The purpose of this study was to develop and to evaluate the Computerized Nursing Diagnosis/ Intervention System for Nutritional and Eliminative Problems for clinical application. Each stage was processed based on the System Development Life Cycle. At the Strategy Planning Stage, valid nursing diagnoses and interventions were chosen. At the System Analysis Stage, a nursing diagnosis and intervention flowchart was drawn up. At the System Design Stage, a system was developed based on the flowchart and named the Nursing Diagnosis/Intervention System. The Nursing Diagnosis/Intervention System consisted of the Patient's Basic Information, Patient's Nursing Process, Nursing Process, and Code Registration. Each element in flowchart was coded and made into a database. The System was used and evaluated. A total of 30 cases were collected. After the application, the nurses evaluated the System using a 5 point Likert scale. Every item was scored at three points or more and 13 out of 17 items were scored at four points or more, thus the Nursing Diagnosis/Intervention System that was developed in this study was regarded as a useful one.
Postpartu depression is one of the most serious problems in maternal health because it affects not only the mother but also her family. Postpartum depression disturbs maternal-infant interaction and attachment. However, most postpartum depression patients ignore this problem and do not seek treatment. Thus this study in conducted to development of a Home-Based Multimedia Tutoring System for postpartum depression management. With this computerized system, mothers in the postpartum periods can check the level of postpartum depression using a personal computer. This system will go through each mother's data and screen those who have abnormal values. In addition this system includes intervention programs-education for nutrition, hygiene care, sleep, postpartum exercise, methods of relaxation, deep breathing, visualization, music therapy and family therapy-to relieve postpartum depression. Using this system, a mother who has a minor level of depression can manage it by herself. Computer language used in this study were html 3.2 OS used was Microsoftware Ni Server 4.0, the graphic tool was Adobe Photoshop 4.0, and the Webpage tool was Notepade. The results of this study are show at internet "URL : Http://". Finally, the author suggests that this system could be adequately applied to assessing postpartum depression and as a intervention strategy for mothers during the postpartum period. Further this study contributes to designing an appropriate postpartum depression prevention strategy.
The purpose of this study was to develop the computerized nursing diagnoses system for clinical application and activation of nursing diagnosis based on validity verification. In addition, our research team also performed system tests in clinical situations, to identify ways to improve the program and make it more practical. Nursing Diagnoses System will increase nurses' knowledge and experience of the application of nursing diagnoses in clinical situations and development of nursing interventions by nurses as well as the effectiveness of hospital computerized systems. We expect this system can contribute to an improvement in the quality of nursing care. Also we will continuously evaluate and revise the system related to the utilization of the program.