.316). 6. Difference between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation in the the rapeutic me asures category revealed non- significace by p> 0.05 level) t=0.503). Nurses showed high concern by mean value score 3.56 level and patients relatively high by 3. 41. All items of this category revealed very high or relatively high value score.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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