PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the change and difference and relationship of postpartum depression and physical image. METHOD: The subjects consisted of 86 postpartum women at one general hospital in Seoul. The data was collected from September to November 2001. The instrument used for this study were SRD (Self-Rating Depression Scale) and Norris' Body Image Scale to evaluate depression and body image. The collected data was analyzed with frequency, mean, t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient. RESULT: The result of this study were as follows: 1.The mean score of D2 was significantly higher than D1(p=.003). There was no difference significantly B1 and B2(p=310). 2. There was significant correlation between the two, D1-D2(r=.381, p<.01), B1-B2(r=.364, p<.01), D1-B1(r=.579, p<.01), D2-B2(r= .567, p<.01). (D1: depression of postpartum 1-3days, D2: depression of postpartum 6-8weeks, B1: body image of postpartum 1-3days, B2: body image of postpartum 6-8weeks) CONCLUSION: There was very high postpartum depression in postpartum women, but body image was positive. Also, there was correlated to postpartum depression and body image. Thus it is necessary to implement nursing intervention focused on to decrease the postpartum depression and to enhance the body image of the postpartum women.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of the 8-week, 16-session group art therapy program on body image and self-esteem in college women. METHOD: Data collected by self-reported questionnaires from 58 college women in Inchon who were selected by criteria of this study, from the 6 of March to 10 of May, 2002. The 11 experimental group participated in a 8-week group art therapy program. Descriptive statistics, homogeneity test, hypothesis, and reliability test were performed statistically by utilizing SPSS PC+ 8.0 program. RESULT: 1. 'The experimental group showed significantly higher scores in body image than the comparison group. 2. No significant differences were found between two groups in self-esteem. CONCLUSION: The findings showed the possibility of applying group art therapy as an effective intervention for clients with negative body image to improve their body image.
The increased potential for the lifespan of a child with cancer is largely due to advance in drug treatment, radiation treatment, and surgical techniques. In this generation cancer has become associated with chronic illness. Therefore supportive nursing intervention for children with cancer is needed to promote normal growth and development. This study was designed to develop and test the supportive nursing intervention program for promoting body image and self-esteem of children with cancer. The supportive nursing intervention program involved emotional, physical, informational, and social support. The subjects were 41 children with cancer(20 in intervention group, 21 in control group) in K city. Measurements were taken concerning body image and self-esteem from both groups during pre and post test. The data were analyzed using Cronvach's alpha, x2-test, paired t-test and t-test. The results were as follows: The intervention group had a more positive body image as measured by the Body Cathexis Scale(t=2.436, p=.020) and a more self esteem as measured by the Cpopersmith self-inventory (t=2.768, p=.009) than the control group at post test. According to this study, the supportive nursing intervention program was effective for promoting the body image and self-esteem of children with cancer. Repeated research is needed to develop a refined supportive nursing intervention program for children with chronic illness.
The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of aromatherapy massage on abdominal fat and body image in post-menopausal women.
A Non-equivalent control group pre-post test Quasi-experimental design of random assignment was applied. All subjects received one hour of whole body massage as treatment by the same researcher every week for 6 weeks. Participants also massaged their own abdomen two times everyday for 5 days each week for 6 weeks. The two groups used different kinds of oil. The experimental group used 3% grapefruit oil, cypress and three other kinds of oil. The control group used grapeseed oil. Data was collected before and after the treatment using Siemens Somatom Sensation 4, a tape measure and MBSRQ. Data was analyzed by ANCOVA using the SPSS/PC+Win 12 Version.
Abdominal subcutaneous fat and waist circumference in the experimental group significantly decreased after aromathetapy massage compared to the control group. Body image in the experimental group was significantly better after aromathetapy massage than in the control group.
These results suggest that Aromatheapy massage could be utilized as an effective intervention to reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat, waist circumference, and to improve body image in post-menopausal women.
This study was to investigate the factors influencing problem behaviors among adolescents.
The subjects for this study were 596 students in middle school in Seoul. The data was collected during the period from May to November, 2001 by use of questionnaires. The instruments used were the Child Problem Behavior list by Hong (1986), the Body Cathexis Scale by Secord and Jourard(1953), and the Beck Depression Inventory by Beck(1978). The data was analyzed by using the SPSS-Win program.
Problem behaviors showed a significant negative correlation with body image (r= -.310. p=.000) and positive correlation with depression (r=.674, p=.000). There were significant differences in the problem behavior scores of subjects according to sex, family status, economic status, and school scores. Female students were found to have a high degree of internalized problem behaviors. In addition, depression, body image, and sex were significant predictors to explain problem behaviors(47.3%). Depression, sex, grade, and school scores were significant predictors to explain externalized problem behaviors(21.9%) and depression and body image, internalized problem behaviors(51.4%).
