PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of SaSang constitutional diet for essential hypertension on blood pressure, fat, and serum lipid on the subjects with aerobic exercise and low salt diet at the same time. METHOD: A non-equivalent control group time-series design was used. For the experimental group, aerobic exercise and SaSang constitutional diet were taught by researcher at health center. Test for hypothesis was done by repeated measured ANOVA. RESULT: There was significant decrease in systolic, diastolic, and MAP between the experimental group and control group over three different times. There was significant decrease in body weight, BMI, and body composition over three different times. But, there was no significant difference between groups and interaction by groups or over time. There was significant decrease in T/G and cholesterol over three different times. But, there was no significant difference in T/G, HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol between groups and interaction by groups or over time. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that this study will contribute to develop nursing strategies for the regulation of the blood pressure as a means of alternative- complementary nursing intervention.
This study was to examine the effects of electrical muscle stimulation therapy on chronic knee pain in the elderly.
The research design was a one-group pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 45 (TE: 17, SE: 15, SY: 13) elderly,65 years old and above with chronic knee pain. Pain was measured by the S-F McGill Pain Questuionnaire (S-F MPQ) and Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale (AIMS). Electrical muscle stimulation therapy experimental treatment was applied for 12 weeks, 3 times/week, 15 min/time. Data was collected from March 2005 to February 2006. Data was analyzed using the SPSS PC+ 12 version.
After receiving electrical muscle stimulation therapy, chronic knee pain in TE (S-F MPQ: t=-62.143, p=.000, AIMS: t=-29.155, p=.000), SE (S-F MPQ: t=-76.345, p=.000, AIMS: t=-39.323, p=.000), and SY (S-F MPQ: t=-43.691, p=.000, AIMS: t=-30.306, p=.000) groups were significantly decreased.
Electrical muscle stimulation therapy can be a better effective primary nursing intervention for chronic knee pain for community dwelling elderly people with TE, SE, and SY.