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How Do We Approach Quality Care for Patients from Middle Eastern Countries? A Phenomenological Study of Korean Nurses’ Experiences
Jang, Dael , Choi, Seonhwa , Hwang, Gahui , Kim, Sanghee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2024;54(3):372-385.   Published online August 31, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDF
Although more people from Middle Eastern countries are visiting South Korea for medical treatment, Korean nurses lack experience in treating them. Understanding and describing Korean nurses’ experiences can help them provide quality care to these patients by enhancing their competency in culturally appropriate care. This study described the experiences of nurses who provide care to Middle Eastern patients in clinical settings in South Korea.
We conducted a phenomenological study to describe nurses’ experience of caring for patients from Middle Eastern countries. Ten nurses with prior experience in caring for these patients were recruited from a university-affiliated tertiary hospital. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted between May 1 and June 4, 2020. The transcribed data were analyzed using Giorgi’s phenomenological method to identify the primary and minor categories representing nurses’ experiences.
Four major categories (new experiences in caring for culturally diverse patients, challenges in caring for patients in a culturally appropriate manner, nursing journey of mutual agreement with culturally diverse patients, and being and becoming more culturally competent) and 11 subcategories were identified.
Nurses experience various challenges when caring for Middle Eastern patients with diverse language and cultural needs. However, nurses strive to provide high-quality care using various approaches and experience positive emotions through this process. To provide quality care to these patients, hospital environments and educational programs must be developed that center on field nurses and students and support them in delivering quality care while utilizing their cultural capabilities.
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The Influence of Diversity Management of Nursing Organization on Organizational Commitment: Double Mediating Effect of Diversity Sensitivity Orientation and Positive Nursing Organizational Culture
Jeon, Hwi Gon , Jang, Keum Seong , Kim, Eun A
J Korean Acad Nurs 2024;54(3):403-417.   Published online August 31, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study was to identify the double mediating effect of effect of diversity sensitivity orientation and positive nursing organizational culture between diversity management and organizational commitment.
Participants were 245 nurses working in six tertiary hospitals located in 3 different regions. Data collection was conducted from February 13, 2023 to March 6, 2023 through online self-reported questionnaire. The data were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 27 and SPSS PROCESS Macro 4.2 program.
The direct effect of diversity management on organizational commitment was significant (β = .21, p < .001). The indirect effect of diversity management on organization commitment was .34 (95% confidence interval [CI] = .23~.47). The double mediating effect of diversity sensitivity orientation and positive nursing organizational culture in the relationship between diversity management and organizational commitment was .02 (95% CI = .00~.05).
Diversity sensitivity orientation and positive nursing organizational culture show double mediating effect on the relationship between diversity management and organizational commitment. Education program and human resource management strategy for enhancing diversity management, diversity sensitivity orientation and positive nursing organizational culture should be provided to improve organizational commitment, and which are needed active support of the association and nursing organization.
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Original Articles
Reseach on Transcultural Nursing
Kyng Rim Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(4):454-463.   Published online March 31, 2017
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No abstract available.

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Reliability, Validity, and Cultural Relevancy of the Korean Version of the POMS
Hae Ok Lee, Katherin Lee, Ginger C V Kohlman
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1147-1154.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Profile of Mood States (POMS) is the most widely used self-report instrument for the measurement of affect or mood in clinical and nonclinical populations. This paper reports on the translation and testing of a Korean version of the POMS. The translation involved three steps: translation, checking agreement, and panel discussions to arrive at consensus. Then, the Korean version of the POMS was tested with a sample of 47 healthy Koreans who lived in the U.S.: they completed the instrument in the morning, at the beginning of work and in the evening, at the end of work. Internal consistencies for the total scale and subscales were high(alphas= .93 and .94). Face and content validity and the cultural relevance of the Korean version of the POMS were tested through review by five bilingual Korean nursing scholars who were familiar with Korean version of the POMS was then compared with Haeok Fatigue Behavior Check-list and demonstrating significant concurrent validity (r= .87, p<.001). Construct validity was established by demonstrating significant differences between the scores on the scores on the Fatigue and Vigor subscales (p< .001) at the beginning work and at the end of work.

