The use of intravenous solutions for fluid replacement has become an integral part of patient care. This widespread use of intravenous solutions has increased the risk of contamination that can lead to septicemia and phlebitis. The literature regarding contamination of in-use intravenous solutions recommends a standard 24-hour time limit on the use of these fluids. But the desings of these studies did not incorporate a time variable related to contamination. In other studies, however, time was a manipulated variable; but data regarding the onset of contamination were conflicting. Because published reports conflict with regard to a time standard related to the use of intravenous therapy, additional empirical data are needed upon which to base the standards of care regulating use of intravenous therapy. This study investigated rate of contamination in simulated in-use intravenous solutions to obtain data from which to recomend a standard time period for the administration of intravenous solutions. In this study samples were drawn from 60 bottles of 5% D/W solution at predetermined time intervals over 48 hours and samples were inoculated to Thio-glychollate Broth. After 10 days' culturing in that Broth, samples were cultured on blood agar plates for 18~48 hours to determine the rate of contamination. was found at all time period, regardless of the presence or absence of nurse's gloving in the preparation of fluids, the location in which the experimentations were performed, the contamination level of surrounding air, or the length of time during which solutions were opened. Data from this study support the use of a 48-hour time period on which to base the standard involved in ready-to-use simple intravenous solutions without additives. In emergency departments and critical care areas where intravenous solutions are prepared in advance, the suggested time standard supported by the data generated from this study is 48 hours, not 24 hous. Data from this study support a 24-hour time standard for changing in-use intravenous solutions when the contamination results from the manipulation of intravenous infusion system by hospital personnel, or from some other exogenous sources during administration. Because contamination that does occur within 48 hours in intravenous solutions must be introduced from some exogenous sources, further empirical studies based on the identification of sources of contamination and factors that affect the rate of contamination, are needed to investigate the currently employed standard of intravenous therapy and to provide the patient with more efficient and safer intravenous thereapy.