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A Study of Stress and Coping Strategies in School-Age Children
Hee Sun Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):808-819.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the stressors and coping strategies of school-age children and to explore the relatioship between stressful life events and health symptoms and the effects of coping and trait anxiety which is theoretically considered to mediate the relationship between stress and health symptom. The study subjcets consisted of 639 elementary school children in the fourth to sixth grade living in Seoul. Of the 639 subjects, 348 were boys and 291 were girls. The mean age was 11.35(SD=.86). The Feel Bad Scale (FBS), Schoolager's Coping Strategy Inventory (SCSI), Spielberger's Trait Anxiety Scale for Children(STAIC), and Health Symptom Questionnaire(HSQ) were adapted for this study. A pilot study was undertaken to ascertain the reliability and validity of the instruments. The Cronbach alphas of FBS, SCSI, STAIC and HSQ were from. 81 to .92. The Researcher and a research assistant visited the school and data were collected in the class using the questionnaire method after an explanation of the purpose and procedures was given to the children. Data collection was done during the period between Nov. 25 to Dec. 19,1995. Using the SAS statistical program, percentages, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression were used for data analysis. The result are as follows: 1. The mean score for the FBS was 204.79(range: 48-472) and there was a significant difference according to grade. The most severe stressors perceived by children were parental divorce and death or illness of family members. The most frequently experienced stressful life events were conflict with siblings and being home alone. 2. The mean score for the SCSI was 57.36(range: 9-118) and there was a significant difference according to grade. The most frequently used, and perceived as helpful, coping strategies were distraction and cognitive activities. 3. The mean score for the HSQ were 20.7(range: 0-8l) and there were significant differences according to grade and sex. The percentage of the children answering that they perceived their health state as not good was 3.9%. 4. The mean score for the STAIC was 33.76 and there were significant differences according to grade and sex. 5. There was a significant relationship between stressful life events and health symptoms(r=.53, p<.01). Also, Stressful life events were postively related with coping strategies(r=.39, p<.01). Trait anxiety was highly correlated with health symptoms(r=.72, p<.01). 6. To examine the multivariate effects of the variables to health symptoms, multiple regression was performed. Stressful life events, coping, trait anxiety, and health concerns were identified as significant variables. Explanation of the health symptoms by these variables was 56. 78%. The study revealed that stressful life events correlated with health symptoms in School-age children and coping and trait anxiety had mediating effects on this relationship. The implication for nursing is that there is a need to develop supportive interventions for high risk population to decrease health problems due to stress. Also, it is recommended that a study be conducted to explore protective factors for the prevention of health problems in children.

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Effects of Ice pack application for the postcardiac surgery toddlers before C-tube removal
Hee Sun Shin, Dong Oak Kim, Kyung Mi Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(2):341-350.   Published online March 30, 2017
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A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effect of ice pack application to post cardiac surgery toddlers before C-tube removal. Twenty toddlers aged 13 months to 24 months, who were admitted to the hospital for open heart surgery during the period from July, 1993 to October, 1993 were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group. An ice pack was applied to the C-tube insertion site for 8 minutes before C-tube removal for the experimental group. The children were videotaped during the procedure to assess pain behavior and crying time. The score on the Modified Behavioral Pain Scale(MBPS), crying time, and vital signs were measured to determine the effect of ice pack application. The data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test, Paired t-test, and Pearson corelation coefficient. The result of the study are as follows: 1. There was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in pain behavior (U=17.0, p=.01). 2. There was no significant difference between the two groups in crying time. 3. There was a significant difference between the two groups in heart rate(U=24.5, p=.05). 4. There was a significant difference between the two groups in systolic blood pressure(U=24.0, P=.05). 5. There was a significant difference between the two groups in diastolic blood pressure (U=23.0, p=.04). 6. There was no significant difference between the two groups in respiration rate. 7. Pain behavior was significantly correlated with heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and crying time(r=.50, .54 and .59, p<.05). The result showed that the ice pack application was effective to reduce pain related to C-tube removal for the toddlers. From the study, it is recommended that the effectiveness of the cold application to children undergoing different painful procedures be examined to determine the most effective length of cold application to reduce pain in children.

