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1 "Education of breast self-examination"
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Original Article
The Effects of Education on Breast Self-Examination Practices
Kyung Ock Choi, Yeon Ok Suh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):718-728.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Breast self-examination is the most effective and easiest way for women to increase the responsible consciousness about their health. The purpose of this study was to test the variables impacted to promote breast self-examination practice. The research design used in this study was a nonequivalent control group of a non-synchronized design. The sample that was assembled consisted of 124 women. A purposive sample consisted of 124 omen. Each subject was given to assessed on the following the demographic data relate to the breast self-examination, knowledge of self-examination, accuracy, in performing self-examination, self-efficacy about breast cancer and breast self-examination, and the number of subjects who found a mass. The result of this study may be summarized as follows : 1. To examine the theoretical model fit to the data, chi square test statistics and goodness of fit index were identified(x2=2.30, df=2, GFI=0.99, AGFI=0.94 RMSR=0.02, NFI=0.99, NNFI=0.99, Critical Number=439). 2. The direct effects of education of breast self- examination were knowledge, self-efficacy, accuracy, number finding a mass. But the indirect effect of education in breast self-examination was frequency of breast self-examination. 3. Knowledge, as direct paths to the breast self-examination practices, was removed in the theoretical model. The parsimonious best fit model included self-efficacy, accuracy, the number finding mass, frequency of breast self-examination practices. 4. The final model produced a chi-square=5.58(p=0.35) with df=5, and GFI=0.99 AGFI=0.94, NFI=0.03, NFI=0.99, NNFI=0.99, CN=339 indicating very a good fit. Based on the result of this study, education of breast self-examination is very effective for increasing the competency of the breast self-examination through the knowledge and self-efficacy. Resources to promote self-examination may be helpful to increase the frequency of self-examination because self-efficacy is a direct effort on it. These findings suggest the need t develop nursing strategy to promote the self- efficacy of breast self-examination.

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