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A Study on the Actual Conditions of Children's Rehabilitation Centers in Seoul
Kae Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):64-80.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The social understanding of the rehabilitaion and welfare work for the handicapped children is nearly devoid in Korea. Especially the medical rehabilitation or nursing for them is left ignored as well as the literature referential to this study is wanted. For the purpose of conducting the study of this thesis Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. and Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical center sampled out; covering three months from Aug. 1 to Oct. 30, 1973, the problems of children's rehabilitation, the characteristics of the children, the medical rehabilitation, nursing, education, and vocational rehabilitation were interviewed and widely grasped. This thesis aimed at developing the rehabilitation, the professional nursing and especially aimed at contributing to the improvement of welfare for the handicapped by analysing, observing the result of this study. The result is as follows: 1. Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. has, since its establishment, contributed to the advancement of the crippled children and its purpose consists in implementing services, medical rehabilitation, nursing, education and vocational training. Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center is, being based on Christianity, aiming at the medical treatment and education for the crippled children. 2. All of the children admitted in the children's rehabilitation centers are the crippled children. The ratio of boys to girls is three to two. Boys are more than girls. Orphan formed 55.2 per Cent of them. About 63 per cent of them is receiving medical attention free of charge. But there is no orphan in Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center. 3. 15. 7 per cent of them have received the previous medical attention before their admitting in the centers; in Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center 8. 6 per cent, Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center 50 per cent; there is remarkable difference between the two. 4. On the standpoint of period of being in the centers, the children who have been over three years in Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitaion Center formed 48.7 per cent; in Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center 2. 6 per cent; there is also considerabie dif fference between the two; they could'nt discharge from the centers owing to the economic conditions and being orphan. 5. Among the diagnosis of the crippled children, poliomyelitis formed highest 51.7 per cent of them; cerebral palsy formed 30 per cent secondly in order. Environmental factors (67.8 per cent) formed about three times of congenital factors (23.7 per cent). 6. The children who are capable of doing independently activity of daily living formed 87.9 per cent; 73.2 per cent can walk about 300 m by wearing brace and so on. The ratio of wearing brace or leg prosthesis formed 47.4 per cent; crutch 44. 3 per cent. The medical rehabilitation service and education for the crippled, are comparatively well carried out. But it is desired to improve and cultivate the vocational training, vocational guidance and special nursing to the insufficiency of their implementation. In the tendency that the rehabilitation and welfare for the handicapped are today emphasized, International Handicapped Rehabilition Association, declaring that 1970s are the decade of rehabilitation, urged to improve positively the policy of rehabilitation and welfare for the handicapped. But here in korea the handicapped, being the object of social prejudice, ignorance, disdain lives in obsucurity. Therefore the government or the community should draw up countermeasure on social understanding, f inancial support, and rehabilitation services for the handicapped as well as should endeavor to make them participate in social activities as the productive total- person though they are physically imperfect.

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Developing a conceptual framework for a nursing curriculum
Won Jung Cho, So YaJa Kim, Ka Sil Oh, Ji Soo Yoo, Ae Ran Whang, Hae Sook Kim, Il Sun Ko
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(3):473-483.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

In order to prepare for the coming twenty first Century and to meet changing societal dedmands and health needs, it is necessary to develop a new conceptual framework for curriculum the colleges of nursing. The specific objectives of this project were to; 1) address the problem areas of the existing curriculum which were identified in the first phase of this study; 2) develop a conceptual framework which will meet faculty, student and societal needs; and 3) identify the content of the curriculum. In order to accomplish the objectives, the curriculum committee held 30 weekly meetings during the period of October, 1992 and December, 1993, There also were two workshops with college of nursing faculty members. The Philosophy and objectives of education were revised on the basis of the essential concepts of nursing; human being, nursing, environment, and health. From these basic concepts, six essential components were identified for the conceptual framework. These were nuring process, communication, professional roles, client, and nursing. These six components are interrelated in the curriculum. The complex interrelationship among the six components were presented on horizontal and vertical axes. Concepts related to steady improvement were put on a vertical axis. For example, concepts of client, health, and nursing are included in all levels of nursing curriculum and students are expected to retain and accumulate more complex contents as they progress in curriculum. Concepts on the horizontal axis are nursing process, communication, and professional roles. These concepts are unique to nursing and are common to any level of curriculum. Students are expected to study these concepts through all levels of the curriculum. It is expected that the objectives of the college of nursing will be accomplished when the courses and content of the curriculum are based on this conceptual fremework.

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The Effect of Muscle Relaxation Training on the Patients with Insomnia Complaints
Dae Sook Kim, Gil Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(2):191-202.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was performed to examine the effect of muscle relaxation training on patients with insomnia complaints. The subjects were selected those who have taken poor sleep below 240-300 minutes per day, between 16~15ages, without organic brain syndroms. Using the Budzinski's muscle relaxation training tapes the patients have been gotten the muscle relaxation training daily during four weeks and examined the state anxiety with Spielberger's Trait-State Anxiety Scale, and investigated Sleep amounts, Blood pressure, Pulse rates, Respiratory rates before and after the muscle relaxation training. The results were as follow ; 1. The mean of the State anxiety after the muscle relaxation training(41.8+/-6.4) was significantly lower than that of before training (54.2+/-7.0) (p<0.001). 2. The mean of systolic blood pressure after the training (114.3+/-7.8mmHg) was significantly lower than that of before training (139.0+/-9.8) (p<0.001). 3. The mean of Pulse rate after the traing (89.2+/-3.0) was significantly lower: than that of before training (103.9+/-7.4) (p<0.001). 4. The mean of Respiratory rate after the training (18.6+/-1.0) was significantly lower than that of before training (22.8+/-1.3) (p< 0.001). 5. The mean of Sleep amount after the muscle relaxation training (459.8+/-52.4 minutes) was significantly increased than that of before training (287.3+/-30.3) (p<0.001).

