This study was designed to investigate the effects of information by using cartoon on preoperative anxiety of children following tonsillectomy. The subjects were 30 children aged between 7 and 12 who were hospitalized at C university hospital for undergoing tonsillectomy from December 20, 1996 to August 14, 1997. Sixteen of them were assigned to the experimental group, while fourteen subjects to the control group. The data were collected through preoperative state anxiety, pulse rate, pain before and after giving information by using cartoon. The results were as follows : 1. Preoperative state anxiety increased in both groups(P=0.0348). No significant difference found between experimental and control group. But preoperative anxiety in experimental group was apt to increase less than that in the control group. 2. Pulse rate didn't make significant difference within and between groups. 3. Pain increased in both groups(P=0.0001). No significant difference found between experimental and control group. 4. Experimental group between the aged 7 and 9 decreased preoperative state anxiety, but experimental group between the aged 10 and 12 increased preoperative state anxiety after treatment(P=0.0298). These findings may indicate that the information by using cartoon is effective in children between the aged 7 and 12.