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Volume 25(4); December 1995
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Original Articles
A Correlation of the Computer Anxiety and the Variables Affecting the Application of a Hospital Computer System
Yong Soon Kim, Jee Won Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):617-632.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Nowadays, most big hospitals have a computer system to manage their administration. For maximum effectiveness in managing the computer system, an analysis of the variables affecting its implementation is necessary from the beginning. This study was done to analyze the variables influencing the operation of a hospital information system (HIS). The theoretical base for this study considered the combined effects of user expectations of computerization, and computer-anxiety. The relationship between variables in the theoretical base were analyzed and the individual characteristics influencing each variable were also analyzed. This study was done in two steps. First, 344 nurses were given an initial questionnaire developed to evaluate the reliability of the items. Based on the results, a second revised questionnaire was administered to 88 nurses who had been working in the areas where HIS was applied. The results of the first and second steps of the study are as follows: 1. The initial study was done with nurses who were trained on the computer system briefly before HIS was implemented. The individual characteristics influencing computer anxiety and expectation regarding computer system usage in that initial study included, length of career, type of degree or certification, previous experiences with a computer, training on a computer, desire for computer training, and level of acceptance of a computerized work environment. But in the second study with nurses working in areas of the hospital where HIS was introduced, the work site was the only influencing characteristics. Therefore, in applying a computer system, overcoming work-environment barriers will be more important than any individual characteristics. 2. The computer anxiety of the nurses in both groups, before and after the computer system application, was below the average level but the expectation of the effects of computerization was above average. The nurses using the computer program showed an above average level of satisfaction with the computer system itself, and with its effect on their efficiency. Therefore, the ability of nurses operating HIS will be positively predictive. 3. For the variables included in the theoretical framework of the study, all of the correlational coefficients were statistically significant in the analysis of variation correlation. Therefore, the theoretical base of the study, "expectation in conjunction with computer anxiety" can be considered an model which can be evaluated. According to our analysis, the higher the level of nurses' motivation to use the computer system and the lower the anxiety about computer usage, the higher the possibility of computer system acceptance by nurses. The results of this study showed that in applying a computer system in the hospital, the main characteristic influencing acceptance was where the individual worked rather than personal characteristics such as length of career, type of degree or certification, and previous experiences with a computer. Therefore, it is suggested that the first step in uncovering and eliminating hindrance factors in application of a computer system should be an analysis of working conditions in relation to the functional content of the computer system. The suitability of the theoretical model based on the hypothesis applied in this study should be further tested.

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An Analysis of the Concept "Touch"
Kyung Sook Cho, Euy Soon Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):633-640.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The trends in nursing practice are not disease-oriented approaches but holistic, humanistic approaches such as human touch, which is an easily applied, economic, and efficient intervention. The purposes of this paper were to clarify the meaning of the concept "touch" to define the precise attributes of "touch" which could be a basis for nursing interventions. This study uses Walker and Avant's process of concept analysis. The concept of touch can be defined as follows: Touch is a process of communication and physical contact with intention, which is transfered by tactile senses. Attributes of touch are defined as 1) It is transferred by tactile senses. 2) A process of communication 3) A expressive pathway of emotion 4) It has intention. Antecedents of "touch" consist that 1) the touch provider understands the touch receiver's perception of past experiences of touch; 2) the touch provider is concerned about the touch receiver and comes up to the touch receiver; 3) the touch provider wants to deliver his/her emotions; 4) the touch receiver needs the ability to differentiate the tactile senses. In regard to the consequences of touch, it is expected to keep the touching action between the touch provider and receiver, to feel empathy, to able to perceive the consumer's needs, to feel comfort, intimacy, trust, and to calm down the physiological variables. That is performing the nursing as a caring science.