Since predicting factors of problem behaviors among middle school students by problem behavior type and sex were different, then practitioners should consider these differences when developing programs for them.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among variables of body image, self-esteem and depression in college female students according to the normal and overweight.
The subjects of this study consisted of 245 college female students. The data was collected through personal interviews using questionnaires from May to June of 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test and the pearson correlation coefficient.
Demographics provided a significant difference in grade, household income, weight control experience. There was a perceived health status difference, according to the normal and overweight subjects. There was a significant difference in body image, self-esteem and depression between the two groups. There was a significant positive correlation between body image and self-esteem, and negative correlation between body image and depression, and self-esteem and depression in college female students.
The Findings of this study give useful information to construct further studies in intervention program relating overweight control for college female students.
This study was done to examine not only the relationships between body mass index (BMI), self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction (BID) and mental health, according to gender, but the mediating role of BID on mental health in relation to BMI and self-esteem among early adolescents.
Data from 576 (296 boys and 280 girls) elementary school students in grades 5 to 6 were collected. A multiple-group path analysis was utilized to examine the relationships between BMI, self-esteem, BID and mental health by gender.
In the path analysis for all students, poor mental health was related directly to BID, while it was indirectly related to BMI and self-esteem. In the multiple-group path analysis of both genders, BID was found to have a significant direct and indirect effect on mental health for girls alone.
The findings suggested that BID should be examined early to prevent poor mental health in early adolescent girls. This study helps to elucidate the role of early adolescent BID on mental health and provides insight for further prevention and intervention programs in school and community mental health settings.
A diagnosis of breast cancer is one of the most traumatic events that threatens a woman's life, but while women adapt to and overcome these threats, they not only experience negative aspects, but also growth. The purpose of this study was to identify the many factors that affect growth, and to provide fundamental information for nursing interventions, which can help the women in their growth.
The participants in this study were 131 married women patients with breast cancer, who were on medical treatment in one of two university hospitals, in Seoul and Chungnam. Data were collected for posttraumatic growth, self-esteem, cancer coping questionnaire, marital intimacy, and body image. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 19.0 program (IBM).
Interpersonal cancer coping, intrapersonal cancer coping (planning) and self-esteem accounted for 29.0% of posttraumatic growth.
These findings indicate that in order to help the women's growth after the trauma of breast cancer, it is necessary to enhance their self-esteem, and to develop psycho-social nursing supportive programs.
This study examined the effects of aerobic exercise using a flex band on the improvement of physical functions & body image in breast cancer women undergoing radiation therapy after a mastectomy.
Women with breast cancer(n = 26) were assigned to an experimental group(EG, n = 15) and control group(CG, n = 11). The E.G. participated in an aerobic exercise program with a 60% to 80% intensity of maximal heart rate for 25 minutes during the main exercise, 3 times per week, for 6 weeks. The EG did not exercise regularly for 3 months before participating in this program. The CG received no exercise treatment during the research period. Data were analyzed using the χ2-test and Mann-Whitney U test by the SPSS version 11.0 program at a 5% significant level.
Group analysis revealed that the EGwomen had significantly more improved cardiopulmonary functions, ROM of the affected shoulder joint, and body image compared to the CG.
Aerobic exercise using a flex band may be an effective rehabilitative measure for mastectomy women with respect to cardio-pulmonary functions, ROM, & body image. Further studies are recommended to study early rehabilitation programs within 10 days post-operatively.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of health perception, body image and sexual function on depression according to the menopausal stage in Korean middle aged women.
Subjects were 182 perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who had not received hormonal replacement therapy. A five-item General HealthShort Form (SF-36) Health Survey Questionnaire (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992) was used to measure health perception. Body image was measured Semantic Differential scale, CES-D was used to measure the level of depression, and sexual function was measured by FSFI.
The subjects rated their health as ‘moderate’, their body image as ‘moderate, and level of depression as ‘high’. However, there were no significant differences in health perception, body image, and depression between perimenopasual and postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women experienced lower levels of sexual function than perimenopausal women in sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain. In stepwise regression analysis, 21.7% of variance in depression was shown to be perceived health and body image in postmenopausal women. However, in perimenopausal women, perceived health and sexual function explained 34.5% of variance in depression.
These findings indicate that nurses must consider the menopasusal stage when counseling their patients.