The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on preschool children of accident prevention and to improve their health through a sound, safe living environment with safety education established through more systematic methods. Data were collected from 516 preschoolers from 4 to 6 years old using APP paper test which consists of a question and drawing. The children's general characteristics and accident proneness prospect were investigated. The relationship between the children's general characteristics and the accident proneness prospect were analyzed. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The institution which children attended had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.015) and behavior character(p=.033). 2. The housing pattern in which children lived had a significant difference in accordance with the movement speed(p=.027). 3. The children's age had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.002), traffic safety(p=.001), the reasoning power(p=.000), movement speed(p=.00), movement stability(p=.000) and attentional power (p=.000). 4. The children's sex had a significant difference in accordance with the movement stability and behavioral character(p=.003, p=.008). 5. The children's past accidental experience had a significant difference in accordance with the behavior character(p=.001). 6. General assessment of the APP test had a significant difference in accordance with the children's age(p=.000) and children's past accidental experience(p=.020).