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The Influencing Factors forming the Atmosphere of Ward
Jung In Yoon, Mi La Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):641-652.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Working as nurses, authors found that some patients were not content with their hospital life. Some patients wanted to move to another ward, and others complained about their ward atmosphere. In spite of patients' discomfort, nurses didn't know what made some patients complain about their ward. So, authors tried to find factors that influence atmosphere of hospital wards of the neurosurgery patients. To know the atmosphere of wards, authors selected five neurosurgery ward of a university hospital in Seoul. Observation took a month. An author observed using molar approach, in the morning, in the day time, and in evening time. Authors used concealment/no intervention technique. An author checked condition of people in the wards, and observed their verbal and nonverbal communication behavior, their activities and environmental characteristics, and interpreted their meaning through ethnographic research methodology by Spradly. Authors found there was an important factors that influence the atmosphere of ward. It was a human and his attitude. At least one person who was willing to help others made ward atmosphere better. Helping others physically whenever needed, supporting the depressed emotionally, offering foods, or talking to others friendly brought good atmosphere. On the contrary, if everyone was indiffernt to others, the atmosphere became cold. Self-centered or selfish behaviors such as occupying too much area, using the toilet too long, covering other's suction bottle without permission and seeing others deficate or urinate were hurtful. In addition to the attitude of patients and their families, unkindness of medical teams including nurses and doctors and tasteless meal caused bad ward atmosphere. Based on this research finding, authors suggest the followings. A. For the better atmosphere of ward 1. Nurses should try to make the ward atmosphere better by introducing new patient to older ones. 2. Every ward should have dividing curtains to keep patient's privacy. 3. All hospital personnel should be kind enough to make patients feel that they are repected. 4. Hospital should serve high quality meals to patients. 5. Patients had better stay with those in the similar condition. B. For the future studies 1. Repeated researches are necessary to check reliability of this results. 2. Researches for patients in different area such as ICU, or hemodialysis unit are necessary.

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A Study on the Surgical Hand Scrub and Surgical Glove Perforation
Hae Sang Yoon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):653-667.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Post-operative wound infections have been a serious problem in nursing care in the operating room and appear to be strongly related to the infection occurring during the performance of operation. The purpose of this study is to identify patterns in duration of surgical hand scrub (SHS), to evaluate the method of SHS and to examine the rate of glove perforation. Subjects for this study include 244 doctors and 169 nurses working in the operative theatre of a hospital in Seoul area. Test samples and related data were collected from this medical facility between April 1, through 15, and July 1, through 5, 1995 by the author and a staff member working in the operating room. For the study, data on the SHS of doctors and nurses were obtained at the time of operation and multiple batches of surgical gloves worn by the operating doctors were collected after each operation. The duration of SHS was measured with a stop watch and the method of SHS was evaluated according to Scoring Hand Scrub Criteria (SHS Criteria) and expressed as SHS scores. For the analysis of the data, t-test was used to compare the differences in the duration and the SHS scores of doctors and nurses, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between the SHS duration and the SHS scores. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The mean time spent in each SHS was 167 seconds in nurses, and 127 seconds in doctors. The data comparing nurses and doctors indicated that there were significant differences in duration of SHS between these two groups (t=5.58, P=.000). 2) The mean time spent in the first SHS was 145 seconds and that in the 2nd SHS, 135 seconds, and there was not a significant difference in the duration of the SHS between doctors and nurses (t=1.44, P=.156). 3) The mean time spent in the SHS by OS (Orthopaedic surgery) doctors was 162 seconds, 150 seconds by NS (Neurologic surgery), 121 seconds by GS(General surgery), 94 seconds by OPH (Opthalmology) and DS (Dental surgery), 82 seconds by URO(Urology), 78 seconds by PS (Plastic surgery) and 40 seconds by ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat). These also showed a significant difference in the duration of the SHS among the medical specialities(t=4.8, P=.0001). 4) The average SHS score of the nurses was 15.2, while that of doctors was 13.1. The statistical analysis showed that t ?value was 3.66, P was . 000. This indicates that the nurses actually clean their hands more thoroughly than the doctors do. 5) The average SHS score of NS doctors was 15.5, 15.3 for doctors for OPH, 14.3 for OS, 12.7 for GS, 12.0 for DS, 11.7 for URO, 10.1 for PS, 7.5 for ENT. Comparison of the average SHS scores from 8 specialties showed that there was a significant differences in the patterns of the SHS (F=5.08, P=.000) among medical specialties. 6) It appears that the operating personnel scrub the palms and dorsum of their hand relatively well, however, less thorough the nails and fingers. 7) The more the operating personnel spend their time in hand scrubbing, the more correctly they clean their hands (r=.6427, P<.001). 8) The overall frequencies of perforation in all post-operative gloves tested was 38 out of 389 gloves (10.3%). The perforation rate for PS was 13%, 12.1% for GS, 8.8% for OS, and 3.3% for NS.

