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The Effects of Hand Massage in Patients Who Underwent Transradial Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Eun Sil Shin, Myung-Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(4):465-474.   Published online January 15, 2018
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Abstract Purpose

This study aimed to determine the effect of hand massage in patients who underwent transradial percutaneous coronary intervention.


This was a quasi-experimental study with a nonequivalent control group and non-synchronized design. The study included 30 patients in the experimental group and 30 in the control group. Hand massage was performed 2 times for 5 minutes each in the experimental group and the control group only received usual nursing interventions. Pain, level of discomfort, and vital signs were defined as key outcome measures, and the data were analyzed using the chi-square test, an independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, repeated-measures analysis of variance, and Friedman test.


Significant differences were observed between the 2 groups in the pain score (F=7.91, p=.003), discomfort score (F=18.15, p<.001), pulse (F=12.92, p<.001), and respiration rate (χ 2=19.35, p<.001).


Hand massage can be a helpful nursing intervention for transradial percutaneous coronary intervention by reducing pain and discomfort to a considerable degree.

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The Perceived Discomfort of Plateletpheresis Donors
Sang Dol Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):577-587.   Published online March 30, 2017
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PURPOSE: To collect and interpret basic data involving the discomfort level of platelet donors and to see which nursing interventions would help make plateletpheresis more comfortable. METHODS: Using " the Platelet Donor's Discomfort Scale" developed by the researcher herself and reviewed by an expert panel, the severity of discomfort as well as factors contributing to the development of this discomfort were analyzed. This scale contained 59 items and each item was scored by the 4-point Likert manner. Between March 1, 1996 and May 31, 1996, 500 platelet donors(16 years of age and older) were enrolled in this study. The Statistical methods used were factor analysis, t-test, and ANOVA. The results were as follows : 1. The mean of the platelet donor's discomfort scale was 130, range 69-207, possible score ranging from 59-236. 2. The platelet donor's discomfort scale had psychological, environmental, physical, and time-related factors. The time-related factor was the highest positive correlation with the development of the discomfort. 3. In looking at the psychological and environmental factors of the discomfort scores, the 16-20 age group had significantly higher rating than those of the 26-30 age group. The students' group had higher scores than the soldier's group, and those who used the V-50, MCS-3P, or the PCS Plus machines had higher scores than those who used the COBE Spectra machine(P<.05, respectively) 4. In relation to the physical factor of the discomfort score, the youngest group felt significantly more discomfort, the student's group had a higher score than the soldier's group had a higher score than the soldier's group, and those who used the V-50, MCS-3P, or the PCS Plus machines had higher scores than those who used the COBE Spectra machine(P<0.05, respectively). 5. The time related factor of the discomfort score had the highest scores in every variable, how ever, statistically significant differences were no found between any of the variables(P>.05). CONCLUSION: Based on the above results, it can be oserved that the time-related factor was the most important factor influencing discomfort. The age and job of the donor, as well as the type of machine used, were significant variables in predicting the level of discomfort, regardless of psychological, environmental, and physical factors. This data could be used to determine nursing interventions that would relieve some of the discomfort of patients, as well as donors, undergoing plateletpheresis. Furthermore, consideration of the donor's time, introduction of a platelet donor pool system, publicity and education about platelet donation are required.

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The Effects of Group Imago Psychotherapy on Comfort and Depression of Patients with Hemodialysis
Gui Yun Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):791-798.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The hemodialysis patients with chronic renal disease have experienced negative emotions, especially depression among with physical, social, and psychological changes. Based upon a stress-coping theory, group imago psychotherapy which can induce effective coping through self awareness and positive emotional responses is implemented to the hemodialysis patients. The effects of the imago psychotherapy in regards to comfort and depression are studied here. Group imago psychotherapy was performed on forty-three subjects(twenty subjects in the experimental group and twenty-three subjects in the control group). The results of the study were as follows. After being given group imago psychotherapy, the comfort scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (F=15.33, p= .003). Moreover, after being given treatment, the depression scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group (F=9.14. p=.0044). Specifically, the scores on comfort in the experimental group under emotion-focused coping style were significantly higher than those of the control group (F=18.59, p= .0002). The mean difference on comfort scores in the experimental group under problem - focused coping style was higher than that of the control group. But their scores were not significant (F=0.19, p= .6729). The scores on depression in the experimental group under emotion-focused coping style were significantly lower than those of the control group (F=14.62, p= .0006). The mean difference on depression scores in the experimental group under problem - focused coping style was much lower than that of the control group. But their scores were not significant (F=0.31, p=.5947). There was a significant positive correlation between comfort and depression variables. After group imago psychotherapy the hemodialysis patients recognized positive changes in emotional reponses, self awareness, self control, ease of mind, and felt overall more relaxed. Imago psychotherapy is a nursing intervention which as this study has shown can improve to comfort. The
of this study can be applied to general nursing practices. In the view of holistic nursing, the development of the nursing practice combined with imago psychotherapy will contribute to the enlargement of the nursing field with conventional nursing practices.