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A Study on the Lived Experiences of Homecare Nurses
Moon Ja Suh, So Sun Kim, Kyung Rim Shin, Hyun Sook Kang, Keum Soon Kim, Ho Ran Park, Hae Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(1):84-97.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

THE NECESSITY AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Recently the number of patients with chronic diseases and the aged patients is increasing steadily. Furthermore, due to the expansion of health insurance system, the number of patients hospitalized in the general hospital is increasing at a surprising speed. However, hospitals urge the early discharge of the patients for the efficiencies of hospital administration, and therefore, the number of patients who must be taken care of in their home is also increasing. Homecare nursing is one of the health care service for the patients at home who require continual attention and care, and now increasing attentions are given to it as one of the professional nursing fields. However, it was almost impossible to find a study on the actual experiences of the homecare nurses written by their own language in Korea, that it also posed a great difficulty in understanding their diverse experience. Considering these situation, this study will help understanding of them, and provide the fundamental data on their experiences for making policies to develop homecare nursing.
OF RESEARCH: Phenomenological research method was employed to analyze the lived experiences of homecare nurses fundamentally. DATA COLLECTION: Data were collected from August 1998 to December 1998 from ten homecare nurses who worked for patients under the homecare nursing setting as model cases designated by Seoul Nurses Association and who agreed to the purpose of this study after listening to and understanding the explanation completely. The in-depth interview was carried at the time which was convenient both for the researcher and participants for one or two hours, and recovered with the approval participants. The first interview covered diverse and broad areas like the situation of homecare nursing, and their feelings and thoughts over it, and in the second and third interviews, more specific questions are asked. DATA ANALYSIS: For the phenomenological analysis, contents analysis was employed. The data collected from the participants were analyzed into the following procedures according to Van Manen 's phenomenological analysis. 1) Reserve the preconception of the researcher by restricting it inside parenthesis. 2) Make a thorough observation of the lived experiences by insight process. 3) Analyze the contents (Find out the repetitive factors) 4) Interpret the essence found. 5) State the meaning of the interpretation.
AND DISCUSSION: 1. Fear and expectation for the first visit. (unfamiliarity, awkwardness, anxiety, shivering) 2. Mingle with the family (feeling friendly with the family, becoming like a family member) 3. Being proud of her own know-how (learning the know-how, organizing alternatives, building up confidence) 4. Pity for the poor. (criticizing the current government, feeling ashamed, feeling anger) 5. Difficulty of constructing cooperative system with physicians (strenuousness, frustration) 6. Helplessness due to the lack of support system (difficulty to get supplies, annoyance, embarrassment by institutional restraints) 7. Anxiousness for heavy traffic and parking (annoyance, hastiness) 8. Ethical conflicts (pity for the patients and family, skepticism about lengthening life maintenance) 9. Burden for the possible accident (pressure, anxiety, conflict, physical exhaustion) 10. Establishment of identity as a professional (fulfillment, worth, joy) 11. Being distressed at other's ignorance

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Hardiness: Determinants of Psychological Distress from Stress
Mi Ra Lee, Hee Young So, Eun Kyong Ahn, Tae Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):583-590.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was understand in order to examine the effect of hardness on stress-causing factors, defined in this study as burnout in nursing. The subjects were 248 nurses working in three general hospitals in Taejon. The instruments used for this study were a survey of general characteristics, modified Health-Related Hardiness Scale(HRHS) (25 items), job stress scale (63 items), and burnout scale(20 items). Analysis of data was done through the mean, percentage, Person correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression done with a SAS program. The results of this study are as follows. 1) The average item score for the job stress was high at 4.44. In the subcategories, the highest degree of stress was night duty(5.11), and work overload(4.70), responsibility for extra affairs(4.70), conflict in nurse-doctor relationships(4.69), and low reward (4.63) in that order. 2) In the stepwise multiple regression analysis, hardiness(11.55%) was a significant determinant of burnout along with job stress(17.24%) and job duration(12.94%). The results of this study show that hardiness has an effect on psychological distress caused by stress.

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Effects of Telephone Intervention as Supportive Nursing on Self-Care Practices and Qualify of Life for Gynecological Cancer Patients under Chemotherapy
Ae Sook Kim, Eun Sook Lee, Sung Hyo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):744-753.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The effects of telephone intervention on self-care practices and quality of life for gynecological cancer patients under chemotherapy was investigated.


A non-equivalent control group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design was used. The subjects were women cancer patients who had received less than two chemotherapy sessions at C university hospital of Chonnam province(26 in the experimental group: 25 in the control group). The patient's self-care practices(Na & Lee, 1999; Jang, 2004) and quality of life(Lee & Jo, 1997) were measured three times. using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by Repeated Measures ANOVA, the Friedman test, and the Mann-Whitney test using the SPSS window version 12.0 program.


This study showed that the score of self-care practices and quality of life for the experimental group under telephone counseling were higher than those of the control group.


This study revealed that a telephone intervention as supportive nursing care for women cancer patients under going chemotherapy was effective for self-care practices and qualify of life during the recovery period. Futhermore, this study also suggests that telephone counseling can serve as a continuing nursing supportive intervention for women cancer patients for the upcoming stages of further chemotherapy.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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