This qualitative study aimed to develop a substantive theory of the process of adaptation to motherhood in Central Asian-Korean immigrants to Korea.
Individual, in-depth interviews were conducted from July to September 2017, with 18 women who emigrated of Korean ethnicity from Central Asia to Korea, and took care of their baby for at least a year after their first delivery in Korea. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data from the transcriptions were analyzed through Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory method, and data analysis was conducted simultaneously with data collection.
As a result of categorizing the interview data through the process of open coding, 10 categories, with 31 subcategories and 102 concepts were drawn, and “growth as a Central Asian-Korean mother in an unfamiliar, historical hometown” was found to be the core category of the process of adaptation to motherhood in Central Asian-Korean immigrants to Korea.
A characteristic of the process of adaptation to motherhood in Central Asian-Korean immigrants to Korea, drawn from this study, is that it differs according to the level of initiative to carry out interaction strategies, and the use of various supportive social resources. The findings indicate the need for Medicare eligibility adjustment for antenatal care, the extension of the visa renewal period during childbirth, the development of web- or mobile application-based educational programs in Russian language, and the establishment of integrated visiting healthcare services, community service resources, and policy support to enable these women to utilize various supportive social resources.
This methodological study was conducted to develop and test a cultural competence scale for nursing students.
Based on the five constructs of cultural competency identified in the conceptual analysis of Suh, 76 items for the tool were derived initially. These items were reduced to 58 items after content validity tests (two times) by 6 multicultural experts. Data collected from 526 nursing students were utilized to test the validity and reliability of the preliminary tool. Item analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, and Cronbach's alpha were used for the analysis.
Twenty-seven items were selected for the final scale, and categorized into 5 factors explaining 62.1% of the total variance. Cronbach's alpha was .91 and the reliability of the subscales ranged from .76 to .91. Criterion validity between the developed tool and empathy (r=.26,
The results show that this scale can provide scientific and empirical data when evaluating the effectiveness of school curriculums or multicultural empowerment programs regarding cultural competence of nursing students.