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A Grounded Theory Approach to the Comfort Experience of Hospitalized Patients
Kyung Hee Kim, Keum Soon Kim, Kyu Sook Kang, Hyun Sook Kang, Won Ock Kim, Hoon Jung Paik, Jong Soon Won, Nan Young Lim, Ihn Sook Jeong, Hye Jin Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):750-763.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study is based on grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1998). Ten hospitalized subjects were interviewed for data collection. In the process of data analysis, 'acceptance' is found to be the causal condition, while 'health professionals' skillfulness', 'ward environment', 'history of hospitalization', and 'general conditions' were identified as context, 'felling of relief' as the core phenomenon, 'self-efficacy', 'support of others', and 'life style' as the intermediate situation, 'passive reaction', 'alternative reaction' and 'active reaction' as the strategy and 'stabilization', 'satisfaction', 'hope' and 'carrying out' as consequences. 'Feeling of relief' is found to go through the three stages of recognition-generation-maintenance after the five different patterns. 1) In case the health professionals are skillful, the ward environment is favorable, the general conditions of the patients improved and as a result the feeling of relief is strong, during the first hospitalization, the self-efficacy of the subjects tends to be strong. They proceed toward the goal set for themselves with a renewed hope and active or alternative reaction toward the feeling of relief. 2) The subjects tend to proceed toward the goal set for themselves with a renewed hope and active and alternative reaction toward the feeling of relief in case health professionals are skillful, the ward environment is favorable the general conditions of the subjects improved, self-efficacy is strong, and lifestyle is autonomous, during the second hospitalization even though support of others is merely superficial. 3) The subjects tend to stabilize, and satisfy themselves with the given situation with passive and alternative reaction to the feeling of relief in case health professionals are skillful and the ward environment is favorable but the general conditions worsened and accordingly the feeling of relief, is weak and life style is dependent during the second hospitalization although the subjects' self-efficacy is strong and support of others is specific. 4) The subjects tend to stabilize and satisfy themselves with the given situation with passive and alternative reaction to the feeling of relief in case health professionals are unskillful the ward environment is unfavorable, the general conditions improved, support of others is specific but life style is dependent and self-efficacy is weak during the first hospitalization. 5) The subjects tend to stabilize and satisfy themselves with the given situation in case health professionals are unskillful the ward environment is unfavorable but the general conditions improved support of others is specific and as a result self-efficacy is strong but life style is dependent.

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Study on the Effects of the Nursing Intervention Program for Perimenstrual Discomfort of the Female University Students
Kyung Ja Hong, Young Sook Park, Jeong Eun Kim, Hae Won Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):821-831.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Management of perimenstrual discomfort could be an effective strategy for women's health promotion. This study was designed to develop and test the nursing intervention program for the reduction of the perimenstrual discomfort. The data were collected from a group of 76 female university students(34 in the intervention group, 42 in the control group) during November 20, 1997 and March 10, 1998. Measurements were taken concerning perimenstrual discomfort, self care behavior, and perimenstrual discomfort from both groups, at pre and post intervention. Intervention program involves education, support, counselling, and relaxation training, via individual and group levels over a twelve- week period. Listed are the summarized results: 1. The intervention group had more knowledge concerning perimenstrual discomfort(t=2.290, p=.025), self care behavior(t=3.198, p=.000), and lower perimenstrual discomfort score(t=-4.446, p=.000) than the control group at post intervention. 2. The intervention group showed an enhancement on the knowledge on perimenstural discomfort(t=2.35, p=.025), and decreased the perimenstrual discomfort score(t=-7.36, p=.000). However change of self care behavior was not significant during the intervention. According to this study a developed nursing intervention program is effective for reduction of the perimenstrual discomfort. For a future research, it is necessary that experiments concerning menstruation, and a correlational study of perimensturual discomfort and stress will be performed.

