The purpose of this study was to assess and compare discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception. For this study, 124 hospitalized patients and the same numbered nurses assigned for direct care of each 124 patients were selected from general ward of C. University Hospital in Seoul during the time period from September to November 1987. Degree of uncertainty was measured by 27 items modified from Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (M-UIS), and was utilized by a Likert type scale The data were analysed by Menemar-test, Unpaired t-test, ANOVA. Scheffe-test and Stepwise multiple regression. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items : 11 of 23 items showed that the scores of patients' perception of uncertainty were higher than that of nurses' interperson perception of uncertainty but 12 of 23 items were revealed reversely. 2. With regard to nurse's demographic variables, the discrepancy scores were the higest in the group under 22 years of age (F=3.20, p=.026) and in the group less than 1 year of nursing experience among 4 groups (F=4.41, p=.006). 3. The discrepancy scores had a tendency to be lowered in the higher age group(r= - .27, p=.0026) and in the longer experienced group (r=-.25, p=.0052). 4. The most important variable affecting the discrepancy scores was identified to be the nurses' age which acounted for 7.2% fo the total variances in the stepwise multiple regression analysis. This was followed by patient hospital days which accounted for an additional 4.5% of the total variances. To conclude, the discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items. The discrepancy scores of uncertainty had a tendancy to be lowered in the higher age group and in the longer experienced group.
The purpose of this study was to identify the accu racy rates (hit ratio) which mean the degree of con cordance between pain rating scale differences over time & subjective comparisons. Subjective comparisons mean the responses to the question "how does the pain you are now experiencing compare with the one at the time of the assessment yesterday?". Answers to this question were translated into 'greater', 'same', or 'less'. KPRS(Korean Pain Rating Scale) was developed through 4 consecutive studies to assess pain extensively & accurately by Lee etc. VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) was reported as valid & veliable measure for the intensity of pain by many researchers. Thirty hospitalized patients with complaints of Headache were partispated in this study during the period from May 1 to July 31, 1987. In conclusion, the accuracy rates of KPRS and VAS were 60%, 67%, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to examne the relationship between sex-role-identity and life ajustment which adult patients perceive by means of the analysis of the relationship between the sex-role-identity and life ajustment which are perceived by adult patients who are hospitalized. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate how the adult; patients describe their own Sex role-identity. Secondary purpose is to find out whether their Sex role-identify is related to life adjustment and which life circumstances. If any are associated with Sex role identity. 207 adult patients who were older than 30 years living under 65 years were admitted to the hospital in Seoul. Were interviewed with measures including the Bern . Sex Role Inventory short Form. Life adjustment and current life situation. For data analysis, X2-test, ANOV -A, and Scheffe test were used. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Most adult patients described androgynous Sex role-identity. (2) Sex role-identity differentiated significantly life adjustment. (3) Perceived Sex role identity was related to the Several dimension of life sityation such as marital status family construction activity. By the result of this study, the present writer is to suggest as follows; Firstly, in the aspect of the study of nursing the many-sided and desirable stydy on the relation between the sex-role-identity life ajustment, and the study which a nurse can control and prevent the anxiety of adult patients by means of examining the measure and the cause of the emotional support on a patient must be accomplished. Socondly, in the ;aspect of the aspect of the practical affairs of nursing the practical effort which puts emphasis on the whole personal nursing in the performance of the duty, and the institutional support in the nursing administration must be planned in order to increase the efficiency of the nursing service by promoting the whole ?personal nursing role of a nurse.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique with the effect of the stand and intramuscular injection technique on the severity of discomfort and leasions at the injetion site. The subjects of the study were 20 patients with only early tuber culosis excluding another abnormalities (a skin rash, allergy to topical use of alcohol, jaundice, edema, neurosensory abnormality, coagulation defects, obesity and thin). Data collection was done from Feb. 1 to March 15, 1988 by means of Korean Pain Measurement Tool, Visual Analogue Scale, and Objective measures of injection site lesions. The results of this study were as follows;1) Hypothesis 1 ; "The severity of subject discomfort is less following administration of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique than following administration injection technique." was not sopported 2) Hypothesis 2 ; "The degress of severity subject discomfort is less following administration of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique than following administration of the standard intiamusc ular injection technique." was not supported. 3) Hypothesis 3 ; "The severity of injection site lesions is less following administra tion of the Z-track in-tramusc ular injection tech nique than following administra tion of the standard intramuscular injection techniques." was not supported. 4) The terms that were selected included factor II (mild-moderate pain) of Ratio Scale Measuring Pain using Korean Pain Terms. In conclusion; it was found that there was not a difference from the severity of subject discomfort between two groups, but the degress of severity of subject discomfort about following admini stration of the Z-track intramuscular injection was tended to be declined. Therefore further studies suggest that the Z-track in-tramu scular injection technique can decrease the severity of discomfort in persons receiving freauently intramuscular injections. First of all, it is necessery to be developed an effective tool of dis comfort measurement for the intramuscular injection in Korean.
