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A Study on the Death Consciousness Among Health Care Personnels
Hye Jin Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):21-40.   Published online April 3, 2017
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In order to take care of the dying persons and their survivors in a more positive and affirmative attitube, and to understand the valuable meaning of and dying, a survey was performed to 550 cases of health care personnels including 116 nursing students, 238 medical students, 137 nurses, and 59 doctors. Samplings were made through census Procedure from the entire group of medical and nursing students in College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, and of licenced nurses and doctors in Chung-Ang University Hospital, and in Han- Gang Sacred Heart Hospital from the first to the end of march, 1980. These collected data were computerized at KIST by SPSS programming and were statistically analyzed by chi-square test. Through content analysis of the word associated with death and descriptive analysis of the death-related variables, the following conclusion in is reached. First, Total numbers of death-word percieved by health care personnels were 198 kinds. Among them, 40 kinds of words associated with death were responded from than 1% of the total. As to the 10 death related word responded by free word association method, it was revealed that individual average number of death related word was 7.70 word, whi ch came from higher number of words in the senior students (8.96 word) or the graduates (8.10 word) compared with the freshman (6.84 word). Second, In Content specific analysis of the death related word, more frequently perceived types summarized as the following order; the affective context of death, the diseases, the disasters, the religion, the funeral ceremonies, the separation, the drakness, and the life. Third, The most prevalent 10 words associated with death which the the respondents gave response to the the first recalling werd, were as following o order; the dieases, the sadness, the vanity, the darkness, the frustration, the suicide, the incurable dieases, the graves, the dead, and the catastrophes. By sex, the dicase is outstanding in females, but the vanity is in males. By occupation, the vanity and the dead was frequently observed in student group including senior students, while the incurable dieases presented by doctors. Fourth, In health care personnels, the first perceived ages of death were 11.47+/-3.33 years (8.14-15.80 years). Among them, senior students were inclined to percept death at the earliest age of life (11.28 years), while doctors and nurses perceived death later in their life (12.98 years). Fifth, It is revealed in this survey that the most frequently responded death perceiving motives by health care personnels are 'psychological conflict" and "death of those around them". Death perceiving motives can be classified in two factors; personality and life circumstances. Sixth, It is of interest that only 11.3% health care personnels was found to feel death as inevitable or acceptable event. whereas 58.3% deny or reject it.

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Perceptions of Spiritual Nursing Care Nurses and Nursing Students
Hye Jin Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(3):223-239.   Published online March 31, 2017

This study was designed to clarify how nurses and nursing students perceive their clients' needs for spiritual nursing care, it's practices, and problems. The purpose was to suggest directions for the development of spiritual nursing practice. The major findings are as follows: Respondents primarily perceived spiritual nursing as nursing care designd to help terminally ill patients accept death. Many of the respondents showed a high level of awareness of spiritual nursing care and its necessity. Few of them, however, bad actual experience in spi ritual care. Those with experience in spiritual nursing care tend of take either a religious approach or perceived it as the therapeutic use of the self. The greatest problem related to the practice of spiritual care was found to be lack of time. Most of nurses and nursing students were found to be well aware of the needs for spiritual nursing care but were hindered from practising it because of the lack of time. To resolve the problem it was recommended that the scope of nursing practice be readjusted and that pre and in-service programs should be developed to further heighten nursing students' interest in spiritual nursing care.

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A Study on Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life in Schizophrenic Patients
Eun Sun Rho, Hye Jin Kwon, Eun Jung Ryu
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):912-920.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation that exists between quality of life and self-efficacy of schizophrenic patients, focusing on the influence of related factors on these varables. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 151 schizophrenic patients. The data were collected using questionnaires. The instruments used for this study were the general self-efficacy scale developed by Sherer & Maddex (1982), the specific self-efficacy scale modified and complemented by these co-researchers on the basis of the past studies and modified SIP by Voruganti (1996). The period of data collection was from July. 2000 to Jan. 2001. Data analysis was done by SPSS, t-test, ANOVA and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. RESULT: 1. The level of self-efficacy showed a mean score of 60.0 and the level of quality of life, a mean score of 47.0. 2. The general characteristics affecting the self-efficacy of schizophrenic patients were staying with family (p=0.05) and employment (p=0.00). 3. The general characteristics affecting the quality of life of schizophrenic patients were staying with family (p=0.04), employment (p=0.05) and duration of illness (0.03). 4. A positive correlation was identified between self-efficacy and quality of life (r=-0.469, p=0.000). CONCLUSION: The study suggests that nursing intervention strategy should be worked out to develop a psychiatric rehabilitation program that can promote self-efficacy and thus enhance the quality of life of schizophrenic patients.


