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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing



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1 "Eun Soon Cheung"
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Original Article
Sudies on the Psychological Nursing care of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
Eun Soon Cheung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):189-200.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Auther Studied on a few as Pects of cliaial psychology of 274 patients with chronic pulmonary tuberculosis by simple questionare, who had been admitted in national Masen for a long time Feb, 1971, Hospital. The results obtained were Summerized as follows: 1. The attitude and state of understanding to their diseases were somewhat different between males and females, That is, rather scientific and intellectual in males but rather unscientific and desparing in females. 2. The attitude to their doctors and nurses were rather more discontent in males and younger age group. 3. Attitude to hospital life what was some different between males and females, that is, more agreeable and obedient to their circumstances in frmales and older age group than in males and younger age group. 4. The most anxious problem and the persons who gave best consolation during hospital life were family members in their home. 5. The home visting of the nurses seemed under whole net welcomed.

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