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Construct a Structural Model for Health Promoting Behavior of Chronic Illness
Sook Ja Lee, So In Kim, Pyoung Sook Lee, Soon Yong Khim, Eun Sook Park, Young Joo Park, Ho Shin Ryu, Sung Ok Chang, Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):62-76.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 1748 patients with chronic disease in General Hospital from December 1999 to July 2000 in Seoul. The disease of subject were cardiac disease included hypertension peptic ulcer, pulmonary disease included COPD and asthma, DM, and chronic kidney disease. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis.
1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, it was modified by excluding 4 path and including free parameters to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (x2=591.83, p<.0001, GFI=0.97, AGFI= 0.94, NNFI=0.95, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA=0.05). 2. The perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the plan for action were found to have significant direct effect on health promoting behavior of chronic disease. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, social support were found to have indirect effects on health promoting behavior of chronic disease.
The derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested implication in nursing practice.


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  • Factors affecting the health promoting behaviors of office male workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Using Pender’s health promotion model
    Jeong Hyo Seo, Hee Kyung Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2021; 27(4): 412.     CrossRef
  • The intervention effects of the Clean Diet program on the health promotion attitudes and the physiological indices of an elderly
    So-Hong Shin, Hyun-Sil Kim
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(6): 495.     CrossRef
  • Implementation of U-Healthcare System for Chronic Disease Management
    Geun-Teak Ryu, Hun Choi
    Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers.2014; 51(1): 233.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Health-Promoting Behaviors in People Living with HIV
    Young Mi Park, Gisoo Shin, Jiyoung Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2014; 26(2): 234.     CrossRef
  • A Predictive Model on Health Promotion Behavior in Women who Immigrate for Marriage
    Namok Jeong, Myung Ha Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(5): 695.     CrossRef
  • A Predictive Model of Health Promotion Behavior in Obese School-Age Children
    Mi Suk Jeon, Hyeon-Ok Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(2): 264.     CrossRef
  • Testing and Developing the Health Promotion Model in Low-Income, Korean Elderly Women
    Kyung Rim Shin, Younhee Kang, Hyo Jung Park, Myoung Ok Cho, Margaret Heitkemper
    Nursing Science Quarterly.2008; 21(2): 173.     CrossRef
  • Exercise self-efficacy, exercise benefits and barriers, and commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean women with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
    Yun Hee Shin, Hea Kung Hur, Nola J. Pender, Hee Jung Jang, Moon-Sil Kim
    International Journal of Nursing Studies.2006; 43(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Test of the health promotion model as a causal model of commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean adults with chronic disease
    YunHee Shin, SangKyun Yun, Nola J. Pender, HeeJung Jang
    Research in Nursing & Health.2005; 28(2): 117.     CrossRef
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A Structural Model for Health Promoting Behaviors in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Disease
Young Joo Park, So In Kim, Pyoung Sook Lee, Soon Yong Khim, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Ho Shin Ryu, Sung Ok Chang, Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(3):477-491.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. A hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review. METHOD: Data was collected by questionnaires from 235 patients with chronic respiratory disease in a General Hospital in Seoul. Data analysis was done using SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and the PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance Structural Analysis. RESULT: The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate. It was modified by excluding 2 path and including free parameters and 3 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data(X2=80.20, P=0.05, GFI=0.95, AGFI=0.88, NNFI=0.95, NFI=0.96, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA =0.06). 2. The perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and a plan of action were found to have significant direct effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. 3. The health perception, self-esteem, and activity related to affect were found to have indirect effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. CONCLUSION: The modified model of this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.