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    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2022; 52(3): 261.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2011; 20(2): 157.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs on the Levels of Self-Efficacy for Mentally Disabled Persons
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2008; 38(5): 704.     CrossRef
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A Grounded Theory Approach to the Comfort Experience of Hospitalized Patients
Kyung Hee Kim, Keum Soon Kim, Kyu Sook Kang, Hyun Sook Kang, Won Ock Kim, Hoon Jung Paik, Jong Soon Won, Nan Young Lim, Ihn Sook Jeong, Hye Jin Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):750-763.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study is based on grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1998). Ten hospitalized subjects were interviewed for data collection. In the process of data analysis, 'acceptance' is found to be the causal condition, while 'health professionals' skillfulness', 'ward environment', 'history of hospitalization', and 'general conditions' were identified as context, 'felling of relief' as the core phenomenon, 'self-efficacy', 'support of others', and 'life style' as the intermediate situation, 'passive reaction', 'alternative reaction' and 'active reaction' as the strategy and 'stabilization', 'satisfaction', 'hope' and 'carrying out' as consequences. 'Feeling of relief' is found to go through the three stages of recognition-generation-maintenance after the five different patterns. 1) In case the health professionals are skillful, the ward environment is favorable, the general conditions of the patients improved and as a result the feeling of relief is strong, during the first hospitalization, the self-efficacy of the subjects tends to be strong. They proceed toward the goal set for themselves with a renewed hope and active or alternative reaction toward the feeling of relief. 2) The subjects tend to proceed toward the goal set for themselves with a renewed hope and active and alternative reaction toward the feeling of relief in case health professionals are skillful, the ward environment is favorable the general conditions of the subjects improved, self-efficacy is strong, and lifestyle is autonomous, during the second hospitalization even though support of others is merely superficial. 3) The subjects tend to stabilize, and satisfy themselves with the given situation with passive and alternative reaction to the feeling of relief in case health professionals are skillful and the ward environment is favorable but the general conditions worsened and accordingly the feeling of relief, is weak and life style is dependent during the second hospitalization although the subjects' self-efficacy is strong and support of others is specific. 4) The subjects tend to stabilize and satisfy themselves with the given situation with passive and alternative reaction to the feeling of relief in case health professionals are unskillful the ward environment is unfavorable, the general conditions improved, support of others is specific but life style is dependent and self-efficacy is weak during the first hospitalization. 5) The subjects tend to stabilize and satisfy themselves with the given situation in case health professionals are unskillful the ward environment is unfavorable but the general conditions improved support of others is specific and as a result self-efficacy is strong but life style is dependent.


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    Nesrin Nural, Semiha Alkan
    Holistic Nursing Practice.2018; 32(1): 35.     CrossRef
  • Comfort and Quality of Life of Cancer Patients
    Keum-Soon Kim, So-Hi Kwon
    Asian Nursing Research.2007; 1(2): 125.     CrossRef
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A Study on the Variables Forecasting Male Adolescents' Sexual Intercourse
Kyung Hee Kim, Hye Jin Kwon, Hae Kyung Chung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):954-963.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was designed to identify the variables affecting male adolescents' sexual intercourse through a comprehensive analysis of individual and environmental factors.


The subjects of this descriptive survey on causal relations were 462 subjects enrolled in liberal and vocational high schools selected on a convenience sampling basis. The data collected from May-July 2002 was put to logistic regression analysis to build a forecast model. Findings: 1) Individual factors such as school record, experience seeking, non-inhibition and sexual permissiveness, 2) family factors such as parental living arrangement, 3) school factorssuch as career tract and 4) peer factors such as having a boy/girl friend were identified as significant variables forecasting sexual intercourse.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The theoretical model built on the basis of the major findings of this study will hopefully help promote a wholesome youth culture related to sexual intercourse.It is recommended that a program be developed that can help control the variables identified in this study along with a follow-up study to verify the model.


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    Family and Environment Research.2021; 59(4): 489.     CrossRef
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    Gyu Young Lee, Da Ye Lee
    Asian Nursing Research.2020; 14(4): 212.     CrossRef
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    Hae-Wol Cho
    Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2019; 10(5): 263.     CrossRef
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    Soo Jeong Kim, Kyoung Won Cho
    Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2019; 10(5): 274.     CrossRef
  • Influencing factors on female university students' sexual experience and sexual assertiveness
    Nan-Hee Yee, Joon-Sig Jung, Hyea-Suk Song
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(3): 414.     CrossRef
  • Sexual Behaviors and Sexual Experience of Adolescents in Korea
    Gyuyoung Lee
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(12): 71.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Sexual Intercourse on Suicidal Behaviors among Adolescents in South Korea
    Hyun Sik Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2015; 45(2): 183.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with Sexual Debut among Korean Middle School Students.
    Jung Ok Yu, Hyun Hee Kim, Jung Soon Kim
    Child Health Nursing Research.2014; 20(3): 159.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of Sexual Intercourse Among Korean Adolescents
    Eunjung Ryu, Kyunghee Kim, Hyejin Kwon
    Journal of School Health.2007; 77(9): 615.     CrossRef
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Subjectivity of Nursing College Students' Awareness of Gender Equality: An Application of Q-methodology
Eun Ja Yeun, Hye Jin Kwon, Hyun Jeong Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(3):342-350.   Published online June 29, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to identify the awareness of gender equality among nursing college students, and to provide basic data for educational solutions and desirable directions.


A Q-methodology which provides a method of analyzing the subjectivity of each item was used. 34 selected Q-statements from each of 20 women nursing college students were classified into a shape of normal distribution using 9-point scale. Subjectivity on the equality among genders was analyzed by the pc-QUANL program.


Four types of awareness of gender equality in nursing college students were identified. The name for type I was 'pursuit of androgyny', for type II, 'difference-recognition', for type III, 'human-relationship emphasis', and for type IV, 'social-system emphasis'.


The results of this study indicate that different approaches to educational programs on gender equality are recommended for nursing college students based on the four types of gender equality awareness.


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    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2015; 24(4): 236.     CrossRef
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    Yueh‐Chin Chung, Ching‐Yi Lin, Chien‐Ning Huang, Jen‐Hung Yang
    The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences.2013; 29(11): 629.     CrossRef
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