There is a need to investigate folk remedies used by patients with breast cancer because there is little information about the subject, even though many Korean women with breast cancer have used folk remedies during and after their treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe the phenomena and the meaning of folk remedies in order to better understand patients with breast cancer and to suggest directions for comprehensive nursing care. The Questions for the study were as follows: What kinds of folk remedies do patients with breast cancer use? What are the routes of knowing about folk remedies in patients with breast cancer? What are the patterns of the usage of the folk remedies? Why do patients with breast cancer use folk remedies? What are the meanings of folk remedies to patients with breast cancer? To answer these questions, a qualitative research method was used. Thirty-nine patients were recruited from university teaching hospitals from March, 1993 to November 1994. Many of them underwent either modified radical mastectomy or received various adjuvant therapy including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, observations, medical records, and analyzed step-by-step using qualitative analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Patients with breast cancer have used many different kinds of folk remedies. 2. Patients with breast cancer did not know the exact effects of the folk remedies. Also the effects could not be exactly proven by the patients. 3. Patients with breast cancer received information about many kinds of folk remedies through various communication systems, such as other patients, their families and relatives, friends, and many types of mass media. 4. To use the folk remedies was one kind of illness behavior that was used by these patients. 5. Folk remedies were used to deal with not only anxiety by the patients themselves but also as the expression of affection and concern by families and relatives. 6. The use of folk remedies was one of the adaptation behaviors in patients with breast cancer whose disease was in the terminal stage. Based on the above findings, one suggestion was made: To continue further studies on folk remedies used by other patients with cancer in order to further explain health and illness behavior of Korean people.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe women's embarrassability and embarrassment during cervical screening. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 82 women who had a cervical screening at a National University Hospital. The data were collected through personal interview using a questionnaire from February 4, 2001 to February 22, 2002. The questionnaire consisted of embarrassability scale, embarrassment Scale, and demographic data. RESULT: 1) The mean scores of situational embarrassability was 82.6 and that of dispositional embarrassability was 106.7. 2) The mean scores of subject's embarrassment was 54.3 and 48.7 in 10 stages of cervical screening. The following three situations of 10 stages of cervical screening were highly ranked as to be embarrassing: 'during the examination', 'waiting for a doctor', and 'climbing up the exam chair and positioning her thigh for a exam'. 3) There was a positive correlation between dispositional embarrassability and embarrassment of 10 stages of cervical screening. 4) There were significant differences in situational embarrassability of subjects according to education and the locations of service. There were significant differences in dispositional embarrassability of subjects with regard to frequencies of pregnancy. 5) There were significant differences in embarrassment of subjects during cervical screening with respect to age, age at the time of first smear and gender of the examiner. CONCLUSION: The finding of this study indicates that women experienced a high level of embarrassment during cervical screening, assuming a need for nursing intervention reduces women's embarrassment. Also, there is a positive correlation between embarrassability and embarrassment of cervical screening, suggesting a need for further research identifying the effect of nursing intervention on embarrassment according to embarrassability.
The purpose of this study was to develop a critical thinking disposition scale for nursing students.
The developmental process was construction of a conceptual framework, development of preliminary items, verification of content validity, development of secondary items, verification of construct validity and extraction of final items. The conceptual framework and first preliminary 60 items were obtained through a review of relevant literature and the development of critical disposition scales by 10 researchers who had been studying critical thinking for one year. These items were reviewed by five specialists for content validity and finally 55 items were chosen. The data was collected from October 1 to 15, 2004 and was analyzed using factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha with the SPSS program. The subjects were composed of 560 Bachelor of Science nursing students from 8 nursing schools.
There were 35 final items which were sorted into 8 factors. The factors were identified as ‘ intellectual integrity(6 items)’, ‘ creativity(4 items)’, ‘ challenge(6 items)’, ‘ open-mindedness(3 items)’, ‘ prudence(4 items)’, ‘ objectivity(4 items)’, ‘ truth seeking(3 items)’ and ‘ inquisitiveness(5 items)’. The cumulative percent of variance was 55.107%. The reliability of the scale, Cronbach's alpha was .892 and the factors' ranged from .562-.836.
The result of this study could be used for measuring critical thinking dispositions of nursing students. However, for further validity and reliability, repeated research is necessary.
The purpose of this study was to validate Quality of Life Index-Cancer (Q.L.I.-C) developed by Ferrans (1990) among Korean cancer patients.
This study design was exploratory factor analysis methodology. Q.L.I.-C was translated into Korean and reverse-translated into English. The subjects were 357 Korean patients with various cancers. Data were collected by questionnaires from May to August, 2000 and was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Principal Component Analysis for construct validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for reliability.
The range of factor loadings was .446~.841. The explained variance from the 5 extracted factors was 63.7% of the total variance. The first factor ‘family’ was 35.5%, and ‘health & physical functioning’, ‘psychological’, ‘spiritual’, and ‘economic’ factors were 11.5%, 6.9%, 5.6%, and 4.2% respectively. Because of cultural difference between Americans and Koreans, certain items such as sexuality, job status, and education were deleted from the extraction of factors in this study. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .9253 among the 28 items.
Q.L.I.-C could be applied in measuring quality of life of Korean cancer patients. It also recommend to do further studiesfor validation of Q.L.I.-C American and Korean versions relating to cultural differences.
To describe psychosocial adjustment of low-income Koreans who have cancer.
Data were collected during 2008 using individual in-depth interviews with 18 Korean people with cancer. The income status of the participants was low, 11 were recipients of the National Basic Livelihood Protection program. Mean age was 58.3 yr and 11 were female. Five participants had stomach cancer, five, colorectal cancer, and four, breast cancer. Data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology.
The core category emerged as 'bearing up alone with double suffering'. 'Poverty and cancer: A double suffering' emerged as a causal condition. The adjustment process consisted of three stages: 'forming a treatment will to live' ,'practicing for the cure',and 'restructuring self and repaying favors'. Each stage indicated action-interaction strategies which were employed to bear up alone with double suffering during the illness process. Self-reflection, parental responsibility, and support from the public sector played important roles in overcoming the double suffering. Two types of consequences were identified: Transcended life and strained life suppressed by poverty and cancer.
The results provide insights into the psychosocial adjustment process for low income Korean with cancer and can be used in developing and implementing efficient home-care services for these people.