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Stress and Coping among Parents of Mentally Retarded Children in the Kyoung-in area
Hyun Young Koo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):668-680.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to contribute to family nursing for reducing stress and improving coping of the parents of mentally retarded children. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires during a period of 2 months between November 1994 and January 1995 in the Kyoung-in area. The subjects consist of 180 parents (90 mothers and 90 fathers) of mentally retarded children attending schools for the handicapped and 186 parents(93 mothers and 93 fathers) of normal children. The levels of general stress and of parental role stress were measured with the General stress scale and the Parental role stress scale, respectively, while the Coping scale was adopted to measure the level of coping. The data were analyzed by using Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, Repeated masured ANOVA, oneway ANOVA and Scheffe comparison test. The results were as follows; 1. The level of general stress was significantly higher in the mothers and the fathers of the mentally retarded than in the respective parents of the normal. Of the parents, the mothers experienced significantly greater level of general stress than the fathers did in both groups of the retarded and of the normal. 2. As for the parental role stress, the mothers and the fathers of the mentally retarded experienced significantly greater stress than respective parents of normal children did. In particular, the stress was significantly higher in the mothers than the fathers of these children in both groups. The difference in the levels of parental role stress experienced by mothers and by fathers was significantly bigger among those of the mentally retarded tnan among those of normal children. 3. No significant difference in the level of coping was observed between the mothers of both groups and the fathers of both groups. By contrast, the fathers revealed significantly greater scores in coping than the mothers in both groups. 4. General stress experienced by the fathers of the mentally retarded was different by health status, satisfaction with spouses, and the supports from their spouses. Health status, satisfaction with spouses, and monthly income influenced parental role stress experienced by those fathers. Their level of coping was associated with their satisfaction with spouses and family life. 5. Of the mothers of the mentally retarded, the level of general stress was different by their health status, while parental role stress was related to the satisfaction with their spouses and the child's age. The level of coping among the mothers was different by the supports from their spouses. The above findings indicate that those parents of the mentally retarded did not take more coping strategies than those of the normal did, despite greater stress experienced among themselves. Hence, nursing intervention for managing stress should be given to those parents including fathers of mentally retarded children. Mothers of the mentally retarded, in particular, should receive high priority in planning nursing care, since they experience greater levels of both general stress and parental role stress than their spouses, which is most likey due to primary responsibility in child rearing given to them at home.

