The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the adaptation process of older people to group homes.
Participants were twenty older adults aged 65 or older who were living in group homes. Data were collected from January to April, 2015. In-depth unstructured interviews were conducted with individual participants. Data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory method.
From open coding, 100 concepts, 38 sub-categories, and 14 categories were identified. Analysis showed that the central phenomenon of the adaptation process of older people to group homes was ‘gradually giving up’. Causal conditions were ‘good-for-nothing body’, contextual conditions were ‘pushed’, ‘beleaguered’. Intervening conditions were ‘reliable pillar: children’, ‘having affection (情) more than having it from family: facility workers’, ‘comfort - like feeling at home’, ‘relieved: system’. Action/interaction strategies were ‘facing the unfamiliar reality’, ‘building relationships with other people’, ‘accepting reality’. Consequences were ‘a good place, more than expected’, ‘hope for the remaining days’, ‘waiting for a peaceful death’.
The results of this study provide an in-depth understanding of the experience of the adaptation process of older people to group homes. The findings from this study can be used as basic data to establish policies to increase the number of small scale facilities which can help older adults adapt easily to the facilities.