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Transcultural Differences on Perimenstrual Discomforts, Menstrual Attitudes and Sex Role Acceptance between Korean and American college Students
Kyung Ja Hong, Young Sook Park, Jung Eun Kim, Hae Won Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(2):233-243.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to compare the transcultural differences on perimenstrual discomforts, menstrual attitudes and sex role acceptance between Korean and American college students. The subjects, 2557 nursing students were selected from 13 universities all around Korea, and 4 universities in the eastern, western, and middle areas of the United States. The data were collected using the MDQ(Menstrual Distress Questionnaire by Moos), the MAQ(Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire) and the Sex Role Acceptance Scale, the subjects answered the MDQ for three points(premenstrual, menstrual, intermenstrual based on their recollections) between July, 1996 and April, 1997. The findings are as follows : 1. There were significant differences in the age of menarche, duration of menstruation, and menstrual cycle between the Koreans and the Americans. 2. As for sex role acceptance, Americans more frequently denied the traditional female role than did Koreans. 3. There were significant differences between the two groups on five categories of menstrual attitude(menstruation is a phenomena that weakens women physically and psychologically, menstruation is a bothersome phenomena. menstruation is a natural phenomena, and menstruation is a phenomena that does not influence women's behaviors non is expected to). 4, For the menstrual discomfort scores, there were significant differences between the two groups on all six categories of the MDQ(pain, attention deficit, behavioral changes, ANS response, water retention, and negative emotion) for the three points(premenstrual, menstrual, intermenstrual period). 5. The most common complaints for the Korean women were pain during the perimenstrual period and fatigue during the intermenstrual period. In contrast, for the Americans the most common complaint was negative emotions during the perimenstrual period, but less pain than the Koreans, and a similarity to Koreans during the intermenstrual period. 6. Regularity of the menstrual cycle was positively correlated with age of menarche, menstrual cycle, and duration of menstruation. 7. For the interrelationship between of Perimenstrual discomforts, menstrual attitudes, and sex role acceptance, there were significant correlations for both group as follows : First, the MA category "menstruation is a bothering phenomena" was negatively correlated with sex role acceptance, second, the MA category "menstruation is a phenomena that weakens the women physically and psychologically" was positively correlated with the MA category "menstruation onset is a predictable phenomena." For the further research, it is recommended that efficient nursing intervention programs for perimenstrual discomforts, be developed and qualitative re search to demonstrate the cultural differences as the feminism view point be done.

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Effects of Music Therapy on Pain, Discomfort, and Depression for Patients with Leg Fractures
In Sook Kwon, Jungnam Kim, Kyung Min Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):630-636.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

To determine the effects of music therapy on pain, discomfort, and depression for patients with leg fractures.


Data were collected from 40 patients admitted in an orthopedic surgery care unit. The subjects included 20 intervention group members and 20 control group members. Music therapy was offered to intervention group members once a day for 3 days for 30-60 minutes per day. Pain was measured with a numeric rating scale and by measuring vital signs. Discomfort and depression were measured with self-administered questionnaires.


Patients who received music therapy had a lower degree of pain than patients who did not receive music therapy as measured by the numeric pain score (p<0.001), systolic blood pressure (p<0.01), diastolic blood pressure (p<0.001), pulse rate (p<0.001) and respiration (p<0.001). Patients who were provided with music therapy also had a lower degree of discomfort than patients who were not provided with this therapy (p<0.01).


These results demonstrate that music therapy is an effective method for decreasing pain and dis-comfort for patients with leg fractures.

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Effects of ASPAN's Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Promotion of Hypothermia of Patients with Total Knee Replacement Arthroplasty
Je Bog Yoo, Hyun Ju Park, Ji Yeoun Chae, Eun Ju Lee, Yoo Jung Shin, Justin Sangwook Ko, Nam Cho Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(3):352-360.   Published online June 28, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

In this study an examination was done of the effects of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines on body temperature, shivering, thermal discomfort, and time to achieve normothermia in patients undergoing total knee replacement arthroplasty (TKRA) under spinal anesthesia.


This study was an experimental study with a randomized controlled trial design. Participants (n=60) were patients who underwent TKRA between December 2011 and March 2012. Experimental group (n=30) received active and passive warming measures as described in the ASPAN's guidelines. Control group (n=30) received traditional care. Body temperature, shivering, thermal discomfort, time to achieve normothermia were measured in both groups at 30 minute intervals.


Experimental group had slightly higher body temperature compared to control group (p=.002). Thermal discomfort was higher in the experimental group before surgery but higher in the control group after surgery (p=.034). It decreased after surgery (p=.041) in both groups. Time to achieve normothermia was shorter in the experimental group (p=.010).


ASPAN's guidelines provide guidance on measuring patient body temperature at regular intervals and on individualized and differentiated hypothermia management which can be very useful in nursing care, particularly in protecting patient safety and improving quality of nursing.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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