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Predicting Health-Promoting Behaviors in Patients with Stomach Cancer
Pok Ja Oh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):681-695.   Published online March 30, 2017
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It has been noted that a genetic alteration of cells influenced by unhealthy lifestyle in addition to a series of other carcinogens increases various neoplasmic diseases. Therefore the importance of lifestyle that minimizes such impact on health should be emphasized. Since stomach cancer, the most common neoplasmic disease in Korea, is related to the Korean lifestyle and as there's a possibility of its recurrence, people with stomach cancer need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for nursing intervention strategies to promote health promoting behaviors that are constructive to a healthy lifestyle. A multivariate model was constructed based on the Pender's health promotion model and Becker's health belief model by including influential factors such as hope. The sample was composed of 164 patients with stomach cancer who visited outpatient clinics of a university hospital in Seoul. The following instruments were used in the study after some adaptation: Wallston and others' multidimensional health locus of control scale Laffrey's health conception scale, Lawston and others' health self-rating scale, Walker and others' health promotion lifestyle profile and Rosenberg's self esteem scale. In addition Moon's health belief scale was used with some modification. For self efficacy, the present author constructed a self-efficacy scale based on previous research. The above mentioned instruments were tested in a pilot study with 24 patients with stomach cancer. The reliabilities of instruments were tested with Cronbach's alpha(0.574~0.949). Data were analyzed using a SAS program for Pearson correlation coefficients, descriptive correlational statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results are as follows: 1. The scores on the health promoting behavior scale ranged from 55 to 145 with a mean of 107.91 (S. D: 16.50). The mean scores(range 1?) on the different dimensions were nutrition 3.14, exercise 2.48, stress management 2.69, health responsibility 2.65, interpersonal relationship 2.87 and self actualization 2.85. 2. There were significant correlations among all the predictive variables and the health promoting behavior (r=.20- .55, p<.01) 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that: 1) Hope was the main predictor and accounted for 29.8% of the total variance. 2) Self efficacy, perceived barriers and self esteem accounted for an additional 14.6% of the total variance. 3) Hope, self efficacy, perceived barriers and self esteem altogether accounted for 44.3% of the total variance. In conclusion, hope, self efficacy, perceived barriers and self esteem were identified as important variables that contributed to promote health promoting behavior.

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A Study on the Development and Effects of Slides/Tape Program for the Hypertensive Patient's Self-Care
Young Whee Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):696-708.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The self-efficacy as the mediating variable to connect knowledge to behavior was identified as the most powerful predictor that determines behavior. The purpose of this study was, first, to develop the slides/tape program based on the self-efficacy theory of Bandura(l977) second, to investigate that the Slides/Tape program would increase self-efficacy and self-care in patients with hypertension. The subjects for this study were 54 hypertensive outpatients and data collection was carried out from January 9, 1995 until March 18, 1995. The design of this study was one-group pretest and posttest dcseign and the results are as follows: 1) The slides/tape program was developed to based on performance accomplishment and vicarious experience which are induction modes of efficacy expectation. It composed of 80 slides and 20 minutes long tape. 2) The effectiveness of the slides/tape program "The self-efficacy score after giving the slides/tape program will be higher than one before giving the slides/tape program." was supported (t=3.67,p=0.001). "The self-care score after giving the slides/tape program will be higher than one before giving the slides/tape program." was supported(t=5.23, 000). 3) A significant difference was found between the self-care and sex. Also, the significant difference was found between the self-care and job. From these results, the slides/tape program is effective to increase the hypertensive patient's self-care.

