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Health Promotion: A Concept Analysis
Young Soon Byun, Hee Jung Jang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(3):362-372.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Nursing's traditional concern for human well being includes concern for health promotion. Until recently textbooks of preventive medicine, public health and community health nursing have defined health prevention-the prevention of disease and health protection or maintenance, but not health promotion. Lack of clear definitions inhibit effective communication among health related disciplines. Therefore, this study's task was the analysis and definition of the concept of health promotion using walker & Avant's concept analysis methodology. This characteristics of the concept of health promotion are 1) orientation toward well-being, 2) empowering, 3) subjectivity, 4) change and 5) expanded connective. Antecedent of health promotion are 1) attaining of a health state, 2) having purpose and will to act, 3) persistent and realistic behaviour. The consequences of health promotion are 1) prolonged life, 2) self-actualizing potential, 3) increased well-being and a high level quality of life. The future direction of health promotion research should include that identification of the differences in the definition of between health professionals and health clients and research related to nursing theory of health promotion.

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The Correlational Analysis between Perceived Heath Status, Self-Esteem, and Self-Care Agencies among Adolescents
Hee Jung Jang, Yun Hee Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(2):186-195.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was to identify and clarify the relationship between perceived health, self-esteem, and self-care agencies for promoting self care among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected from 817 adolescents in schools located in Seoul, Kyungki-do, and Chuncheon from Sept, 16th to Sept, 28th, 1999, and from Mar 10th to Mar 25th, 2000. The instruments used for this study were the Health Self-Rating Scale, Self-Care Agency Assessment Questionnaire (Denyes, 1981), the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1971). RESULT: 1) The mean perceived health status among Korean adolescents was 8.75 (SD=1.72) 2) The mean self-esteem was 27.27 (SD=4.64). 3) The mean self-care agency was 99.64 (SD=21.02) and the average self-care agency score was 3.99 (SD=0.84). In the subcategories, the highest degree was feelings towards health (4.15), followed by ego strength (4.06), attending to health (3.87), general health knowledge (3.56), and the lowest degree was specific health knowledge (3.20) 4) There was statistical significant differences between demographic factors and self-care agencies, expecially, gender (t=28.65), grade (F=3.79), pocket money (t=5.72), and height (F=9.82) 5) The statistical relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies were found to have a positive correlation. 6) Self-care agencies among adolescents was the highest factor predicting self-esteem (15%). CONCLUSION: The relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies revealed a significant positive correlation among adolescents. Therefore, nursing intervention for adolescents needs to develop self-esteem programs to increase self-care agencies.

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The Psychological Effect of Hand and Arm Massage on Middle-Aged Women
Hee Jung Jang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1389-1399.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Massage therapy is a traditional, alternative and nonphamacological means of promoting rest and relaxation. However, nursing intervention by massage for middle-aged women is rarely practiced by nurses. The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of the hand and arm massage as an independent nursing intervention tool for middle- aged women. The data used in this research were collected from forty-nine subjects using a nonequivalent control group non- synchronized design. Twenty-four persons for the experimental group and Twenty-five persons for the control group were selected from D city and C city from July 1997 to September 2000. Subjects' ages were between forty and fifty-six years old with mean the age of 45.6. Hand and arm massage developed by Cayce and Reilly was applied to the experimental group for a session of 15 minutes two or three times a week for four weeks. The instruments used for the measurement of the subjects' stress, anxiety, depression and the middle-life crisis were Langners's 22-item Screening Score, Spielberger's State Anxiety Inventory, Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale, and Kim's Middle Life Crisis Scale(1988). These psychological factors were measured before and after the implementation of hand and arm massage. The data were analyzed with mean+/-s.d, percent, t-test, and a paired t-test. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Before the treatment, there were no significant differences between the two groups. 2. After the treatment, there were significant differences in the stress and the occurrence of mid life crisis between the two groups. The findings suggest that the use of the hand and arm massage for middle-aged women made significant changes in the level of stress and middle life crisis. Therefore, it is recommended that hand and arm massage be used as an independent nursing intervention tool for middle-aged women. For further research, is needed replication of this concept of research with different subjects in a larger population. Also, it is recommended to investigate the effects of massage with aroma therapy for the berefit of decreasing womens' stress level further.

