This study examined the daily rhythmic patterns of mood in shift workers. Ten rotating shift nurses (shift worker group) were matched with ten non-rotating student nurses (non-shift worker group) working under the same conditions at CUniversity Hospital. The subjecs completed the Mood Adjective Checkist(MAC) every two or three hours from 6AM to 9-11 PM for six consecutive days. The MAC was constructed by Mansour and coversed the mood factors of Anger-Depression. Happiness, Mental, and Social. These data were analyzed by using Cosinor method. The results are summarized as follows; 1. There was no difference in mean scores for Anger-Depression, Happiness, Mental, and Social mood rhythm between the shift workers and the non-shift workers. 2. There was no difference in the amplitude of Anger-Depression, Happiness and Social mood between the two groups, but the shift workers had a higher amplitude of Mental mood. 3. The acrophases of the Anger -Depression mood were between 1:28 and 2:05, and those of Happiness, Social, and Mental mood were between 12:5 and 15:03 for both groups. There were no diffirences between the groups. 4. The number of the subjects with statistically significant mean cosinor rhythms for Anger-Depression and Mental moods were higher in the shift workers than in the non shift workers, but there were no differences between the shift workers and the non-shift workers in those of Happiness and Mental mood. This study showed that the mood manifested circadian periodicities, and a rapidly rotating shift system did not changed the circadian rhythm of mood. It is expected that this study will facilitate a better understanding of circadian rhythm in mood in the shift workers.
The purpose of this study was to investigate sleep habits, sleep disturbance, and circadian types, and to identify factors influencing sleep disturbance in nursing students.
Participants were 140 senior nursing students. The data were collected from May 19 to 27, 2008 using self-report questionnaires.
1) Evening type delayed sleep-wake schedules were more frequent than for morning type, especially during weekend and evening shift duty. 2) In total sleep time, there were no significant statistical differences between morning type and evening type during weekdays, weekend, day or evening shift duty. 3) On weekdays and day shift duty, the mean score for sleep disturbance was significantly higher in the evening type compared to the morning type. 4) Sleep disturbance in weekday and day shift duty was influenced by circadian types, eating habits, and gender.
The circadian types are a very important factor for determining the sleep quantity and quality in nursing students.
In this study rest-activity rhythm, sleep pattern and quality of life of patients with restless legs syndrome were compared with those of a normal group.
The participants in this study were 36 patients with restless legs syndrome diagnosed by a neurologist and 36 participants in the normal group. An actigraph, sleep diary, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Insomnia Severity Index scale were used as measurement tools for the study. Chi-square test, Lamda test, t-test and Kendall's correlation with SPSS 12.0 program were used to analyze the data.
Patients with restless legs syndrome had a higher rest-activity rhythm curve of Least 5 hr's activity (L5) and Most 10 hr's activity (M10) than those of normal group and sleep problems included decreased sleep efficiency and increased sleep latency, wake time and number of awakenings. The scores for the subscales of quality of life in patients with restless legs syndrome were lower than the normal group for general health, physical functioning, role limitations due to emotional problems, role limitation due to physical problems, social functioning, bodily pain, vitality and mental health.
The results suggest that further studies are needed to identify rest-activity rhythm according to symptom severity and to develop nursing interventions which consider rest-activity rhythm.