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A Study on the Job Activities of the Emergency Nurses
Kwang Joo Kim, Hyang Yeon Lee, Kwuy Bun Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):709-728.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The job related activities of sixty nine nurses, working in the emergency rooms of three university hospitals, were analyzed for six days according to preestablished checklist of nursing activities; the frequency of these activities and the amount of time spent in each specific nursing activity. The established checklist was monitored every five minutes for the duration of the duty autu, thus producing 414 items of data. The data were not gathered on consecutive days but over the period of one month from May 6, 1994 to June 5, 1994. The following conclusions are derived from analy sis of the data: 1. Twelve categories of nursing activities were obtained: The primary activity was communic ation related to the patient and all information pertaining to the patient. Other activities included maintaining the patient's record, observation and assessment of the patient, cooperation with other medical personnel, management of equipment and drugs, procedure and treatment, specimen collection, consultation and education for the patient, including drug management and personal hygiene and any other relevant education to the patient's condition. 2. The average frequency of categorized nursing activity can be classified as follows: communication related to patient was the highest at 17.6 times. The next was maintaining the patient's record at 17.3 times. The observation and assessment occurred 16.9 times. Consultation and education for patients and family, 8 times, medication, 5.7 times, and procedures and treatments, 6 times. 3. The average time required for each activity was as follows: 230.1 minutes for maintaining the patient's record, 204.9 minutes for communication related to the patient, 199.2 minutes for observation and assessment, 71.2 minutes for medication, 66 minutes for consultation and education of the patient and family, and 51.8 minutes for procedures and treatment. 4. The most demanding nursing activity in the emergency room for the nurse was answering questions from the patient's family, maintaining communication between the medical staff, maintaining and reviewing the patient's charts, writing prescriptions and monitoring I. V. infusion rates. 5. The most time consuming nursing activities for the emergency room nurse include maintaining and following the patient's charts, communication between the medical staff, answering questions from the patient's family, observation of the patient and relaying all of the appropriate patient information to the incoming nurses during a shift change. 6. The F-test was administered to measure the required time for the categorized nursing activities according to day, evening, and night-shift nurses. There were significant differences(p<.05) in specimen collection, observation and assessment, cooperation between medical staffs, personal hygiene, communication related to patient, education and research. Posterior multiple comparison test showed that specimen collection, cooperation between medical staffs and personal hygiene were mostly done by the evening-shift nurses. Also most observations and assessments were done by the night-shift nurses. Education and communication to patients were done by day-shift nurses. Thus there were significant difference between shifts for the main nursing activities. So there should considev a reallocation of the duty of nurses on each shift. 7. The F-test also indicated that there wes a similarity in time duration for procedures and treatments and for cooperation between medical staff and nurses in all three hospitals. However, the remaining categories of nursing activities also showed a significant differnce between the three hospitals. This indicated that there were differences in each emergency room that influence time for each categorized nursing activities and this should be given more consideration. Recommendations: 1. A seasonal difference should be considered in the activities of nurses in the emergency room and a comparative analysis should be carried out to determine seasonal differentiation. 2. A study on more objectively measurable nursing activities should be administered as well as one determining the subjective responds towards nursing activities in the emergency room.

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Analysis of Nurse Teachers' Attitudes toward School Health Computerization
Mee Ok Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):729-740.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for school health computerization by investigating the nurse teacher's attitudes toward school health computerization. For this study, the questionnaires were given to 559 nurse teachers from 3. March to 17. March, 1995. Among them, 338 were returned and included for the analysis. The results of the study were as follows: 1. In general characteristics, the results showed average of 38.6 years in age; and average of 11.1 years in education experience. In distribution of school, the result showed 47.0% in elementary school, 30.5% in middle school and 22.5% in high school; 75.4% national and public school vs 26.4% private school. 2. In attitudes of computerization, the score was varied from 19 to 76 point. The attitudes was generally positive with the average of 60.23 +/- 7.63(SD) score. The respondents are willing to participate in computer education(the highest score; 3.69), they worry about electromagnetic waves by computer (the lowest score; 2.30). 3. 92.6% of the respondents want to participate in computer education. The major reason the respondents have not yet learned computer is that they had little chance to learn. While 58.0% of them answered that they had an experience of computer use in school health works, few schools had computer in dispensary. In computer use, nurse teachers in public school have more experience than ones in private school. Word processing was the major function that the most respondents can do (62.7%). They answered that they have little knowledge of com-puter(84.0%). 4. Computer can be utilized in school health works as follows in order; message from school to home, reports, annual plan and statistics. 65.4% of them answered that computer can be used in 10 items of 13 items. 5. The attitudes of computerization showed differences in the following variables: career, age, existence of computer in school health clinic, experience of computer use, intention to participate in computer education, computer knowledge, frequent computer use, ability of computer use, school health computerization areas, experience of computer education. Among there variables, age, existence of computer in school health clinic, intention to participate in computer education, ability of computer use, school health computerization areas showed significant explanation(28.3%) for the attitudes of computerization in multiple regression analysis The younger, the higher degree of intention, the more functions they can perform, the more school health computerization areas, and the more computers in school health clinic, the more positive attitude on school health computerization. In conclusion, to achieve the successful computerization of school health works, the positive attitudes of nurse teachers should be encourged for school health computerization. For this purpose, the chance of computer education should be given as many times as possible. And administerial as well as financial support are essential for enlarging the knowledge and ability of computer. Key words: nurse teacher's attitude, school health computerization.

