Clinical and epedemiologic studies of coronary heart disease(CHD)have from time to time over the last three decades found associations between prevalence of CHD and behavioral attributes and cigarette smoking. The main purpose of this study is reduced to major risk factor of coronary heart disease through prohibition of smoking and control of behavior pattern. The subjects consisted of 120 smokers and 90 non-smokers who were married men older than 30 years working in officers. The officers were surveyed by means of question naire September 26 through October 6, 1989. The Instruments used for this study was a self-administered measurement tool composed of 59 items was made through modifications of Jenkuns Activity Survery(JAS). The Data were analysed by SAS( Statistical Analsis System) program personal computer. The statistical technique used for this study were Frequency, χ2-test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The 15 items were chosen with items above 0.3 of the factor loading in the factor analysis. In the. first factor analysis 19 factors were extracted and accounted for 86% of the total variance. However when the number of faetros were limited to 3 in order to derive Jenkins classification, three factors were derived. There names are Job - Involvement, Speed & Impatience, HardDriving. Each of them includes 21 items, 21 and 9, respectively. The results of this study were as follow : 1. The score of the smoker group and non-skomer group in Job- involvement (t=5.7147, p<0.0001), Speed & Impatience(t =4.6756, p<.000l), Hard-Driving(t = 8.0822, p<.0001) and total type A behavior pattern showed statistically significant differences(t=-8.1224, p<.0001). 2. The score of type A behavior pattern by number of cigarettes smoked daily were not statistically significant differences. 3. The score of type A behavior pattern by duration of smoking were not significant differences. It was concluded that the relationship between smokers and non - smokers of type A behavior pattern was statistically significant difference but number of cigarettes smoked daily and duration of smoking were not significant differences. Therefore this study is needed to adequate nursing intervention of typo A behavior pattern in order to elevated to educational effect for prohibition of cigarette smoking.