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  • A Predictive Model of Health Promotion Behavior in Obese School-Age Children
    Mi Suk Jeon, Hyeon-Ok Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(2): 264.     CrossRef
  • Exercise self-efficacy, exercise benefits and barriers, and commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean women with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
    Yun Hee Shin, Hea Kung Hur, Nola J. Pender, Hee Jung Jang, Moon-Sil Kim
    International Journal of Nursing Studies.2006; 43(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Test of the health promotion model as a causal model of commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean adults with chronic disease
    YunHee Shin, SangKyun Yun, Nola J. Pender, HeeJung Jang
    Research in Nursing & Health.2005; 28(2): 117.     CrossRef
  • Using methodological triangulation for cultural verification of commitment to a plan for exercise scale among Korean adults with chronic diseases
    YunHee Shin, Nola J. Pender, SangKyun Yun
    Research in Nursing & Health.2003; 26(4): 312.     CrossRef
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A Structural Model Based on Pender's Model for Quality of Life of Chronic Gastric Disease
Eun Sook Park, So In Kim, Pyoung Sook Lee, Soon Yong Khim, Sook Ja Lee, Young Joo Park, Ho Shin Ryu, Sung Ok Chang, Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(1):107-125.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to construct a structural model for quality of life of chronic gastric disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model. Data were collected by questionnaires from 459 patients with chronic gastric disease in a General Hospital from July 1999 to August 2000 in Seoul. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis. The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, thus it was modified by excluding 1 path and including free parameters and 2 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (Chi2=934.87, p<.0001, GFI=0.88, AGFI=0.83, NNFI=0.86, RMSR =0.02, RMSEA=0.07). 2. The perceived barrier, health promoting behavior, self-efficacy, and self-esteem were found to have significant direct effects on the quality of life. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, and social support were found to have indirect effects on quality of life of chronic gastric disease. In conclusion, the derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting quality of life of chronic gastric disease. Therefore it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Exercise self-efficacy, exercise benefits and barriers, and commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean women with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
    Yun Hee Shin, Hea Kung Hur, Nola J. Pender, Hee Jung Jang, Moon-Sil Kim
    International Journal of Nursing Studies.2006; 43(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Structural Model for Quality of Life of Patients With Chronic Cardiovascular Disease in Korea
    Kuem Sun Han, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Young-Joo Park, Kang Hyun Cheol
    Nursing Research.2005; 54(2): 85???96.     CrossRef
  • Test of the health promotion model as a causal model of commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean adults with chronic disease
    YunHee Shin, SangKyun Yun, Nola J. Pender, HeeJung Jang
    Research in Nursing & Health.2005; 28(2): 117.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Quality of Life in People with Chronic Illness in Korea
    KuemSun Han, PyoungSook Lee, SookJa Lee, EunSook Park
    Journal of Nursing Scholarship.2003; 35(2): 139.     CrossRef
  • Using methodological triangulation for cultural verification of commitment to a plan for exercise scale among Korean adults with chronic diseases
    YunHee Shin, Nola J. Pender, SangKyun Yun
    Research in Nursing & Health.2003; 26(4): 312.     CrossRef
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A Meta-Analysis of Explanatory Variables of Health Promotion Behavior
Young Joo Park, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Ho Shin Ryu, Jae Won Lee, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):836-846.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This Meta-Analysis of 18 studies was conducted to determine the magnitude of th relationship between health promotion behavior and each of explanatory variables. The studies were measured using Health Promoting Life Style(HPLP) developed by Walker and others based on Pender's definiton of health promoting behavior. The sample was collected by searching for The Journal of Korean Academy Nursing Society, The Journal of Korean Women's Health Nursing Academic Society,The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Adult Nursing, Journal of Korean Community Nursing, The Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing, The Journal of Korean Nursing Administration Academic Society, The Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing, The Journal of Korean Psychiatric Academic Society, the dissertations for mater degree or doctoral dissertations for the period from 1980 to 1998. The explanatory variables measured more than 2 times in studies were self-efficacy, perceived health status, self-esteem, internal, powerful- others and chance dimensions of health locus of control, perceived benefits, hardiness, wellbeing and clinical demensions of health concepts, and quality of life(life satisfaction). Effect sizes were calculated by unweighted mean r, weighted mean r by sample size and weighted mean r by quality index score after homogeneity test. The mean r effect size indicator range of each predictor variable were as follows; quality of life (0.50- 0.52), self-efficacy(0.46-0.47), hardiness (0.42-0.44), self-esteem(0.41-0.43), health locus of control- internal(0.32-0.34), health locus of control- powerful others (0.25-0.31), perceived health status(0.18-0.19) and clinical dimensions of health concepts (0.16-0.17).


