PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop the Nurse Presence Scale and to test the reliability and validity of the instrument. METHOD: The subjects verifying the scale's reliability and validity were adult patients being treated in three artificial kidney unit in Pusan and Taegu from August 1 to October 15, 2000. The data was analyzed by the SPSS/WIN 8.0 program. RESULT: A factor analysis and was conducted items that had a factor loading more than .40, and an eigen value more than 1.0 were seleclted. The factor analysis classified a total of seven factors statistically, but the seventh factor was excluded because communality was less than 4%. Therefore, there were six factors, and its communality was 62%. The explanation of domain and factors based on the conceptual framework and item content are as follows: The first factor was 'interaction' in emotional areas, the second domain was 'empathy' in cognitive areas, the third was 'attention' in emotional areas, the fourth was 'openness' in emotional areas, the fifth was 'sensitivity' in behavioral areas, and the sixth was 'physical assist' in behavioral areas. Cronbach's alpa coefficient to test reliability of the scale was .9766 for a total 49 items. CONCLUSION: The Scale for Nurse Presence developed in the study was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. Therefore, this scale can be effectively utilized for the evaluation of nurse presence in clinical settings.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to explore the perceptions of quality nursing care among nurses.
The data were analyzed using content analysis. The data were collected from 19 nurses who
worked at diverse clinical areas in 8 general and university hospitals with over 400 beds. RESULT: 1.
The attributes of quality nursing care were categorized into 7 hierarchies in the order of 'caring'
(40.65%), 'specialty' (29.03%), 'nurse attainments' (15.48%), 'patient- centered nursing management'
(6.45%), 'sincerity' (5.16%), 'kindness' (2.58%), 'satisfaction' (0.65%). 2. The concept of quality
nursing care were defined as 'giving a satisfaction both to patients and nurses through
patient-centered nursing management with specialty and caring in the ground of the kindness and
sincerity'. CONCLUSION: Based on there findings, we suggest that the study results should be used for development of
a quality assurance tool in nursing practice, patient care in hospital setting, education of nurses and nursing
students. In addition, further repeated studies need to be conducted.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine depression in order to identify and improve health care policies promoting health among Korean women. METHOD: There were 329 participants, all older than 18 years old, and staying in Kyungki-Do, city. The data was collected from July to September 1999. The instrument used for this study was the CES-D (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) to evaluate depression. The collected data was analyzed with frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, X2-test and Multiple logistic Analysis. RESULT: The result of this study are as follows: 1. Among the participants, 90.6% had normal to mild depression and 9.4% had severe depression. 2. For general characteristics, there were significant difference in the degree of depression according to age(P=0.0001), and marital status(P=0.0001). As for health related characteristics, the depression scores were affected by health perception(P= 0.0001), menopause(P=0.0005), stress (P= 0.0001) and sexual activity (P=0.0001). 3. There was a significant relationship between marital status and stress. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that a replicate study is needed. The results are also is useful in developing various nursing intervention programs.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the maternal role
education program for primiparas in mother-infant interaction, childrearing environ-
ment, and infant development. METHOD: A Non-equivalent control group time-series
design was used. For the intervention group, programmed parenting education focusing
on mother-infant interaction, home environment for infant development, and parent
counseling and support was provided via home visits or telephone for twelve months.
Significant differences were found in the mother-infant interaction feeding scale
at one and three months, but no differences were found in the teaching scale at six and
twelve months between the intervention and control groups. Also, the difference in
childrearing environment (HOME) between the two groups was significant at three, six,
twelve months. In addition, the intervention group showed higher GQ in the Griffiths
mental development scale at three and six months. In multiple regression analysis, 22.6%
to 43.6% of infant development was explained by HOME, mother-infant interaction, and
previous development. CONCLUSION: The maternal role education program proved to be
effective in promoting mother-infant interaction, organizing the childrearing environment,
and fostering infant development.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of biofeedback exercise training on muscle activity and activities of daily livings (ADL) in hemiplegic patients. An experimental group consisting of 17 people, was given biofeedback exercise training for 30- 60 minutes per week for 5 weeks, while a control group consisting of 18 people, was given normal exercise with quasi-experimental design. RESULT: The results of the study show that biofeedback exercise is effective for improving muscle activity in hemiplegic patients, especially in the hemiplegic limbs. However, this study found no significant differences in ADL and IADL between the experimental and the control groups. It implies that ADL and IADL may not be improved for a short period of time, such as 5 weeks, for people with more than five years of hemiplegia. The study suggests that the effect of biofeedback exercise on ADL and IADL should be determined in hemiplegic patients in acute stage.
PURPOSE: To identify age, gender, medication, seasons and place of fall, and areas of
the fractures from the fall among the hospitalized elderly patients in order to provide the
basic data for future fall prevention program for the elderly.
This study was conducted for 106 elderly patients admitted into a university
hospital by fractures from the fall during the period from January 1, 1999 to December
31, 1999. Data on the age, gender, medication, season and place of the fall, areas of the
fracture were collected based on their medical records.
