This study was conducted to test validity of related factors and characteristics of 98 Nursing Diagnosis identified in a previous study by the Korean Nurses Association. Data for this study was collected from 892 nurses in eight teaching hospitals located in Seoul using a cross sectional survey method. Each participating hospital was asked to produce at least 10 cases for every nursing diagnosis. There were 7,422 responses out of a possible 7,840. Out of the 7,422 responses 26 were discarded due to incompleteness. Data were analyzed using SAS. The result of the study shows that most of the related factors and characteristics for each of the 98 nursing diagnosis were ranked at more than 3.5 point out of 5 point Likert scale in terms of significance. Through this study the related factors and characteristics of the 98 nursing diagnosis identificance. Through this study the related factors and characteristics of the 98 nursing diagnosis identified through literature review were validated by experts in nursing diagnosis. These validated related factors and characteristics will be utilized for computerization of the nursing diagnosis process.
The purpose of this study was to develop the computerized nursing diagnoses system for clinical application and activation of nursing diagnosis based on validity verification. In addition, our research team also performed system tests in clinical situations, to identify ways to improve the program and make it more practical. Nursing Diagnoses System will increase nurses' knowledge and experience of the application of nursing diagnoses in clinical situations and development of nursing interventions by nurses as well as the effectiveness of hospital computerized systems. We expect this system can contribute to an improvement in the quality of nursing care. Also we will continuously evaluate and revise the system related to the utilization of the program.