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A Study on the Triage and Statitical Data of Patients in the Emergency Room, PNU
Young Hae Kim, Hwa Ja Lee, Seok Ju Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(1):68-80.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to analyze ER patient's Triage and other statistical data. The subjects were 12,618 patients who visited the ER during the year 1998. The study showed the following results; 1. The male vs female ratio was 1.3 : 1.0, the male were in the majority (56.6%), and the age range of 20-29 old was the majority (15.3). The patients who visited ER at 8-10 pm were the majority (11.5%). On Sunday the number of patients who visited the ER were 2,189, and the majority were 17.4%. On Saturday the number of patients was visited the ER were 1,944 patients the second majority (15.4%). Their traffic means : the general passenger cars (75.5%), 119 or hospital ambulance (11.3%). 2. The reasons of visiting ER were : diseases (59.2%), injuries (23.7%). The disease vs injury ratio was 100 : 69. 3. Triage : urgent 40.7%, non-urgent 38.2%, acute 17.8%, and critical 3.2%. 4. The time of waiting and staying in the ER by the Triaget: the average time was 572 minutes (9.53 hrs.). The majority of critical patients (20.5%), acute patients (24.7%) and urgent patients (21.2%) stayed 12-24 hrs., but the majority of non-emergent (27.8%) stayed not longer than one hour. 5. Treatments by the Triage : the 42.9% of critical patients, and 61.3% of acute patients, 57.5% of urgent patients were admitted. But 91.8% of the non-emergents were discharged and 4.7% was admitted. Mortality of total ER visiter were 1.7%. DAA portion was 0.86%. 26.6% of the critical patients were DAA. DAA vs DOA ratio was 1.3 : 1.0. 6. Visiting time, monthly and seasonal distribution by the Triage : the majority of critical patients (12.2%), visited 10-12 am. The majority of acute (12.9%) and urgent (11.7%) visited 4-6 pm, but the majority of non-emergents (15.1%) visited during 8-10 pm. Autumn visiter were the majority (27.6%). The percentage of non-emergent visited in Spring was 41.4% and Autumn was 41.3%. The percentage of urgents who visited in the Summer was 45.3% and the Winter was 40.4%. By clinical departments: the 48.0% of critical patients was NS. The 45.5% of acute and the 33.6% of urgent patients were IM. But the majority of non-emergent patients was PS (21.2%), and the second majority of non-emergent patients was oral Surgery (12.8%).

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The Effect of Problem Solving Group Counseling on the Index of Obesity and Health Habits of Obese Children
Mee Young Cho, Hae Jung Lee, Hwa Ja Lee, Hyoung Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(7):1224-1233.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to investigate the effects of problem solving group counseling on the index of obesity and health habits for obese children.


Forty seven obese children participated in the study(Exp.=22, Cont.=25). Children were recruited from the forth and fifth grade withhigher than 20% of the obesity degree. The problem solving counseling lasted for 10 weeks. In order to evaluate the effects of counseling, physical characteristics and health habits were measured three times; pretest, posttest, and at 10 weeks follow-up. The obtained data was analyzed by χ2-squared-test, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA, using the SPSS WIN 10.0program.


Problem solving group counseling was effective on the physical characteristics(BMI, obesity degree, body fat ratio, waist measurement) and health habits over time. Children in the experimental group controlled their body weight better and reported lower scores in the index of obesity than children in the control group at 10 weeks follow-up.


This counseling program helped obese children modify their health habits so that they could decrease their scores in the obesity index. It can be concluded that problem-solving counseling enhanced problem-solving abilities of obese children, which could help modify their ordinary health habits.

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A Study on a Model for Internet Addiction of Adolescents
Young Ran Cho, Hwa Ja Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(3):541-551.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to identify the effects of the predictive factors ofInternet addiction and to develop a predictive model that explains Internet addiction among adolescents in Korea.


Data was collected from 664 adolescents in Puasan and Ulsan. Data analysis was done using the SPSS 10.0 Win Program for descriptive and correlational statistics and the LISREL 8.53 Win Program for Covariance structural analysis.


The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, it was modified by deleting four paths. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised one had a better fit to the data(χ2/df=6.50, GFI=.99, AGFI=.90, RMR=.02, NNFI=.88, NFI=.98, CN=279). Gender, friend support, and loneliness had significant direct effects on Internet addiction. The direct and indirect effect of self-esteem on Internet addiction was significant.The indirect effect of family support on Internet addiction was significant but its direct effect was insignificant. The direct and indirect effects of stress and impulsiveness on Internet addiction were significant but their total effects were insignificant.


Finally, to decrease loneliness, and to increase family support and self-esteem, an effective intervention program and education should be developed to prevent Internet addiction of adolescents.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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