The age range of the subjects were from 60 to 96 years old. The subjects
were aged between 60-69 years old 49(46.2%), between 70-79 years old 31(29.2%),
between 80-89 years old 24(22.6%), and over 90 years
old 2(1.9%). Male patients comprised was 34(28.3%), while female patients comprised
76(71.7%). The fall occurred in Winter most frequently 34(32%). The place of the fall
included room 81(76.4%), streets 13(12.3%), bathroom 6(5.7%), stair 4(3.8%), and mountain
2(1.9%). Twenty-two subjects (20.8%) had medication regularly, while 84 subjects
(79.2%) had no medication. The areas of the fracture from the fall included upper
extremities 20(18.9%) and lower extremities 86(81.1%). Radius fracture (7.5%) was the area
where the fracture occurred most frequently in upper extremities and femur fracture (52.8%)
was the area where the fracture occurred most frequently in lower extremities. A
significant difference was found in the fracture area by age, season and place of the fall
(p<.05). No significant difference was found in the fracture area by gender and
medication. In all age groups, seasons and places of the fall, occurrence of fracture in
lower extremity was significantly higher than that in upper extremity.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of exercise program
on cardiopulmonary functions and shoulder joint functioning in breast cancer patients who
under- went radiation therapy after surgery. METHOD: Subjects in the experimental
group(N=12) participated in an exercise program for eight weeks. The Exercise program
consisted of shoulder stretching, arm weight training, and walking on treadmill. Maximal
oxygen uptake(o2max), maximal running time, shoulder joint range of motion, and
shoulder functional assessment were determined before and after the exercise program.
Baseline sociodemographic and medical data were compared between experimental group
and control group using the Fisher's exact test and Mann- Whitney U test. For effects
of the exercise program, repeated measures ANOVA were used. RESULT: 1) Following
the exercise program for eight weeks, both o2 max and maximal running time tended
to increase in experimental group comparing with the control group. 2) Shoulder
abduction, extension and flexion of the operated upper extremity in the experimental
group comparing with control significantly increased after the exercise program(p<0.05).
3) Shoulder flexion of the normal upper extremity in the experimental group comparing
with control significantly increased after the exercise program(p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The
suggest that the exercise program for breast cancer patients undergoing radiation
therapy after breast surgery can improve shoulder functions and increase
cardiopulmonary functions, which are maximal oxygen uptake and maximal running time.
PURPOSE: to evaluate the effects of AIDS education for baccalaureate nursing students.
a one-time AIDS education was delivered to 175 nursing students and
knowledge and attitude toward HIV/AIDS were measured before and after the AIDS
education using a questionnaire. RESULT: 1) Before the AIDS education, the average
knowledge score of the students was 64.30 points out of 103 points while the average
attitude score was 25.77 points out of 36 points. 2) Before the AIDS education, school
grade, former experience of AIDS education and religion were founded to be the
significantly related to the student's knowledge on AIDS. 3) There was a significant
increase in AIDS related knowledge (t=-24.21, p=.000). There was also a significant
improve- ment in attitude toward HIV/AIDS (t=4.67, p=.000) after the AIDS education.
4) There was a significant correlation between the knowledge and the attitude toward
HIV/AIDS before the AIDS education, while no correlations was found between the AIDS
knowledge and attitude after the education. CONCLUSION: AIDS education is necessary
and effective for baccalaureate nursing students. It is necessary to develop
comprehensive AIDS education program to improve the level of knowledge and
preventive behavior for HIV/AIDS as well as to allay the fears for AIDS.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. A hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review. METHOD: Data was collected by questionnaires from 235 patients with chronic respiratory disease in a General Hospital in Seoul. Data analysis was done using SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and the PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance Structural Analysis. RESULT: The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate. It was modified by excluding 2 path and including free parameters and 3 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data(X2=80.20, P=0.05, GFI=0.95, AGFI=0.88, NNFI=0.95, NFI=0.96, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA =0.06). 2. The perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and a plan of action were found to have significant direct effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. 3. The health perception, self-esteem, and activity related to affect were found to have indirect effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. CONCLUSION: The modified model of this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.
PURPOSE: This study aims to find the sources of nurses' conflicts and to find ways to
eliminate them for improved nursing care.
METHOD: This study is based on a phenomenological approach. All participants were
woking at K-hospital, located in Seoul. The research was performed from September
2000 to February 2001. Data was collected through interviews and observations while
participants were working. Interviews lasted a duration of one and half hours and data
collection accured five to six times per participant. The data were analysed by Giorgi
and the results are as follows:
Essential themes in the professional conflict of clinical nurses emerged
(1) The discords of human relationships ; (2) Dissatisfaction with working conditions;
(3) Lack of self-respect in one's professional expertise ; (4) Dissatisfaction with one's
work ; (5) Depression accurring due to one's ability as a professional.
CONCLUSION: The foregoing arguments suggest that nurses perform stressful environments
in a hospital originating from the relationship among peer group, working conditions, and
lack of self-respect as a nurses. Therefore, hospital authorities should strangly consider
working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions in order to
promote self-respect of the nurses hospitals.