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Effects of a Sensory Stimulation on Weight Gain, Behavioral State, and Physiological Responses in Premature Infants
Hee Seung Song, Hee Sun Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):703-711.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sensory stimulation on premature infants.
Thirty three premature infants admitted to NICU of D University Hospital in C city were randomly assigned in two groups (Experimental group: 16, Control group:17). For the experimental group, tactile and kinesthetic stimulation developed by Dr. Field was applied 2 times a day for 10 days. Behavioral state was measured using the Anderson Behavioral State Scale (ABSS). Heart rate, respiration, and oxygen saturation were obtained for each infant before and after sensory stimulation. Hypothesis testing was done using the X2- test, student t-test, and repeated measures of ANOVA.
Hypothesis 1: There was a significant difference in the daily body weight gain between experimental and control group (F= 40.77, p= .0001). Hypothesis 2: There was a significant difference in the frequency of 'inactive awake state' between two groups (X2= 39.778, p= .001). Hypothesis 3: There were significant differences in the mean of heart rate and O2 saturation between two groups (t= -2.174, p= .037; t= 3.080, p= .005). However, there was no significant difference in the mean of respiration rate between two groups (t= -1.966, p= .581).
The effectiveness of a sensory stimulation on weight gain and behavioral state in premature infants was supported. Further study is recommended to develop a sensory stimulation method as an independent nursing intervention for premature infant.

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A Study on the Preliminary Validation of a Postoperative Pain Measure for Parents for Children's Pain Assessment after Surgery
Hee Sun Shin, Yeon Yi Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):847-856.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Parents are primary care taker for the children and have an important role for the assessment and managent of children's pain following surgery. The purpose of the present study was to examine the validity and clinical utilization of the Postoperative Pain Measure for Parents (PPMP) developed by Chambers et al. Subjects were 52 children aged 4-12 years admitted for tonsillectomy and other minor surgery and their mothers. Faces Pain Scale, State Anxiety, and Postoperative Pain Measure for Parents were used. The data were collected by two research assistant on the operation day and 1st day after surgery at hospital during the period of July 20 to August 28, 1998. The results are as follows: 1. Eta correlation coefficient between 15 items of PPMP and child rated pain were calculated. Correlation coefficients were more than .2 for both day. 2. Internal consistency for PPMP were .82 and .83. 3. The scores of the PPMP were 10.73 (SD=3.71) and 9.27(SD=4.07) on the operation day and 1st day after surgery and there was no significant difference between two days(p=.056) On the other hand, there was a significant difference on the child rated pain by Faces Pain Scale between operation day and 1st day after surgery(p=.001). 4. The correlation(Spearman Rho) between PPMP and child rated pain were .40(p=.003) and .56(p=.000). The score of the PPMP and the children's state anxiety were highly correlated on the operation day and 1st day after surgery (.60, .52, p=.000). 5. Partial correlation between PPMP and child rated pain except state anxiety were .18(p=.23) and .48(p=.001) on the opration day and 1st day after surgery. 6. Using a cut-off score 10 out of 15, the measure showed excellent sensitivity (>80%) and moderate specificity (46.15%, 60% ). This study provides preliminary evidence for the use of the PPMP as a valid pain assessment tool with children between the ages of 4-12 years following surgery. It is suggested to explore the validity with a different subjects with other surgery and to examine the validity for infant and younger children.