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Nursing Philosophy: Foucault and Cultural Diversity Issues in the Nursing Field
Chin Kang Koh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(2):208-212.   Published online March 28, 2017
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Cultural diversity is a highly important issue in nursing education and nursing practice today. This study is a philosophical approach to the power relationship between a health care provider and a care recipient. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationships between nurses and ethnic minority patients based on the discussions of some Foucauldian concepts that are related to cultural diversity. Based on the analysis, this study provides some suggestions for cultural competency in nursing practice.

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Prevalence and Determining Factors related to Depression Among Adult Women in Korea
Kyung Rim Shin, Chol Shin, Sun Young Park, Hye Ryeon Yi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(8):1388-1394.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Korean women are likely to experience symptoms of depression, possibly due to socially fixed limitations on the roles that Korean women are expected to perform. Also if a Korean woman experinces negative relationship problem or stress in her family, she would feel responsible, which will worsen her depression. Nonetheless, much of the research on depression among Korean women has focused on menopausal women. This study aims to understand the depression of Korean women to provide fundamental data to develop nursing intervention method for promoting women's health.


The present investigation assessed the prevalence and correlates of depression in a large sample of Korean women, aged 18 or older, from the general population. With a probability sample of 3312 women drawn from two areas in Korea, a survey, which contains the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and background, was completed.


According to CES-D classification criteria, 36.5% of the women in the sample displayed either no depression or mild depression, 55.6% exhibited moderate depression, and 7.8% manifested severe depression. Significant bivariate relationships were observed between depression and each measured background variable except alcohol use. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the strongest combination of predictors of depression included income, menopausal, and marital status.


The data support the premise that Korean women disproportionately experience elevated levels of depression. Consistent with the theory, depression may be related to social pressures to conform to the traditional roles. The study suggests the need for further research, primary prevention activities, and increased access to treatment.

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Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Transcultural Self-efficacy Scale for Nurses
Won-Oak Oh, Eun Sook Park, Min Hyun Suk, Yeo Jin Im
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):293-304.   Published online April 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

This methodological study was conducted to develop and psychometrically test the Transcultural Self-efficacy scale (TCSEscale) for nurses.


Initial 41 items for the TCSE-scale were generated based on extensive literature reviews and in-depth interviews with 18 nurses who had experience in caring for foreign patients. Cultural Competence and Confidence model was used as a conceptual framework. Content validity was evaluated by an expert panel. Psychometric testing was performed with a convenience sample of 242 nurses recruited from four general hospitals in the Seoul metropolitan area and Gyeonggi-do province of South Korea. To evaluate the reliability of TCSE-scale, a test-retest reliability and an internal consistency reliability were analyzed. Construct validity, concurrent validity, criterion validity, convergent validity and discriminative validity were used to evaluate the validity.


The 25-item TCSE-scale was found to have three subscales-Cognitive, Practical, and Affective domain-explaining 91.5% of the total variance. TCSE-scale also demonstrated a concurrent validity with the Cultural Competence Scale. Criterion-related validity was supported by known-group comparison. Reliability analysis showed an acceptable-to-high Cronbach's alpha-.88 in total, and subscales ranged from .76 to .87. The ICC was .90, indicating that the TCSE-scale has internal consistency and stability of reliability.


This preliminary evaluation of the psychometric scale properties demonstrated an acceptable validity and reliability. The TCSE-scale is able to contribute to building up empirical and evidence based on data collection regarding the transcultural self-efficacy of clinical nurses. We suggest further testing of the applicability of TCSE-scale in different settings and community contexts.

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Development of a Cultural Competence Scale for Nursing Students
Seok-Young Han, Hyang-In Cho Chung
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(5):684-693.   Published online October 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

This methodological study was conducted to develop and test a cultural competence scale for nursing students.