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  • Factors Influencing the Intention of COVID-19 Infection Preventive Behaviors Among Hemodialysis Patients in Korea: A Cross-sectional Study
    Su In Ham, Kyu Eun Lee
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2024; 49(2): 142.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated With Health-promoting Behaviors Among Nurses in South Korea: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Based on Pender's Health Promotion Model
    Myung Jin Choi, Sunmi Kim, Seok Hee Jeong
    Asian Nursing Research.2024; 18(2): 188.     CrossRef
  • The Influence of Dispositional Optimism and Food-related Lifestyle on Health Promoting Behavior in Middle-Aged Early Onset Stroke Patients
    Jung Hee Choi, Wan Ju Park
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2021; 24(1): 34.     CrossRef
  • Structural Equation Model of Elementary School Students’ Quality of Life Related to Smart Devices Usage Based on PRECEDE Model
    Jin-Pyo Lee, Yang-Sook Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(8): 4301.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Perceived Health Status, Perceived Barrier, Cultural Acculturation on Empowerment in Married Migrant Women
    Yong-Sook EO, Yeon Hee LEE
  • Factors Influencing Health Promoting Behavior in Postpartum Women at Sanhujoriwon
    Hyekyung Choi, Namok Jung
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2017; 23(2): 135.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Health Behaviors, Disease Prevalence between One-person women and Multiple households women in Korea
    Eun-gyeong Kim, Sook-kyoung Park
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2016; 30(3): 483.     CrossRef
  • Qualitative study on experience of health behavior among Korean low-income breast cancer survivors
    Young-Sun Rhee
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(5): 3188.     CrossRef
  • Association of Dental Caries with Health Lifestyle in Adults
    Soo-Kyung Kim
    Journal of dental hygiene science.2015; 15(3): 333.     CrossRef
  • An Efficacy of Social Cognitive Theory to Predict Health Behavior A Meta-Analysis on the Health Belief Model Studies in Korea
    Byoungkwan Lee, 김채린, 윤문영, 김민희, 손영곤, 이상록
    Journal of Public Relations.2014; 18(2): 163.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Health-Promoting Behaviors in People Living with HIV
    Young Mi Park, Gisoo Shin, Jiyoung Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2014; 26(2): 234.     CrossRef
  • Pathway Analysis on the Influence of Health Promoting Behavior(HPB) and Depression Cognitive Scale(DCS) on Smoking Cessation Thoughts and Intention to Quit Smoking of College Students who Smoke
    Hee-Jeong Kim, Se-Jin Ju, Gyeong-Suk Kim, Mi-Ok Kim, Yu Mi, Jeong-Hyeon Choi
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2013; 14(4): 1830.     CrossRef
  • Factors influencing health-promoting behaviors in Korean breast cancer survivors
    Myungsun Yi, Jeongeun Kim
    European Journal of Oncology Nursing.2013; 17(2): 138.     CrossRef
  • A Study of Relations Between a Health Promoting Behaviors and Self-efficacy of Conscripted Policemen
    Young Jin Kim
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2013; 14(2): 778.     CrossRef
  • A Predictive Model on Health Promotion Behavior in Women who Immigrate for Marriage
    Namok Jeong, Myung Ha Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(5): 695.     CrossRef
  • A Comparative Study of Youth Health Risk Behaviors by Region: Focused on Metropolitan Areas, Medium Sized and Small City Areas, and Rural Areas
    Eunok Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(1): 14.     CrossRef
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A Nationwide Survey on Current Conditions of School Health Education
Eun Sook Park, Young Joo Park, Ho Shin Ryu, Keum Sun Han, Rah Il Hwang, Yeo Jin Im, Hye Sang Im, So Hyun Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):381-388.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to analyze and assess the current situation of Korea's school health education program and to establish measures to efficiently carry out school health education in Korea.


