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Dependency, Abuse, and Depression by Gender in Widowed Elderly
Ok Soo Kim, Kyoung Mi Yang, Kye Ha Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):336-343.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dependency and abuse on depression according to gender in widowed elderly.


A convenient sample consisted of 246 widowed elderly who were more than 65 years old in four cities. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire from August to September, 2002. A dependency Scale developed by Ahn (1999) was used to measure the level of dependency. Emotional abuse and physical abuse were measured by 10 items for emotional abuse and 7 items for physical abuse selected out of the Conditions Scale of Elder Abuse. The level of depression was measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS).The SPSS WIN 11.0 version program was used for data analysis.


In male widowed elderly, dependency affected depression indirectly through emotional abuse. While in female widowed elderly, dependency affected depression directly and affected emotional abuse indirectly.


The study showed that dependency was the most explainable variable on depression in widowed female elderly. Therefore, it dependency should be assessed first in nursing intervention to relieve depression of widowed elderly.


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  • Travesty of Life Elders Abuse an Inquiry of Physical and Psychological Abuse
    Naval Bajpai, Kushagra Kulshreshtha, Prince Dubey, Gunjan Sharma
    Ageing International.2023; 48(2): 413.     CrossRef
  • Relationship between Emotional Abuse and Depression among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Korea
    Jong-Il Park
    Yonsei Medical Journal.2018; 59(5): 693.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Hope, Dependency, and Perceived Health Status of Elderly Women
    Yong Ju Park, Ja Ok Kim
    Journal of muscle and joint health.2014; 21(2): 106.     CrossRef
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    Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.2013; 20(2): 96.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Health Status, Sleep and Depression by the Employment Status in the Elderly
    Hae-Ok Jeon, Ok-Soo Kim
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(3): 1203.     CrossRef
  • Effects of an Empowerment Program on Self-esteem and Depression for Low-income Elderly Women Living Alone
    Sang-Hwa Lee, Seong-Sook Jun
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2012; 21(4): 311.     CrossRef
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A Study of Elder Abuse in the Domestic Setting: Coping Strategies and the Consequences of Elder Abuse
Kyoung Mi Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):1047-1056.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of the study was to research how elder abuse affected the abuse results (self-esteem, depression, somatization) through coping strategies.


A convenient sample consisted of 499 subjects from 65 to 85 years old. Data was collected using structured questionnaires from July to August, 2002. The SPSS WIN 10.0 version was used for data analysis.convenient sample consisted of 499 subjects from 65 to 85 years old. Data was collected using structured questionnaires from July to August, 2002. The SPSS WIN 10.0 version was used for data analysis.


The pathway of elder abuse affecting elder's self-esteem was researched by passive coping, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and physical abuse as the variables that directly affected self-esteem. The pathway of elder abuse affecting elder's depression was researched by passive coping, aggressive coping, verbal abuse, and neglect as the variable that directly affected depression. The pathway of elder abuse affecting somatization was researched by neglect, emotional abuse, and aggressive coping as the variables that directly affected somatization.


We should develop a systematized intervention program so that elders can learn positive coping in their abuse circumstance.


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  • Elder Mistreatment Among Older Chinese Americans: The Role of Family Cohesion
    Xiang Gao, Fei Sun, Flavio F. Marsiglia, Xinqi Dong
    The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.2019; 88(3): 266.     CrossRef
  • Elder abuse and its impact on quality of life in nursing homes in China
    Fei Wang, LI-Rong Meng, Qinge Zhang, Lu Li, Bernice O.C. Lam Nogueira, Chee H. Ng, Gabor S. Ungvari, Cai-Lan Hou, Lianqi Liu, Wei Zhao, Fu-Jun Jia, Yu-Tao Xiang
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.2018; 78: 155.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Old age who have been Emotionally Abused Self-awareness on Self-esteem: Moderating Effects of Social Support
    Seo, In Kyun, 이연실
    Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare.2017; 72(4): 329.     CrossRef
  • Mediating Effects of Self-esteem on the Relationship between Abuse Experience and Suicidal Ideation of the Elderly
    Seo, In Kyun, 이연실
    Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare.2016; 71(3): 219.     CrossRef
  • A mediation effect of depression between a Elderly's abuse experience and considering suicide : A comparative study on people who live alone and those who live with family
    Seo, In Kyun, 이연실
    Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare.2015; null(68): 7.     CrossRef
  • Risk Factors Influencing Probability and Severity of Elder Abuse in Community-dwelling Older Adults: Applying Zero-inflated Negative Binomial Modeling of Abuse Count Data
    Mi Heui Jang, Chang Gi Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2012; 42(6): 819.     CrossRef
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Risk Factors Influencing Probability and Severity of Elder Abuse in Community-dwelling Older Adults: Applying Zero-inflated Negative Binomial Modeling of Abuse Count Data
Mi Heui Jang, Chang Gi Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(6):819-832.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to identify risk factors that influence the probability and severity of elder abuse in community-dwelling older adults.


This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Self-report questionnaires were used to collect data from community-dwelling Koreans, 65 and older (N=416). Logistic regression, negative binomial regression and zero-inflated negative binomial regression model for abuse count data were utilized to determine risk factors for elder abuse.


The rate of older adults who experienced any one category of abuse was 32.5%. By zero-inflated negative binomial regression analysis, the experience of verbal-psychological abuse was associated with marital status and family support, while the experience of physical abuse was associated with self-esteem, perceived economic stress and family support. Family support was found to be a salient risk factor of probability of abuse in both verbal-psychological and physical abuse. Self-esteem was found to be a salient risk factor of probability and severity of abuse in physical abuse alone.


The findings suggest that tailored prevention and intervention considering both types of elder abuse and target populations might be beneficial for preventative efficiency of elder abuse.


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    Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.2018; 42(2): 46.     CrossRef
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    Jooyoung Kong, Haesang Jeon
    Journal of Family Violence.2018; 33(1): 17.     CrossRef
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    치안정책연구.2017; 31(2): 101.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2015; 29(3): 488.     CrossRef
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Development of a Web-based Education Program for Nurses working in Nursing Homes on Human Rights of Older Adults
Ki-Kyong Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(4):463-472.   Published online August 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to develop a web-based education program for nurses working in nursing homes. The focus was on the rights of older adults.


The program was designed based on the Network-Based Instructional System Design (NBISD) model and was operated and evaluated between July 2007 and June 2008.


Out of nursing records of 40 residents from a nursing home, the final 7 cases were deducted through classification using the Resource Utilization Group (RUG)-III. The data on needs for education was collected from 28 nurses working in 15 nursing homes located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, who agreed to complete a self-report questionnaire. A comprehensive review of the literature and two focus groups interviews were used to search for risk factors and guidelines for protection of human rights. The education program was developed based on Kolb's experiential learning model and composed of 5 units, which included content on types of human rights and rights to death with dignity, elder abuse, physical liberty, and self-determination. The program was positively evaluated showing a score of 3.35 (SD=0.37) out of 4.


The educational program developed in this study should promote nurses' sensitivity to the rights of elders and improve nurses' behaviors in protecting the rights of elders residing in nursing homes.


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    Hee-Jeong Kim, Min-Sook Seo, Dahye Park
    PeerJ.2021; 9: e12079.     CrossRef
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    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(5): 452.     CrossRef
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    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(4): 638.     CrossRef
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    Ki-Kyong Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2014; 20(2): 227.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2012; 19(1): 122.     CrossRef
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