Based on the five constructs of cultural competency identified in the conceptual analysis of Suh, 76 items for the tool were derived initially. These items were reduced to 58 items after content validity tests (two times) by 6 multicultural experts. Data collected from 526 nursing students were utilized to test the validity and reliability of the preliminary tool. Item analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, and Cronbach's alpha were used for the analysis.


Twenty-seven items were selected for the final scale, and categorized into 5 factors explaining 62.1% of the total variance. Cronbach's alpha was .91 and the reliability of the subscales ranged from .76 to .91. Criterion validity between the developed tool and empathy (r=.26, p <.001) was significant.


The results show that this scale can provide scientific and empirical data when evaluating the effectiveness of school curriculums or multicultural empowerment programs regarding cultural competence of nursing students.

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Methodological Issues in Questionnaire Design
Youngshin Song, Youn-Jung Son, Doonam Oh
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(3):323-328.   Published online June 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

The process of designing a questionnaire is complicated. Many questionnaires on nursing phenomena have been developed and used by nursing researchers. The purpose of this paper was to discuss questionnaire design and factors that should be considered when using existing scales.


Methodological issues were discussed, such as factors in the design of questions, steps in developing questionnaires, wording and formatting methods for items, and administrations methods. How to use existing scales, how to facilitate cultural adaptation, and how to prevent socially desirable responding were discussed. Moreover, the triangulation method in questionnaire development was introduced.


Steps were recommended for designing questions such as appropriately operationalizing key concepts for the target population, clearly formatting response options, generating items and confirming final items through face or content validity, sufficiently piloting the questionnaire using item analysis, demonstrating reliability and validity, finalizing the scale, and training the administrator. Psychometric properties and cultural equivalence should be evaluated prior to administration when using an existing questionnaire and performing cultural adaptation.


In the context of well-defined nursing phenomena, logical and systematic methods will contribute to the development of simple and precise questionnaires.

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Effects of a Multicultural Education Program on the Cultural Competence, Empathy and Self-efficacy of Nursing Students
Eun-Hee Peek, Chai-Soon Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(5):690-696.   Published online October 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to examine the effects of a multicultural education program on nursing students' cultural competence, empathy, and self-efficacy.


In this quasi-experimental study, the participants were assigned to an experimental group (n=40) or a control group (n=40). The data were analyzed using independent t-test, Chi-square or Fisher's exact test, and paired t-test with the SPSS windows 18.0 program.


After receiving the multicultural education program, the levels of cultural competence and self-efficacy in the experimental group were higher than in the control group. The level of empathy increased slightly in the experimental group while it decreased in the control group.


The results of this study indicate that multicultural education is effective in raising the level of cultural competence and self-efficacy in nursing students. Thus, there is a need for continuous effort to integrate multicultural education programs in the nursing curriculum. Repeated study to test effects of these multicultural education programs should be also necessary.

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Effects of a Cultural Competence Promotion Program for Multicultural Maternity Nursing Care: Case-based Small Group Learning
Myung-Sook Park, Young-Ran Kweon
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(5):626-635.   Published online October 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a cultural competence improvement program for maternity nurses.


A quasi-experimental study using a non-equivalent control group pre and posttest design was used. Participants were 67 maternity nurses caring for multicultural pregnant women in G city. The cultural competence improvement program was developed based on the 3-D Puzzle Model and was provided using case-based small group learning methods for the experimental group (n=31). The control group (n=36) did not receive any intervention. Data were collected using self-report structured questionnaires at two time points: prior to the intervention and after the intervention and were analyzed with descriptive statistics, χ2-test, and t-test.


Compared to the control group, the experimental group reported significant positive changes for cultural knowledge (t=6.39, p<.001), cultural awareness (t=3.50, p<.001), and cultural acceptance (t=4.08, p<.001). However, change in cultural nursing behaviors (t=0.92, p=.067) was not significantly different between the two groups.


