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A Survey of the Effect of Nursing Students on Community Health Knowledge
Won Jung Cho, Eui Sook Kim, Chung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1973;3(2):111-120.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the delivery of health services effects the health knowledge of the recepients of that service. It was hypothesized that the practical application of theory, though health services rendered by public health nursing students during their field experiences, would have a positive relationship with the quantity and quality of health knowledge of the female population of a given community. In April 1970, ninety five women(between an age 15-49) from Koyang-Gun were interviewed regarding their knowledge and attitudes in four areas of health; maternal health, child hsalth, family planning and tuberculosis prevention. After 1 1/2 years(Nov. 1971), during which time the women received home visits by student nurses, the women were again interviewed using the original questionnaire. Additionally, they were asked where they had received information about each question. During the 1 1/2 year period the visits were made by a total of 112 students. They visited the community twice a week. The result were as follows: Maternal health There was marked improvement in the knowledge of specific aspects of maternal health such as the proper instruments needed for cutting the cord and nutritional precaution of pregnancy (p<0. 05). In each case 42. 0 percent of more of this knowledge was attributed to information gained from the nursing students. However even after the nursing students' visits, the knowledge of other general areas of maternal remained poor. Child health There were increases in the knowledge of the respondents for the time to supplement breast feeding and for time to wean infants (p<0. 05). In each case 35. 0 percent or more of this information was attributed to the student. The increase in knowledge regarding types of immunization was more often attributed to the clinic nurse than to the nursing students. Knowledge of the necessity of booster immunization was poor both before and after the visits by the nursing students. Family planning There were significant increases in correct information regarding the time of I.U.D. insertion (p<0.05) and method of taking the oral pill (p<0.05). More than 42.0 percent of the increase was attributed to the nursing students' visits. However there was a slight decrease in correct information about concept of family planning. Tuberculosis There was a general lack of improvement in all areas concerned with tuberculosis. Two thirds of the respondents felt tuberculosis was hereditary and did not know what B.C.G. was. From this study, it could be concluded that in specific area the health knowledge cf the female population studied was positively effected by the visits of the nursing students. The study also, suggests, however, that there was a marked uneveness in the overall increase in health knowledge.This raises serious questions which require further research. Suggested areas for further research are (1) Adequacy of the course content preparing nurses for the field experience. (2) A public health nursing manual for student reference. (3) Where and when specific aspects of health can be taught most effectively.

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Evaluation of Government Assisted Visiting Nursing Services of Health Center in 2000
Il Sun Ko, Cho Ja Kim, Tae Wha Lee, Kyung Ja Lee, Eui Sook Kim, Heek Young Ma, Young Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(3):344-354.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study is a fact-finding research to understand the status of visiting nursing services operated by health centers in Korea and it aims to provide basic information for policy development on operation and management of visiting nursing services in health centers. METHOD: This study investigates the results of visiting nursing services in 242 health centers from Jan. 10 through Dec. 30, 2000, where 3,106 visiting nurses were employed by the public work program. RESULT: In 2000, 129,401 new household as service recipients was identified and that was 0.9% of Koreas total households (15,137,000), and 5.8% of low income households (2,242,000). The highest high risk group was dementia patients(aver. 55.2/1,000 person). Average number of households visited by visiting nurse were 4.5 households per day and the first-visited houses per visiting nurse were 1.1 households per day. The re-visiting rate was 71.3%. Total 4,059,130 service items were provided and assessment ranked the highest with 33.7%. The satisfaction level of clients on the nurses was an average of 3.17 points in the scale of 4 and the nursing service was a 2.60 points in a scale of 3. CONCLUSION: Visiting nursing service should continue to provide comprehensive healthcare services in cost-effective ways while cooperating with others.

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Trends of Nursing Science Inquiry in Doctoral Dissertations
Eui Sook Kim, Gwang Suk Kim, Dae Ran Kim, Eun Jeong Kim, Kyung Mi Sung, Hae Kung Shin, Hyun Sook Shin, Young Ja Lee, Seok Hee Jeong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):315-323.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the theoretical characteristics and direction of inquiry in the discipline of nursing by analyzing doctoral dissertations.


The materials used in this study were 277 doctoral dissertations from five universities in Korea. The framework for the study was derived from Kim's(1993) alternative linkage among philosophy, theory, and method in nursing science.


Of the 277 dissertations it was found that there were 13 types of linkages out of a possible 54 types. Most of the dissertations (128 of 277) were done within the linkage of realism/etic/quantitative/explanatory knowledge type. Of the 218 dissertations within scientific realism, 42 were within relativism, and 17 within practicism. There were 134 dissertations of the explanatory knowledge type, 112 descriptive ones, and 31 prescriptive ones. Studies done within the etic quantitative methodology included 209 dissertations and within the emic perspective, 43 with qualitative methodology, and 7 with quantitative.


The results show that it is necessary to develop more alternative linkages for nursing practice and this will lead to expanding nursing knowledge.

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Validation of a Needs Assessment Tool for Case Management in Korean Medical Aid Beneficiaries
Yang Heui Ahn, Eui Sook Kim, Ok Kyung Ham, Soo Hyun Kim, Soon Ok Kim, Myung Kyung Song
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(4):549-558.   Published online August 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to validate the Needs Assessment Tool for Case Management (NATCM) for use with Korean medical aid beneficiaries.


Psychometric testing was performed with a sample of 645 Korean medical aid beneficiaries, which included 41 beneficiaries who were selected using proportional sampling method, to examine intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Data were evaluated using item analyses, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), Cronbach's alpha, and ICC.


Through psychometric testing the final version of NATCM was found to consist of two subscales: 1) Appropriateness of Health Care Utilization (5 items) and 2) Self Care Ability (6 items). The two subscale model was validated by CFA (RMSEA=.08, GFI=.97, and CFI=.93). Internal consistency measured by Cronbach's alpha was .82, and subscale reliability ranged from .79 to .84. The ICC of the NATCM between case managers was .73 and between case managers and health care professionals. .82.


This study suggests that the final version of NATCM is a brief, reliable, and valid instrument to measure needs of Korean medical aid beneficiaries. Therefore, the NATCM can be effectively utilized as an important needs assessment as well as outcome evaluation tool for case management programs in Korea.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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