Although everyone grows old, perception about the aging process and aging as measured physiologically vary widely. Perceptions of aging have psychologically influence on pysical aging. This study was to examine the relationships between, self-cencept, perception of aging, and physical aging in the elderly and to contribute to the theory development which may direct nursing intervention to promote well-being of the aged. Subjects were 70 women residents of a nursing home for the elderly in Seoul. Data collection was done from May 15 to June 15, 1988 using interview schedules and mechanical instruments. The instruments were selected items from the Health Self Concept Scale developed by Jacox and Stewart for self concept, and Secord and Jourad's Body Cathexis Scale and Osgood's Semantic Differential Scale for perception of aging. Physcial aging was measured by mechanical instru ments, inspection, questions, and palpation. The data were analysed for mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient using an S.P.S.S computerized program. The results of the analysis were as follows. 1. The mean level of self concept for the subject group was 16.97(SD=+/-6.17)in a range from 6-30. The mean level of perception of aging was 39.6. (SD= +/-6.51) in a range from 13-65. The mean level of physical aging was 14.09 (SD= +/-2.05)in a range from 8-40. 2. Relationships among self- concept, perception of aging, and physical aging. 1) There was a positive relationship between self--concept and perception of aging(r=0.4461, p =0.000). 2) There was a negative relationship between physical aging and perception of aging(r=- 0.2975, p-0.006). 3) There was a tendancy toward a negative relationship between physical aging and self-concept, but not a significant relationship (r=-0.1033, p=0.197). 3. 1) No general charcteristic variables were related to self concept. 2) The general characteristic variable related to the level of perception of aging was religion (t=4. 17, p=0.001). 3) The general characteristic variable related to the level of physical aging was age (F=12.008, p=0. 000). There was a significant relationship between self? -cencept and perception of aging, and between physical aging and perception of aging. Therefore nursing intervention should focus on promoting a positive perception of aging and strengthening self-concept during the phyacal aging process.
This study examined the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior in diabetic patients. The purpose was to improve diabetic patents Compliance by D. M. patient teaching. The study objectives were to determine the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, and factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patients. The Sujects, consisting of 52 diabtic patients diagnosed in the C. and other hospitals in K. city were divided into experimental and Control groups. Data were gathered from July 25th to September 3rd, 1988 through inecrvicwe by questionnaires, measurment of blood sugar level by Reflolux. D. M. Patient teaching was defined as informational intervention of social support by the nurse. A booklet representing patient education and questionnaire were developed by the investigator, and were tested for Content validity, and reliability by Item Analysis: Cron-bachs alpha for any instrument to measure variables was patient Compliance .83, perceived health belief .65, diabetic knowledge .70. Analysis of data were done by paired t-test, t-test, Anova, Pearson correlation, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results of the study may be summarized as follows: 1. The effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, on diabetic Knowledge and health belief was Confirmed by significant differences between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiments. (P=000 P=006, P=004). 2. Factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patient were diabetic patient teaching (P<.005), perceived health belief (r=.5597, P<.005), blood sugar(r=.3205, P<.01), diabetic knowledge (r=.2876, P<.05).