Findings from this study indicate that a cultural competence improvement program with case-based small group learning is a useful intervention strategy to promote multicultural maternity care. Further, strategies to improve cultural nursing behavior should be developed to promote culturally congruent nursing care.

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Transcultural Self-efficacy and Educational Needs for Cultural Competence in Nursing of Korean Nurses
Sun-Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(1):102-113.   Published online February 28, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to investigate the level of transcultural self-efficacy (TSE) and related factors and educational needs for cultural competence in nursing (CCN) of Korean hospital nurses.


A self-assessment instrument was used to measure TSE and educational needs for CCN. Questionnaires were completed by 285 nurses working in four Korean hospitals. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data.


Mean TSE score for all items was 4.54 and score for mean CCN educational needs, 5.77. Nurses with master's degrees or higher had significantly higher levels of TSE than nurses with bachelor's degrees. TSE positively correlated with English language proficiency, degrees of interest in multi-culture, degree of experience in caring for multi-cultural clients, and educational needs for CCN. The regression model explained 28% of TSE. Factors affecting TSE were degree of interest in multi-culture, degree of experience in caring for multi-cultural clients, and educational needs for CCN.


The results of the study indicate a need for nurse educators to support nurses to strengthen TSE and provide educational program for TSE to provide nurses with strategies for raising interests in cultural diversity and successful experiences of cultural congruent care.

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Effects of Korean Proficiency and Parent-child Cohesion on Self-esteem and Acculturation among Children from Multicultural Families
Mi Ye Kim, Ji Young Lim, Grace H. Chung
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(6):879-888.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

There is evidence that parent-child cohesion is a potentially influential factor in children's self-esteem and acculturation. However, no research to date has examined cohesion with parents as a potential pathway between Korean proficiency and self-esteem or acculturation among children from multicultural families. This study was done to address these limitations by examining whether and to what extent cohesion with parents mediated the effect of Korean proficiency on self-esteem and acculturation among children from multicultural families.


Data were collected from a sample of 138 mothers and their children living in Seoul, Daegu, Kyungi province, and Kyungpook province. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relationships between the variables of interest. Mediation effects of cohesion with parents were tested by following the procedure recommended by Baron and Kenny (1986).


Cohesion with parents partially mediated the relationship between Korean proficiency and self-esteem. For children's acculturation, the effect of Korean proficiency was partially mediated through father-child cohesion. Mother-child cohesion completely mediated the relationship between Korean proficiency and acculturation.


These findings suggest that to help children from multicultural families experiencing difficulties with self-esteem or acculturation, it might be useful to develop programs that are aimed at strengthen cohesion with parents.

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Adaptation Experience to Family of Immigrant Women in Multicultural Families
Jin-Hyang Yang, Hyun-Joo Park, Song-Soon Kim, Eun-Jeong Kang, Sang-Hee Byun, Ji-Soo Bang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(1):36-47.   Published online February 29, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to explore adaptation experience to family among women who immigrated for marriage. Specific aims were to identify problems immigrant women face as family members and how they interact with other family members.


Grounded theory methodology was utilized. Data were collected from iterative fieldwork with individual in-depth interviews from 6 immigrant women as key informants, and 2 of their husbands and 2 of their mothers-in-law as general informants.


Through constant comparative analysis, a core category emerged as "tearing down the wall in communicating". Causal conditions were feeling frustrated in one's expectations, differences in language and life style, differences in recognition, and perceptions of discrimination and prejudice. Strategies were learning the Korean language, learning Korean culture, managing stress, mediating differences between family members, and introspecting. Intervening factors were support systems, burdens of child-rearing, and the condition of one's health. Consequences were rooting oneself in one's family and accepting one's life as it is.


Results of the study indicate that there is a need for nurses to understand differences in communication with family members among immigrant women and to provide information and emotional support to improve the adaptation of these women to their Korean families.

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