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Development of a Role Conflict Scale for Clinical Nurses
Moon Sil Kim, Sang Yeun Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):741-750.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop a role conflict scale for nurses in hospitals. The process of study was as follows. The first step was the study of selected literature on role conflict in general and to translate into Korean language the role conflict and ambiguity scale developed by House. From this process, a scale for role conflict inventory -general was made by consulting with two professors majored in educational evaluation and one professor who is an authory on educational administration. In the second step, 24 clinical nurses were asked to describe the situations having job-related role conflict. In the third step, the role conflict inventory-specific was derived from the role conflict inventory-general, and data selected from the step two. The confidence and clarity of this role conflict inventory-specific was strengthed by consulting one clinical psychologist, two professors of nursing college and ten doctoral students of nursing. With this tool being tested, the results are summarized as follows. 1. Reliability Internal consistency reliability was tested by cronbach alpha, corrected item total correlation and correlation matrix. The cronbach alpha level was .94 and one item among 37 items was below .35 and the rest items were .42 above in the corrected item total correlation. There was no negative correlation in the correlation matrix. 2. Construct validity. In the construct validity test, four factors have an eigen value 1.0 over. Factor 1 represented role ambiguity, composed of 15 items with .90 reliability level. Factor 2 represented deficiency of ability and skill, composed of 11 items with .90 of reliability level. Factor 3 represented working environment, composed of 6 items with .85 of reliability level. Final factor represented deficiency of job-related collaboration, composed of 5 items with .69 reliabilty level. These results contribute to measuring the level of role conflict for nurses, and to the managment of the nurses' role conflict.

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Development of a Family Pattern Appraisal to Guide a Rogerian Nursing Practice
Gwang Oak Lee, Young Ran Han, Hee Jung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):751-773.   Published online March 30, 2017
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We, clinical nurse specialists practising and guiding student practice in a Community health nursing clinic, wanted to develop a family pattern appraisal consistent with Rogers'conceptual system, the nursing model guiding our practice. We use Rogers model because it is harmonious with the traditional Korean view of the one human, natural and cosmic world. The purpose of our research was to contribute to science-based nursing practice, not only, one helpful model, but also a model of how to use, in guiding practice, a conceptual system which reflects nurse practitioners' philosophy of nursing, is intellectually satisfying, and enriches meaning in daily nursing life. ture on Rogers' model and analyse it according to Kim's five-level analytical framework, to explore Rogers' definition of family, to review appraisals based on Rogers' model, and to develop a family appraisal which is culturally appropriate for use in our community. This work including the use of the appraisal and its refinement with families in our practice which was done during 1994 and 1995, in Seoul, in the Capital of the Republic of Korea. At the highest level of analysis, Rogers conceptual system emphasizes acausality and multidime-ntional meaning: the world view is characterized by process, movement and wholeness. The epistem-ology is one of holism and the knowledge base includes all forms of experience, from sensory to mystical, objective, and subjective. At the metaparadigm level, nursing focuses on the unitary human being and the environment. At the level of nursing philosophy, the model identifies human being, nursing, nurse, and illness and health. At the paradigm level the model assumes the irriducibility of the human to parts, noncausality and continual change. Rogers' practice methodology consists of pattern manifestation appraisal and deliberative mutual patterning. Understanding patterns and patterning of people is the key to helping them achieve their potential. At the theory level, the basic assumptions, key concepts, and homeodynamic principles were identified. Rogers states the family energy field is an undividable, four-dimensional negentropic energy field which is in a larger environmental field showing such characteristics as cannot be predicted by knowledge of individual family members. Based on the word of Rogers scholars, we chose Rogers' correlates of patterning to understand the family unit as a whole-frequency, rhythms, motion, time