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Predicting and Understanding School-Age Children's Health Behavior
Hee Sun Shin, Yun Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):846-855.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of health behavior of school-age children and to identify the predicting variables of the school-age children's health behavior. The subject were 467 children in grades four to six, enrolled in two elementary schools located in two cities. The mean age of the subject was 10.03(SD=1.33). The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression. The result are as follows: 1. The mean of the score of health behavior of the school-age children was 154.6, showing thar they are practicing health behavior relatively well. 2. There were significant differences in the mean scores of health behavior according to grade(F=6.53, p=.001), sex(t=-3.70, p=.000), educational level of the parents(F=4.92, p=.002; F=4.47, p=.004), occupation of the patients(F=3.31, p=.003;F=4.76, p=.000), and socioeconomic status(F=11.87, p=.000). 3. There were significant correlations between health behavior and health motivation(r=.53, p=.000). self-concept(r=.32, p=.000), perceived health status(r=.16, p=.000), and health locus of control(r=.15, p=.001). 4. Health motivation, self-concept, grade, socioeconomic status, and health locus of control were identified as predictor variables of health behavior of the school-age children from the stepwise multiple regression analysis. The total percent of variance accounted for by these five variables was 35.0%. From the result, it is suggested that in the development of a school health education program, the effect of health motivation and self-concept to promote student's health behavior in school-age children should be considered.

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Development of the Developmental Support Competency Scale for Nurses Caring for Preterm Infants
Jeong Soon Kim, Hee Sun Shin
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(6):793-803.   Published online December 30, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

Developmental care has been recognized as a very important component for the development and health promotion of preterm infants. However, research on how to assess developmental nursing competency has not been studied as expected. This study was done to develop and evaluate a new scale to measure nursing competency for developmental support of preterm infants.


Concept analysis was done with using the Hybrid model of Schwartz-Barcott and Kim (2000), from which a preliminary new scale (30 items) was developed. To test the validity and reliability of the new scale being developed, data were collected from 122 NICU nurses at 4 hospitals in 3 cities in the Republic of Korea, from December, 2014 to March, 2015.


The final version of the Developmental Support Competency Scale for Nurses (DSCS-N) caring for premature infants was a 4-point Likert type scale, consisting of 19 items, and categorized as 6 factors, explaining 62.5% of the total variance. Each of the factors were named as follows; ‘environmental support’ (4 items), ‘parental support’ (3 items), ‘interaction’ (3 items), ‘critical thinking’ (3 items), ‘professional development’ (3 items), and ‘partnership’ (3 items). The Cronbach's α coefficient for the scale was .83 and the reliability of the subscales ranged from .60~.76.


The psychometric evaluation of the new scale demonstrated an acceptable validity and reliability. Findings indicate that the DSCS-N can be used as the tool to test the effect of educational programs for nurses and contribute to advance developmental care for preterm infants.

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Analysis of Relationships between Parenting Stress, Maternal Depression, and Behavioral Problems in Children at Risk for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
Hee Sun Shin, Jeong Mee Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(3):453-461.   Published online June 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

In this study differences in behavioral problems between children at risk for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and normally developing children were identified. Further, relationships between parental stress, depression, and child behavioral problems according to ADHD symptoms were explored.


Participants were 222 elementary school children and their parents. The ADHD risk group was determined by the Korean-ADHD Rating Scale. Data were collected using the Korean-ADHD Rating Scale, Korean version of Child Behavior CheckList (K-CBCL), Parenting Stress Index, and Beck Depression Inventory. Data were analyzed using t-test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and regression analysis.


1) The ADHD risk group showed higher levels of behavioral problems, parenting stress, and maternal depression than the normal group. 2) There were significant relationships between ADHD scores and parenting stress (r=.66), maternal depression (r=.35), internal behavioral problems (r=.47), and external problems (r=.55), but, ADHD risk scores were negatively correlated with social competence (r=-.40). 3) The regression analysis revealed that ADHD levels affected the child's internal behavioral problems, mediated by maternal depression (β=.29, p<.001).


The study results show that higher risk scores for ADHD indicate a significant effect for behavioral problems. Also, parenting stress and depression influence child's behavioral problems. These results suggest that identification of children at risk for ADHD and development of parental education programs would contribute to the prevention of behavioral problems and aggravation of the ADHD symptoms.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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