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The Relationship between Bathing and Health Status
Hee Jung Choi, Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):519-528.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between health status and bathing. METHOD: The population of this study consisted of females, above age 20 in urban areas in order to control the effects of extraneous variables, resident areas, gender, and age. Four hundred and twenty-eight (428) women were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF)-36 Health Survey assessed individual health status. Bathing behavior and attitudes toward bath have been measured with questionnaires designed by the authors. RESULT: The most popular bathing type was shower (46.8%). The preferred type of bath was related to health status. A common purpose of the tub-bath was relieving fatigue and hygiene, but the other purposes were different on the subjects health status. Persons with low health status took frequently tub-baths for health. Attitudes toward bath were related to health status. Women with low scores in physical health recognized more physical effects of bath than psychological effects or hygenic effects. CONCLUSION: Bathing included physical and psychological dimensions and was related to health status.

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Public Health Nurses' Decision Making Models and Their Knowledge Structure
Hee Jung Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(2):328-339.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to describe decision making model of 180 public health nurses in Korea and their knowledge structure for decision making. The differences of decision making models by nurse's knowledge structure were also tested. Research concepts were measured using the instrument based on systemic and interpretive decision making approaches that were developed by Lauri & Salantera (1995). The results were as follows. 1. The public health nurses turned to, most commonly, a mixed practical-theoretical knowledge structure (45.9%), followed by practical knowledge (32%) and theoretical knowledge (22.1%). 2. The six different decision making models were identified. These were named for decision making theories and nursing process. These were client-oriented decision making, rule-oriented systemic decision making, wholistic and intuitive decision making, decision making depending on subjective view and experience, systemic decision making for defining problems, and hypotheticodeductive decision making for defining problems. 3. The public nurses who had practical and practical-theoretical knowledge structure and community health practitioner (CHP) retold that decision making depends on subjective view and experience. Also the public health nurses who had 5~19 years clinical experience represented hypothetico-deductive decision making for defining problems.

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Depression of Stroke Patient's Family Caregivers and the Relating Factors
Hee Jung Choi, Moon Ja Suh, Kum Soon Kim, In Ja Kim, Nam Ok Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1531-1542.   Published online March 29, 2017
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In this paper, we examined the depression of stroke patient's caregivers and analyzed influencing factors of the depression. The subjects were 215 caregivers who have takencare of stroke survivors in their home. The conceptual model of this study consisted of the caregiver's depression, perceived burden, illness intrusiveness, and patient's ADL. Modified Korean CES-D, modified subjective and objective Burden Scale, Illness intrusiveness(II), and Instrumental Activity of Daily Living(IADL) were used to measure concepts. Path analysis was used to test the model of this study. The results were as follows: 1. The mean depression score was 11.6 which was below the cut-off score of the CES-D. This score indicates that the subjects were higher than normal adults' mean score but not depressive. Eighty-six out of 215 caregivers(40%) were above the cut-off score. This finding was different from previous research results, and the reason might be the patients' capability of ADL. In a group of low capability patient's activities of daily living, caregiver's depression score was 15.5. 2. Caregiver's depression was positively related to caregiver's burden and illness intrusiveness, but negatively related to patient's activities of daily living. 3. The caregiver's perceived burden and illness intrusiveness directly influenced on their depression. Furthermore, the and caregiver's illness intrusiveness led to depression indirectly through their burden. A patient's activities of daily living didn't influence directly on depression but indirectly through caregiver's illness intrusiveness and burden.

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Relations between Perceived Burden and Social Support of Stroke Patient's Family Caregiver
Yeo Shin Hong, Moon Ja Suh, Keum Soon Kim, In Ja Kim, Nam Ok Cho, Hee Jung Choi, Sung Hee Jung, Eun Man Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):595-605.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to describe the perceived burden of the stroke patient's caregiver and related factors to analyze relationships between perceived burden and social supports. A convenient sample of 225 caregivers who take care for a stroke patient at home participated in this study. Caregiver's perceived burden was measured by the objective and subjective burden scale developed by Montgomery (1985). Related factors of burden were studied in terms of the patient's instrumental activties of daily living, cognitive function, caregiver's demographic variables and caregiver's illness intrusiveness. The results were as follows: (1) The mean of objective burden score was 4.5, and subjective burden score was 3.1. These scores show that caregivers perceive moderate level of burden. (2) Caregivers' objective burden was significantly related to caregivers's illness intrusiveness (r=.62), patient's IADL (r=-.33), and patient's cognitive function (r=-.15). The subjective burden was related to the caregiver's illness intrusiveness (r=.29), the patient's IADL (r=.24), and the caregiver's age(r=.23). (3) The percentage of stroke caregivers who perceived physical support was 49.1%. The percentage of those who perceived emotional support was 61.0%, and those who perceived financial support totaled 37.6%. (4) Caregivers who received any type of social supports perceived lower subjective burden, and caregivers who received physical or psychological support perceived lower objective burden. These results emphasized the necessity of a rehabilitation programs for stroke patients and support program for family caregivers.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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