The survey was conducted through the internet with the health educators of elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide to assess the current condition of school health education programs, and 2,459 samples were collected which accounted for 23.4% of the total respondents.


According to school health educators on the enforcement of health education, the higher the education became, the less the health education was enforced. The enforcement rate was 96.9% in elementary schools, 76.7% in middle schools, and 67.3% in high schools. The major reasons were found as difficulty in securing class time (54.5%) and other excessive workloads (20.9%). As a result of the health education awareness survey, over 99% answered that health education is needed, over 80% answered that the education requires independent health textbooks, and over 95% answered that health educators are suitable for the person in charge of the education.


This study will be a useful in establishing a detailed policy on enhancing school health education in the future.


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  • The Status Analysis of Health Education for Adolescents: Using Data from Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey of 2005, 2010 and 2015
    Jae Young Lee, Hyeon Ok Ju, So Yeon Park
    Journal of the Korean Society of School Health.2017; 30(1): 59.     CrossRef
  • Relations between oral health status and subjective oral health recognition in Korean adolescents
    Dong-Geon Lee, Wang-Keun Yoo
    Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene.2015; 15(4): 593.     CrossRef
  • Perceived Importance and Performance of Sex Education between Health Teachers and General Teachers in Middle Schools: Based on the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
    Jee Seon Yi, Hye-Sun Jung
    Journal of the Korean Society of School Health.2015; 28(1): 10.     CrossRef
  • The Educational Effect of Human Body Exploration Camp on Health Promotion of Elementary Students
    Hee Kyoung Im, Jeonghyun Park
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(8): 5111.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between School Health Education Experience and Health Risk Behaviors in Adolescents: Results of the 2013 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey
    Gyu Young Lee
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2015; 29(2): 257.     CrossRef
  • Perception and Needs in Health Education Curriculum Among School Nurses as Health Teachers in Korea
    Gyu Young Lee, Ok Kyung Ham
    The Journal of School Nursing.2013; 29(1): 10.     CrossRef
  • Health Education Needs and Confidence of School Nurses in Korean Secondary Schools
    Ho-Sihn Ryu, Yeo Jin Im, Jeonghyun Cho
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2013; 27(2): 280.     CrossRef
  • Influencing factors of oral health by PRECEDE model
    Min-Jeong Cho
    Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene.2013; 13(3): 525.     CrossRef
  • A survey on awareness and behavior on preventive method of dental caries in middle school students
    Jung-Hyun Park, Eun-Kyoung Lee, Mi-Suk Cho
    Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene.2012; 12(4): 707.     CrossRef
  • Knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV), and health beliefs and intention to recommend HPV vaccination for girls and boys among Korean health teachers
    Hae Won Kim
    Vaccine.2012; 30(36): 5327.     CrossRef
  • Depression Status of Academic High School Students in Seoul: Mediating Role of Entrapment
    Young-Joo Park, Nah-Mee Shin, Kuem Sun Han, Hyun Cheol Kang, Sook-Hee Cheon, Hyunjeong Shin
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2011; 41(5): 663.     CrossRef
  • Anger, Anger Expression, and Biopsychosocial Health in Korean Adolescents.
    Young Joo Park, Kuem Sun Han, Nah Mee Shin, Hyun Cheol Kang, Sook Hee Chun, Ji Won Yoon, Hyunjeong Shin
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2010; 19(1): 106.     CrossRef
  • Development and Evaluation of a School-based Anger Management Program (SAMP) for Adolescents
    Young-Joo Park, Ho-Sihn Ryu, Keum-Sun Han, Jung Hye Kwon, HanKyeom Kim, Yoon Jung Cho, Hyun-Cheol Kang, Suk-Hee Cheon, Ji-Won Yoon
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2009; 39(1): 145.     CrossRef
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