perception, sleeping-waking beyond waking, pragmatic-imaginative-visionary to develop the appraisal. We, also used some of Barret's(1988) criteria including interpersonal network and professional health care access and use, and Gordon's(1982) criteria including self perception-self concept modified to fit the family. Our family pattern appraisal included 1. Influencirg data, 2. Professional health care access and use, 3. Family self perception-self concept, 4. Family interpersonal network, 5. Sleep-wake-be yond waking, 6. Pragmatic-imaginary-vsionary, 7. Family frequency and rhythm, 8. Family motion, 9. Family time perception. The appraisal was used with four families and modified to eliminate overlap and to make it possible for the family member to express themselves more easily. We plan to gain more experience with the appraisal toward further development of the tool.

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Development of the Home-Rased Prenatal Care System via Information Superhighway
Jeong Eun Kim, Hyeoun Ae Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):774-789.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Due to the rapid socioeconomic develoment and the introduction of the national health insurance system, the general population's need for health care and utilization of health care services have increassed dramatically. As a result of this change. Korea is experiencing a shortage of health care facilities and health manpower, and this leads long waiting line at doctor's offices. One of the solutions of this problem could be home health care system for those who have minor health related problems. With this background, this study was conducted to look at the feasibility of a home-based prenatal care system using information superhighway and nursing informatics specialists. With the home-based prenatal care system, the pregnant woman checks her blood pressure, tests her urine for sugar and protein, and measures her body weight at home and sends the information to a hospital computer via the information networks such as public telephone line and information superhighway. Nursing informatics specialist at the hospital will go through each patient record and screen those who have abnormal values and notify them to see a doctor as soon as possible. Besides telemonitoring features, the proposed system will include tele-education capabilities for the patients so that patient can learn whatever they need to know ragarding the prenatal care via information networks. If this system develops and operates, patient can save time in terms of travel to and from the hospital and waiting time in the hospital. And the health care institute can utilize its resource more efficiently.

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The Effect of Job Characteristics and Personal Factors on Work Stress, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
Sang Mi Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):790-806.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The present study examined the causal relationships among nurses' job environment/job characteristics (work overload, lack of autonomy, pro fessional role conflict, interpersonal relationships), maturity, job stress, job satisfaction and turnover intention by constructing and testing a theoretial framework. Based on Katz and Kahn's (1978) theory of organizational open system and Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, and Snoek's(1964) theory of stress, nurses' turnover intention, job satisfaction and job stress were conceived of as outcomes of the interplay between personal characteristics and work environment. Personal aspects associated with outcome variables included professional knowlege and skill, and maturity (challenge, commitment, control, responsibility). The work environment factors involved work overload, lack of autonomy, professional role conflict, and interpersonal relationships (social support). Three university hospitals located in Seoul were selected to participate. The total sample of 443 registered nurses represents a response rate of 96 percent. Linear structural relationships(LISREL) technique was used to test the fit of the proposed conceptual model to the data and to examine the causal relationships among variables. The result showed that both the proposed model and the modified model fit the data excellently, revealing considerable explanational power for job stress and job satisfaction. The explanatory power of turnover intention was relatively lower than those of stress and satisfaction. In predicting nurses' stress, satisfaction and turnover intention, the findings of this study clearly demonstrated that professional role conflict might be the most important variable of the all the environmental variables and personal characteristics. The results were discussed, including directions for the future research and practical implications drawn from the research were suggested.