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Perceived Exercise Self-Efficacy and Exercise Benefits/Barriers of Korean Adults with Chronic Diseases
Yun Hee Shin, Hee Jung Jang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):869-879.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to assess the perceived exercise self-efficacy and exercise benefits/barriers of Korean adults with chronic diseases, and the relationship between the two variables. For the study, 249 Korean adults with chronic diseases with ages ranging from 18 to 79 years were recruited from hospitals or health centers in five Korean cities and surrounding rural areas. The research instruments were the scales that researchers psychometrically verified the Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, developed by Bandura (1997), and the Exercise Benefits/ Barriers Scale, developed by Sechrist, Walker, and Pender(1987). Results of descriptive analysis showed that Korean adults with chronic diseases perceived relatively low exercise self-efficacy and relatively high exercise benefits/ barriers. Exercise self-efficacy was significantly correlated with gender, education, regular exercise, and exercise benefits/barriers was significantly correlated with gender, regular exercise. Pearson correlation coefficient showed the significant relationship between the two variables. Further researches, which are a study to evaluate a causal structure for Pender's Health Promotion Model and an intervention study to increase physical activity of chronic patients, are recommended.

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Analysis of Research Papers Published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
Yeon Ok Suh, Jeong Sook Park, Jin Hyang Yang, Hae Won Kim, Min Hyun Suk, Hyun Sook Shin, Hee Jung Jang, Myun Sook Jung, Myung Sill Chung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(6):1013-1019.   Published online March 28, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was to determine the current trend of nursing research as exploring both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and to provide the explicit direction to improve the quality of published papers. METHODS: Total of 366 articles published between 2004 and 2006 was reviewed using the criteria of analysis. RESULTS: There was more number of quantitative studies than qualitative studies. More studies were conducted with subjects who had health problems, and studies that targeted women and elderly population have been significantly increased. In quantitative methodology, utilization of experimental and quasi-experimental designs has been increased, however descriptive study was dominant as yet. In qualitative methodology, studies using grounded theory and phenomenology were frequently published. It was noted that theoretical framework and rational for sample size were rarely presented in quantitative study. Philosophical position and the process of preparation for study, which guided the research, were not clearly described in qualitative study. CONCLUSION: The findings of this review suggest that published studies have been improved and diversified, however, detailed and clear evaluation tool that assesses study process and method should be developed as a way to further improve the quality of published papers.

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Developmental Direction for Review System of the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
Hae Won Kim, Myungsill Chung, Jeong Sook Park, Yeon Ok Suh, Min Hyun Suk, Hyunsook Shin, Jin Hyang Yang, Hee Jung Jang, Myun Sook Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(3):422-430.   Published online April 30, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to identify current characteristics of the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing and to explore a way to elevate it to an international level and to critique the overall review process so as to delineate the advanced, objective paper appraisal in this journal.


Data was collected using self administered questionnaires to 75 journal reviewers belonging to the Korean academy of nursing and its division academy of nursing from August 15th to September 30th, 2006.


The majority of reviewers pointed out a lack of discrimination between the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing and other journals. Among the main answers of reviewers, Creativeness(52.3%) and excellence of nursing(38%) will be critical factors to develop in order to elevate to an the journal to an international level. In specific evaluation areas, reviewers preferred a subjective critique method(60%), and the condition of the decision making process regarding paper acceptance as a combination of checklist and subjective evaluation(84%). Subjective evaluation opinions with major categories will occur in the next revised evaluation format. 76% of reviewers agreed with the current objective evaluation form.


The journal review process should be evaluated on a regular basis to elevate the journal level and a mutual agreement of the journal's scope, range, and purpose will be necessary. As a recommendation, an attempt at various approaches in journal reviews and reviewer training should be made.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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