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Development of a Family Pattern Appraisal to Guide a Rogerian Nursing Practice
Gwang Oak Lee, Young Ran Han, Hee Jung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):751-773.   Published online March 30, 2017
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We, clinical nurse specialists practising and guiding student practice in a Community health nursing clinic, wanted to develop a family pattern appraisal consistent with Rogers'conceptual system, the nursing model guiding our practice. We use Rogers model because it is harmonious with the traditional Korean view of the one human, natural and cosmic world. The purpose of our research was to contribute to science-based nursing practice, not only, one helpful model, but also a model of how to use, in guiding practice, a conceptual system which reflects nurse practitioners' philosophy of nursing, is intellectually satisfying, and enriches meaning in daily nursing life. ture on Rogers' model and analyse it according to Kim's five-level analytical framework, to explore Rogers' definition of family, to review appraisals based on Rogers' model, and to develop a family appraisal which is culturally appropriate for use in our community. This work including the use of the appraisal and its refinement with families in our practice which was done during 1994 and 1995, in Seoul, in the Capital of the Republic of Korea. At the highest level of analysis, Rogers conceptual system emphasizes acausality and multidime-ntional meaning: the world view is characterized by process, movement and wholeness. The epistem-ology is one of holism and the knowledge base includes all forms of experience, from sensory to mystical, objective, and subjective. At the metaparadigm level, nursing focuses on the unitary human being and the environment. At the level of nursing philosophy, the model identifies human being, nursing, nurse, and illness and health. At the paradigm level the model assumes the irriducibility of the human to parts, noncausality and continual change. Rogers' practice methodology consists of pattern manifestation appraisal and deliberative mutual patterning. Understanding patterns and patterning of people is the key to helping them achieve their potential. At the theory level, the basic assumptions, key concepts, and homeodynamic principles were identified. Rogers states the family energy field is an undividable, four-dimensional negentropic energy field which is in a larger environmental field showing such characteristics as cannot be predicted by knowledge of individual family members. Based on the word of Rogers scholars, we chose Rogers' correlates of patterning to understand the family unit as a whole-frequency, rhythms, motion, time perception, sleeping-waking beyond waking, pragmatic-imaginative-visionary to develop the appraisal. We, also used some of Barret's(1988) criteria including interpersonal network and professional health care access and use, and Gordon's(1982) criteria including self perception-self concept modified to fit the family. Our family pattern appraisal included 1. Influencirg data, 2. Professional health care access and use, 3. Family self perception-self concept, 4. Family interpersonal network, 5. Sleep-wake-be yond waking, 6. Pragmatic-imaginary-vsionary, 7. Family frequency and rhythm, 8. Family motion, 9. Family time perception. The appraisal was used with four families and modified to eliminate overlap and to make it possible for the family member to express themselves more easily. We plan to gain more experience with the appraisal toward further development of the tool.

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A Comparison Study using Mixed Methods on Foreign Residents' Satisfaction with Korean Health Care Services
Keum Soon Kim, Jung Won Ahn, Jin A Kim, Hee Jung Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(1):86-96.   Published online February 28, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine and compare satisfaction with Korean health care services for Americans, Chinese and Russians who resided in Korea.


A questionnaire was distributed to 252 participants (81 Americans, 89 Chinese, 82 Russians). Three focus group interviews were subsequently conducted in order to obtain a greater understanding of participants' experience and perspectives.


The average satisfaction score was 3.09, with Americans and Russians showing significantly higher scores than Chinese. Overall, participants reported higher satisfaction in 'Facility', 'Quality of care' and 'Nursing services' as opposed to 'Information/education'. 'Care with cultural respect' as well as communication related services. Data from the focus group interviews were categorized into 12 sub-categories, 7 categories and 2 themes. The two themes were common experience and contrasting experience. Common experience included 4 categories, 'Quality of care', 'Hospital facility and health care system', 'Language barrier' and 'Information and education'. Contrasting experience included 3 categories, 'Medical cost', 'Health care personnel' and 'Accessibility'.


Results of this study provide basic knowledge on foreign residents' satisfaction and experience with Korean health care services. Further research is needed with foreigners from different cultural backgrounds. Administrative and educational efforts are required to improve communication skills and cultural competency.

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A Study on Family Satisfaction with Community Mental Health Center Services in Gyeonggi Province by Families of People with Mental Illness
Hee Jung Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2009;39(1):124-135.   Published online February 28, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the service satisfaction for families who have someone with mental illness, and are using community mental health centers in Gyeonggi Province.


The participants in this study were 796 family members. Data were collected using Family satisfaction survey questionnaire developed by the author (23 items on family service and 15 items on client service).


The total satisfaction level for the service with family and client resulted in above average scores. Of the 23 service items, data showed the highest level of satisfaction was with professional skills and attitude, and day rehabilitation programs, and the lowest for professional activities for advocacy and social welfare benefits, emergency & crisis intervention, medical expense subsidies. Of the 15 service items, job and housing related service had the lowest level of satisfaction.


It is recommended that psychiatric emergency & crisis intervention programs and system development be accelerated. Also, there is a need to develop medical expense subsidy programs for older family caregivers, job and housing focused rehabilitation programs and community facilities for the client, as well as more active and powerful professional advocate activities for persons who have mental disabilities and their families.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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