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4 "Educational Needs"
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The Educational Needs Of Mothers of Nephrotic Syndrome Patients and the Degree of Nurse's Educational Performances Perceived by Mothers
Mi Hae Sung, Seung Nam Paik
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(2):303-314.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This is descriptive study conducted to identify educational needs of mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients and the degree of nurses' educational performances perceived by mothers who look after mainly nephrotic syndrome patients. The study subjects were composed of 74 mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients whose children were hospitalized in 2 Pediatric wards of University Hospital in Seoul and 1 in Pusan from Jure in 1996 to January in 1997. A questionnaire for this study was item Kikert type 5 point scale, developed on the basis of previous literature and researcher's clinical experience and the reliability of the used instruments was q=.97. The data analysis was done by SAS. t-test, and ANOVA were done to determine the effect of general characteristics of subjects on their educational needs. Pearson correlation was done to measure relations between general characteristics of subjects and their educational needs and Stepwise Multiple Regression was done to test a variable affecting educational needs. The results were as follows. 1. Mean score of educational needs of subjects was 137.06(Maximum 176). The score of the educational needs of home care was the highest, but the question numbers(of that category) are smaller than others. So, the educational need of the diagnosis and treatment was regarded as the highest in contents. 2. The mean score of nurses' educational performances was very low, 74.91(Maximum 176). Nurse's educational performances score in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease ranked as the highest Burt that score in the care during hoapitalization was the highest in contents as the educational needs was. 3. The number of children excepting the patient(r2=.215289, P=.006)and the age of patient(r2=.23770, P=.001) were emerged as important variables affecting the degree of mother's educational need.

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The Educational Needs of a Mother when Nurturing Children
Kyung Hee Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):905-916.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational needs of a mother when nurturing children from neonates to the schoolage. A total of 657 subjects responded to the survey about the level of educational needs when nurturing children. The subjects of the study constituted of 401 mothers who visited the health center for immunization and 256 mothers who visited the pediatric outpatient department or whose children were hospitalized in pediatrics. This instrument had 64 items about nurturing children from neonates to the schoolage and one item had a score range of one to four. In data analysis, SPSSWIN 9.0 program was utilized for descriptive statistics. The results were as follows. 1) Mothers who had the neonates represented the highest educational needs about parental-neonates attachments with 3.47 of mean score compared to neonatal convulsion(3.44), management of common colds(3.44), nutrition(3.44), fever control (3.42). 2) Mothers who had infancy represented the highest educational needs about management of common colds with 3.34 of mean score compared to psychosocial developments (3.23), management of foreign bodies (3.22), feeding the food(3.19), playing with the infant(3.16). 3) Mothers who had toddlers represented the highest educational needs about psychosocial developments with 3.35 of mean score compared to discipline for children(3.34), management of teeth (3.29), management of common colds (3.21), management of accidents(3.20). 4) Mothers who had the a child in preschool represented the highest educational needs about psychosocial developments with 3.53 of mean score compared to management of accidents(3.23), discipline for children (3.00). 5) Mothers who had the child in secondary school represented the highest educational needs about psychosocial developments with 3.42 of mean score compared to management of teeth(3.13), management of accidents (3.05).

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Correlation Between Knowledge and Educational Needs Related to Recurrent in Coronary Artery bypass graft patients
Hee Seung Kim, Min Jeong Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):549-559.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the knowledge and educational needs related to recurrent in coronary artery bypass graft patients as a basis to provide an individual nursing education for the population. The subjects consisted of 110 patients who had coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) at Asan Medical Center in Seoul and Sechong hospital in Buchon. Data was obtained from a knowledge questionnaire and a learning needs questionnaire between November 1998 and February 1999. Data were analyzed using SAS program for Wilcoxon rank sum test and Spearman correlation coefficient. The results were as follows : 1. With regard to the 18 items to measure knowledge, the mean (median) of items 'don't know' was 4.9(4) items. The mean (median) of items answered wrong was 3.2(3) items. The number of items answered 'don't know' tend to show higher in those who had less education, blue color jobs and myocardiac infarction history than in their counter parts. 2. With regard to the level of knowledge by questionnaire about CABG, The most "I dont know" (59.1%) highly response was 'He has to be treated with anticoagulant drug to prevent revasculized vessel from obstructing.' The seond highest response (56.4%) was 'If you were hypotensive, the coronary attack would collapse. 'During the hospitalized day, the patient has complete bedrest.' The highest error probability was cholesterol has not to intake.', 'After surgery, the sexual life is need controlled for 1 year. 3. The mean of educational needs was 3.38. With regard to the level of learning needs by sentence about CABG, 'Food that benefit heart disease', 'Recurrence possibility of heart disease', 'Management
of operation site', 'Risk symptom that visit hospital or report immediately' were higher than other sentenses. With regard to the level of learning needs by factor 'food(5 items)', 'disease(9 items)' and 'exercise(3 items)' showed the highest than other factors. The educational needs by patients characteristics tend to show higher in males, under the age of 49, middle or high school degree, previous experience of admission with coronary artery disease, history of myocardial infarction, expierience of PTCA, history of cerebro-vascular accident, previous expierience of smoking than in their counter parts. 4. The number of items answered 'don't know', wrong and correct weren't correlated with the level educational needs. As the results, the number of items answered 'don't know' tend to show higher in those who had less educated, blue color jobs and myocardiac infarction history than in their counter parts. There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' in those who had no hypertension . There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' on anti-thrombolitic theraphy, hypotension and pain relief. Also there were higher frequency of items answered wrong on bed rest period, cholesterol intake, and sexual life. Educational needs were higher in young age group, had previous experience of procesure and history of other disease. And when we educate CABG patients, education for diet, recurrence possibility of disease, management methods of operation site and risk symptom should be emphasized. There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' in those who had no hypertension.

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A Study on the Educational Needs of Patients with Kidney Transplants and their Family Members after Discharge from Hospital
Jae Hyun Ahn, Nam Cho Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(6):1324-1335.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to explore the educational needs of patients with, kidney transplants and their family members to develop a rehabilitational and educational program. Data were collected from January 29, 1999 to April 20, 1999 with interviews using a structured questionnaire. There were 184 subjects in this study. of them, 107 were patients who had kidney transplants and had visited at the out-patient department of three general hospitals located in Seoul and 77 were family members. The questionnaire used for this study was developed by the investigator through a literature review and from data collected from 11 professional personnel and three kidney transplant patients and their families. The data were analyzed using the SAS program with t-test, ANOVA, Scheff test, Pearson correlation coefficient. 1) In the patient group, total mean score for educational needs was 154.61 and the item mean score was 3.96. For the family group, total mean score for educational needs was 168.84 and the item mean score was 4.15. So in the family group, educational needs were scored higher than by the patient group. With regard to domains, both patient and family groups had as the highest educational needs, the domain of physical health and the top ten items in the educational needs were also in the domain of physical health. 2) In the patient group, women and the divorce/ bereavement group had higher educational needs in the domain of nutritional management, those who had been admitted longer than four weeks from their kidney transplant had higher educational needs in the domain of physical health and those who were less than 4 years from their transplant had higher educational needs in the domain of follow-up care. In the family group, those who were Catholics and had high school education had higher educational needs in the domain of nutritional management. 3) In the patient group, academic background was positively correlated(r=.208, p=.031) to educational needs.

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