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A Study on the Menopause Experience: A Q-Methodological Approach
Hye Sook Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):807-824.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was intended to provide women who are experiencing menopause with effective nursing care by exploring the menopause experience. The purpose of the research was to understand the subjective feelings of women about the question of what the menopause experience is. Q-Methodological method was used for that purpose. As the research method, Q-statements were collected preliminary to the study of through in-depth interviews and a literature review. For the study 34 Q-statements were selected. There were 21 women as subjects for the research. The 21 women sorted the 34 statements using the principle of Forced Normal Distribution. The principle of Forced Normal Distribution, which has nine scales to measure the individual opinions, was called Q-Factor Analysis by using PC Quanl Program to supply the material. As a result, there were four categories (self-compassion type, self-regulation type, self-perception type, self-abandonment type) of special opinion about the menopause experience in these women. The first type was called Self-compassion. This type was associated with varying degrees of emotonal instability(psychological withdrawal). And type in menopause signifies loss of a socially valued status and may result in depressive symptoms. This type expresses the menopause experience as associated with negative reaction. The second type is called Self-regulation. This type overcomes the menopause experience more actively than the other types and do not express the menopause experience as one of suffering. This type make efforts by themselves to regulate the menopause experience. The third type is called Self-perception. This type perceives the experience of menopause which as typical menopausal syndrome (hot flashes and decreased vaginal lubrication, decreased estrogen producing atrophic changes of the labia and vaginal mucosa, making intercourse uncomfortable). The fourth type is called Self-abandonment. This type denies the experience of menopause. The meaning of menopausal experience is significantly related with a life accident or life load. Also, This type experiences pain in the musculoskeletal system. As a result, The meaning of the menopausal experience is affected by perceived subjective experience of the nurses, the need to understand each persons meaning of the menopause experience and to develop appropriate nursing interventions based on the typology of menopause experience. Finally, The result of the study will provide basic data for nursing intervention the menopausal women.

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An Ethnographic Study of Sanhubyung experienced by Women in Korean Postpartal Culture
Eun Kwang Yoo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):825-836.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This ethnogrphic exploratory study sought to define the meaning of Sanhubyung, as consequence from the perspective of the women who experienced it. A convenience sample of 9 elderly women in San Francisco, and 20 postpartal women and their 20 non-professional helpers during postpartum in Seoul, Korea were observed and interviewed for 23 months from January 1991 to December 1992 at the Human Development Center in San Francisco and at the hospital and their homes in Seoul, Korea. Sanhubyung was regarded as the consequence of "Doing a Sanhujori Wrongly," as a group of symptoms or sequelae which have two types of characteristics of symptoms; chronic and acute. It can be called a culture bound syndrome in the cultural context related to childbearing phenomenon in Korea. If women violate the principles of Sanhujori, such symptoms can appear at various times: during the period of postpartum itself, at any time, periodically, especially at the anniversary of the child's birth, late forties, and in old age. Acute symptoms that can be classified into immediate and late types include painful and edematous gingiva, sensitive teeth, strange sensation and pain in the knees or backache. Besides, there is a localized sense of soreness and pain; sense of being in a draft and cold, stomach upset, GI irritation, chilling, shivering, and tiredness, pain and dazzling in the eyes. Chronic symptoms occur in the head, neck, teeth, back, hands, knees, hands and feet, arms and legs, eyes, sinews and joints, bones, and in the body or as a whole. Generally these symptoms are pain, often accompanying a feeling of being cold and in a draft, regardless of actual weather conditions. In conclusion, this findings reflect the Oriental way of thought of causal relationship of women's health and illness based on the wholistic paradigm of harmony and balance of two forces, Yin(cold) ?Yang(hot). It provides a challenge to the professional sector to rethink the effect of culture on health and illness. Finally, it suggests care providers use cultural assessment for the appropriateness of the intervention and quality of care for desirable health outcomes.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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