This study analyzed the necessity of detailed items of fundamentals of nursing in college by soliciting answers from clinical nursing educators in hospitals and nursing professors. The questionnaires consisted of four parts. The first part included questions about the general demographic characteristics of respondents, the second part, questions about the general necessity of fundamentals of nursing, the third part, questions about the necessity of 26 items in fundamentals of nursing in knowledge education and about the necessity of 81 items in fundamentals of nursing in practice education, the fourth part solicited free description of ideas about the problems education in fundamentals of nursing in Korea. Thirty professors from universities, 30 professors from community, and 30 clinical nursing educators were randomly sampled and the questionnaires were sent by mail. Seventy people returned completed questionnaires. Ninety three percent evaluated fundamentals of nursing as necessary for nursing not only in knowledge education but also in practice education. They also generally agreed on what items are necessary for fundamentals of nursing. However, opinions about some items were split between nursing scholars and clinical nursing educators. Clinical educators wanted fundamentals of nursing to be more practical and to incorporate recent developments and changes in clinical settings. They described several problems in fundamentals of nursing. One was some the content of fundamentals of nursing overlaps with other subjects, especially with adult nursing. Some respondents also thought that fundamentals of nursing included too many topics. These problems make it difficult for students, scholars, and nurses identify what fundamentals of nursing is. This causes an identity problem in fundamentals of nursing. Some disparity between clinical nursing and knowledge education in fundamentals of nursing was also reported. This was also related to problems lack of clinical experience in teachers of fundamentals of nursing. Some respondents suggested requiring clinical experience for professors of establishing a system of clinical professorship. problems of teaching material were also pointed out. Fundamental nursing skills and knowledge in teaching materials are often old or not appropriate for the Korean nursing situation. The respondents urged the development of teaching materials appropriate for Korean nursing. In order to solve these problems, the authors suggest forming an ad hoc committee which can reformulate and standardize education in fundamentals of nursing in Korea.
The study was designed to identify the attitude of nursing students to fundamental nursing practice through Q-methodology. A Q sample was developed through a review of the literature and interviews. Forty statements made up the finalized Q-sample. The P sample consisted of 25 nursing students in S College. Q statements were written on separate cards and were given to the 25 subjects to sort according to degree of agreement or disagreement. The Q-sort by each subject was coded and analyzed with QUANL PC Program. The analysis discovered three major attitudes, namely "type 1: passive demand", "type 2: active self-confidence", "type 3: practical application". The correlation was .213 between type 1 and 2, .409 between type 1 and 3, .379 between t ype 2 and 3. The results revealed three different types of fundamental nursing practice attitude; 1) Passive demand type: they were not satisfied with fundamental nursing practice time, the number of persons, practice machines. They presented anxiety and worry through fundamental nursing practice. Therefore, they will presenta passive attitude of clinical practice experience. 2) Active self-confidence type: they experienced pride as a nursing student and fascination as a nurse was an acquired recognition. 3) Practical application type: they practiced that fundamental nursing skill was applied their family and oneself. Therefore they had tension through initial fundamental nursing practice but they gained self-confidence and interest through practical study. In conclusion, the researchers suggest that the education program would be more effective if it was planned considering to each types of attitude of nursing students for fundamental nursing practice.
The purpose of this study was to understand and to explain how were nursing students experienced and accepted the fundemental nursing practice. In addition to, the results of this study are attempted to contribute for offer of basic data in projecting and accomplishing to promote quality practice education. The participants were 790 freshmen of S College of Nursing in kyungi-do. They presented record of feeling and thinking on their the foundemental nursing practice experience. The data were collected from 29, June to 10, July in 1998. Collected data was analyzed by means of Van Kaam's phenomenological method. The results of this study was founded 423 descriptive expression and they were grouped under 42 common factors and they were grouped under 9 categories. By means of the frequency on the categories, the higher category is Anxiety, next Solemn, Flutter, Pride, Usefulness, Recognition of reality in nursing-system, Lack of practice environment, Self-accusation, Comprehension of nursing spirit were founded. 5 common factors, Tension, Difficulty, Dread, Apprehension, Burden were grouped under Anxiety. 7 common factors, Pledge, Memory, importance of practice, Sincerity, Restriction of dress, Acceptance, Active attitude were grouped under Solemn. 5 common factors, Interest, Strange, Beanimated, Waiting, Curiosity were grouped under Flutter. 5 common factors, Conceit, Self-confidence, Skilled, Worth, Accomplishment were grouped under Pride. 6 common factors, acknowledge of nursing affairs, Expectation of future, Fascination of nursing, Acquirement of disposition of nurse, Association of injection, Actual Feeling of dept. of nursing were grouped under Recognition of reality in nursing-system. 4 common factors, Lack of practice time, Many persons of practice, Lack of practice instrument, Lack of reality were grouped under Lack of practice environment. 5 common factors, Inconvenient, Reflection, Loss of pride, Shyness, Feeling sorry were grouped under Self-accusation. 3 common factors, utility, Connection of practice and theory, Various experience were grouped under Usefulness. 2 common factors, Comprehension on the dignity of human, Comprehension on a point of view of patient were grouped under Comprehension of nursing spirit. In conclusion, the following recommendation should be necessary a supplementary study to approach on the type of students that has a firm view and care about client prior to clinical nursing practice.
The purpose of this was to provide fundamental data for determining contents of Fundamental Nursing Practice and developing desirable bedside nursing techniques for clinical nursing areas. Subjects for this study were 86 nurse who were employees of two university hospitals located in Seoul and a district area. Data were collected by questionnaires. Items of Fundamental Nursing Practice from were content into 72 items according to the result from content analysis of 9 textbooks of Fundamental Nursing. The results are as follows: 1) Items which above 80% of respondents practiced during the school inside practice or clinical nursing practice course were axillae temperature measurement, radial pulse measurement, respiratory rate measurement, application of oral hygiene, hand-washing technique, application of hot and cold bags, intermuscular injection technique, open bed-making, soap enema method, application of nelaton cathetrization and oral and nasal suction methods. 2) Above 90% of respondents replied that all items except temperature measurement and bed-making were requisite contents for Fundamental Nursing Practice. Above 10% of respondents replied oral and rectal temperature measurement and bed-making were unnecessary content. 3) Above 90% of respondents replied that operating method of all items except isolation technique, admission and discharge procedures, and retention enema in the Fundamental Nursing Practice course and clinical situation were consistent. The main reasons that respondents did not apply methods which they learned in the Fundamental Nursing Practice course to the clinical situation were 'insufficient time', 'colleagues were using different methods', 'insufficient supply of instruments' or 'inappropriate appliances'.