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Perceived Weight and Health Behavior Characteristics Normal and Over-weight Middle-aged Women
Hyun Sook Jo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):387-398.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The objective of this study was to clarify whether there are any differences between normal and over-weight middle-aged(40~59yrs)women in their perceived weight, health status, health conception and health behavior choices. The sample consisted of 39 normal weight and 55 over-weight (11% above on the Body Index Scale) women who live in Juan, Inchon. The Participants were randomly selected in each weight group considering socio-demographic factors. The findings from this study are summarized below. 1) Among the 55 overweight middle-aged women, 16 were above 20% on the Body Index Scale and 14 were above 30%. Twenty-fivc(45.5%) of the overweight group and 12(30.8%) of the normal weight group had one disease, and there were 12(21.8%) in the overweight group and 8(20.5%) in the normal weight group where one of the family members had a disease, but these differences were not statistically significant. The average monthly family income for the overweight group was won 1,880,000 compared to won 2,140,000 for the normal weight group, but this difference was also not significant. The age range for the whole group was between 40 and 59(mean=46.8 for total, 48.6 for overweight and 45.7 for normal weight group). Again no significant difference found. Occupations were housemaker 53(56.4%), private business(13.8%), salarywoman(9.6%), and teacher(2.1%). Thirty housemaker(54.5%) from the overweight group and 23(59%) from the normal group did not constitute a statistically siganificant different. For the educational status, 34(61.8%) of the overweight women and 33(84.6%)of the normal weight group finifished high school or more educational courses, but there was no significant statistical difference. Elven(20.0%) of the overweight women and 5(12. 8%) of the normal weight group were single, but again no significant statistical difference was found. 2) A test for difference in health characterisics between two weight groups indicated that two groups do not show statistical differences in their perceived health status, health conception or health behavior choice. That is, the overweight group, also perceive their health status as good as the normal group, and regard 'Health' as a state that enables them to carry out social roles and functions rather than as the traditional concept of health as no disease or no symtoms. Moreover, the overweight group selected their health behaviors not for the prevention of diseases or maintenance of health but for promotion of health. To determine if no statistical difference might be related to the overweight group's failure of perceive themselves as overweight, the perceived and objective overweight status were compared by the chi-square analysis, and no difference was found(X2=49.37, df=l, p=.000). However, 7(17.9%) of the normal group perceived themselves as being overweighted and 7(12.7%) of the overweight group thought they were of normal weight. Even though the overweight group employed in this study perceived themselves as being overweight, they regarded themselves as healthy as those in the normal weight group. It was shown that there was no statistical difference between two groups in health conception, and that they chose health behaviors to promote health status. 3) Perceived health conception was shown to be significantly related to health behavior choice (r= .28, p=.006 for whole group: r=.33, p=.014 for overweight group: and r=.12, p=.463 for normal group). There was an indication that the more complicated the perceived health conception was, the more the trend of health behavior choice to promote health. This was especially true for the overweight group. But, the perceived health status did not related to health behavior choice statistically(r=.13, p=.202), and it was thought that reasons for selecting health behaviors were not related to their health status. That is, the overweight group perceive themselves as healthy as the normal weight group or thought that overweight itself does not incur any risk on their health. Data from two groups were combined and analyzed with multiple regression methodology, because the relationship pattern of the two groups was similar. The analysis showed that health behavior has a significant relationship with age and the perceived health conception(r2=. 1517, p=.05, F=8.133). It means they come to health behavior along with their health conception and their age rather than their weights, perceived weight, health status or other social characteristics. This study was intended to understand how overweight middle-aged women perceive 'weight' and 'health', and how they meet their health related needs in comparison with normal weight middle-aged women. Other factors related to the health behavior in overweight middle-aged woman need to be determined through further descriptive studies outlined in the following recommendations, a) Reseach with the study area expanded. b) Reseach with grouping more detailed: much more overweight and underweight group c) Reseach on restricted relationship between overweight and age or profession. d) Reseach on what overweight middle-aged women do to reduce their weight and what factors motivate them to do it.

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A Comparative Study on Climacteric Symptoms of Natural Menopausal Women and Artificial Menopausal Women
Hyun Sook Jo, Kun Ja Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):692-702.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: To extend the understanding on climacteric symptoms, and to improve women's health and the quality of life by providing the basic data relating to the climacteric symptoms of natural menopausal women and artificial menopausal women.
The subjects of this study were 149 women selected conviniently (89 natural menopausal women and 60 total hystrectomy women) who have visited the climacteric clinic of G. hospital in Inchon, the MENSI questionnaire which was developed by Sarrel (1995)was modified considering Korean culture for the measuring tool of this study with 20 items of question(Cronbach'salpa =.76), duration of data collection with the questionnaire was 5 months from Sept. 1, 2000 to Jan. 30, 2001.
Artificial meanopausal women showed statistically significant higher menopausal symptoms than the natural menopausal women in the most of the items, and psychiatric and urogenital symtoms of artificial menopausal women were significantly higher than those of the natural menopausal women.
Nursing intervention for psychological support upon artificial menopausal women and their spouses is recommended more than natural menpause women.

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The Effects of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Health Behavior Compliance, Cardiovascular Function, and Quality of Life for the Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
Hyun Sook Jo, Kwang Joo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):560-570.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study is aimed at developing a cardiac rehabilitation program and enlightening the effects of the program on patient's health behavior compliance, cardiovascular functional capacity, and quality of life. Using a quasi-experimental approach the nonequivalent control group pretest - posttest design was accepted for this study. The subjects of this study consisted of 55 patients with ischemic heart disease at the Cardiac Center of 'G' Hospital located in Inchon from May 1, 1998 to April 30, 1999. The patients were divided into two groups: the experimental group, which participated in the cardiac program with 30 patients and 25 patients of a control group were not involved in the program. There were two phases in the cardiac rehabilitation program: the first phase was a team approach education. It focused on reducing the risk of ischemic heart problems. The second phase was individual training by using a home based exercise program, which was comprised of 8 weeks, three sessions per week, 40-60 minutes per session, and followed by consultation. Every session involved 20-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at 40-60% of heart rate reserve, 11~13 RPE and 10 minutes of warm-up and 10 minutes of cool-down exercises. The experimental tools for the study were the health behavior compliance scale developed by Lee, Yoon-hee (1992), and quality of life scale developed by McGirr et al.(1990). RPPsubmax were measured by the treadmill. The collected data was processed by SPSS and analyzed by X2test and t-test. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The health behavior compliance in experimental group was significantly increased (t=5.091, p=.000) when compared to the control group. 2. RPPsubmax also decreased significantly in the experimental group when compared to the control group(t=-2.109, p=.040). 3. The quality of life significantly improved in the experimental group (t=3.853, p=.000) as compared to the control group. As the above results of this study revealed, the effectiveness of the cardiac rehabilitation program of the study was confirmed. It increased the health behavior compliance for reducing the risk of further coronary events, enhanced the cardiovascular functional capacity, and eventually improved the patient's quality of life.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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