The objective of the study was to determine the degree of social support and the quality of life of the 200 colostomy patients who are members of the Korea Ostomy Association. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire which was distributed Fourty six Percent of the 200 colostomy patients returned the questionnaire during the period from Mar. 3-Mar. 31. 1986. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The score of the social support was 93.4598 (S.D 20.1787) and the highest score for respect from, other people was 102.00. 2. The mean score of the quality of life was 3.11 (S.D. 0.58) The highest score for full attention received from the family was 3. 85 and the lowest score for insufficient sexual activity was 2.34. 3. The correlation between social support and the quality of life was (r=. 1787, p<. 05) when the quality of life score was high the social support score was also high. 4. The variables that were found to have a significant correlation to the social support were age (r=.2039, p<. 05) and number of people who-could help them (r=.2847 p<.01) 5. The variables that were found to have a significant correlation to the Quality of life were the level of the living standard (F=4.534, P< . 05) and the individuals perception of their health status(f=18.943, p<.001) =Recommendations= The results of this study show that there is a significant correlation between the social support of the individual and the quality of life. It is important for nurses to support self-help groups of colostomy patients as this will contribute highly to the betterment of the quality of the life of patients who have colostomies.
The purpose of this study is to develop a ratio scale measuring organizational charateristics in nursing. 599 staff nurses working at 10 educational hospitals in Seoul were participated during the period from July 1 to July 31, 1985. Subjects were instructed to rate at one to five points likert type scale according to the level of positive characteristics affecting the nursing organizational effectiveness. As a result of factor analysis given to 50 items with varimax rotation and rearrangement on the asis of factor loading 0.3, there are 4 factors consisted of 33 items presented; factor 1: leadership of head nurses and interac-tion(11 items) factor 2 : leadership of supervisors and top man-agers(Il items) factor 3 : interaction with supervisors(5 items) factor 4 : organizational climate(6 items) Reliability of the factors were tested by Cronb-ach's Alpha, and the result was alpha=0.67~0.84 Further studies are needed to identify the relationship between this tool and the effectiveness of various organization in nursing.
Based on the statistical data of FKMIS during five years from 1981 to 1985, the major findings of studying on the treatments of employee's medical insurance covered people were made as follows. 1. During five years, the total number of treatment case was increased 25.14% annually, and so doubled. The consultation rate was increased from 2.086 to 2.856, showng annual increase of 8.17% and total increase of 36.91%. In the case of in-patient, the rate was from 0.056 to 0.602, showing annual increase of 2.58%. And in out-patient, the rate was from 2.030 to 2.794, showing annual increase of 8.31%. The male: female ratio of treatment case was changed from 1: 1.1 to 1:1.2. 2. Case of chronic disease was on the increase every year. The ratio of medical expenditure of that disease to the total medical expenditure was increased from 22.99% in 1984 to 25.0% in 1985. 3. As a whole, the consultation rate of circulatory disease was increased from 26.10 in 1981 to 46.53 in 1985, showing an nual increase of 15. 55 %. The rate of in-patient was increased from 2. 06 to 2.94, showing annual increase of 9.30%. The rate of out-patient was from, 24.04 to 43.59, showing annual increase of 16.04%. 4. The duration (days) of circulatory, disease in 1985 by types is as follows. In the case of in-patient, rheumatic fever rehumatic heart disease (22. 67), ischaemic disease (17.39), ccrebrovascular disease (17.18), disease of pulmonary circulation and other from of heart disease (15.82), hyperte nsive disease (13.18), other disease of circulatory disease(11. 55). In the case of out-patient, visiting day (11.57 day) and medical expenditure per case (7,853 won) is lower than that of other diseases (4.39 day, 4,361 won). 5. Cases of circulatory chronic disease were two times as many as those of non-chronic disease. Incidence of the out-patient was shown higher than that of in-patient. In the case of duration per case, the chronic disease (12.92 days) was longer that of non-chronic disease (9.8 day). 6. The male: female ratio of chronic rheumatic heart disease is 34.56 : 65.44 (in-patient) and 34. 67 : 65.33 (out-patient). The consultation rate(case per 1,000 persons) was increased from 1.11 in 1983 to 1.30 in 1985, showing annual increase of 8.22 %. The duration, visiting day, was decreased slightly, but medication day wasincreased from 13. 93 in 1983 to 16.72 in 1985, showing annual inc rease of 9.56%. 7. The male: female ratio of hypertensive dise ase (case) was 39.36 : 60.64(in-patient) and 40.67 : 59.33 (out-patient). The consultation rate was increased from 19.59 in 1983 to 25.36 in 1985, showing annual increase of 13.78%. Duration, visting day, was decreased slightly, but medication day was increased from 11.82 in 1983 to 12.77 in 1985, showing annual increase of 3.94%. 8. The male:female ratio of chronic pulmonary-ischaemic heart disease (case) was 48.90 : 51.10 (in-patient) and 43.66 : 56. 34 (out-patient). The consultation rate of chronic pulmonary-ischaemic heart disease was increase from 0.69 in 1983 to 1. 12 in 1985, showing annual increase of 27.40%. Duration, visiting day, was decreased from 2.67 in 1983 to 2.36 in 1985, and medication day was decreased from 0.69 in 1983 to 1.12 in 1985, showing annual decrease of 2.09%, 9. The male: female ratio of cerebrovascular disease (case) was 47.90 : 52.10 (in-patient) and 52.28:47.72 (out-patient). The consulatation rate was increased .frorm 2.12 in 1983 to 2.89 in 1985, showing annual increase of 16.76%. Duration, visiting day, was decreased slightly, but medication day was increased from 12. 67 in 1983 to 13.85 in 1985, showing annual increase of 4.55%. 10. In case of artery and capillary disease, the male: female ratio of case was 61.80: 38..20 (in-patient) and 51.77 : 48. 23 (out-patient). But duration, visiting day, was increased from 3.45 in 1983 to 3.60 in 1985, showing annual increase of 2.15 % and the medication day was increased from 10. 06 to 10.18, showing annual increase of 0.59%.
The research was carried out in order to assess, at an early stage, the potential barrier in mother-child relationship in the childs' development by using the screening tool. onsequently, after modifying the Neonatal Perception Inventory developed by Broussard and testing its reliability. It has been applied to 152 mothers at the hospital of three universities in Seoul from August 1 to September 00, 1986. The data was analyzed by S.P.S.S. program and the results were as follows: 1) Mothers perceived the newborn as an individual, and evaluated their baby higher than other babies. 2) Mothers indicated difficulties in their role performance in the following order-bathing, safety, detecting pain or suffering, and feeding. 3) Mothers' perceptien of a newborn was positive for 75% of the mothers. 4) The factor analysis of the modified tool using principal components analysis and Varimax rotation resulted in the two factors: Factor I, Baby as an individual; Factor II, Performances are required to meet the new-bora's needs. 5) The difference in mothers' individual characteristics such as the number of childbirth, the desire to get pregnant or not, the type of delivery, and the sex of the newborn did not influence on a mothers' perception of her newborn. As seen above, most of the mothers perceived their newborns as able individuals and expressed difficulties involved in taking care of the newborn. Also most of the mothers perceived their babies positively. My point here is, we ought to observe those mothers who perceive their babies negatively, and then compare them with those mothers who perceive their babies extremely positive or extreme ly negative. In the future, for more comprehensive assessment tool for maternal perception of the newborn, a repetitive verification and modification of this tool is demanded. At the same time, father's perception of the newborn should be included.
The sympathico-adrenergie system and the hypo-physeal-adrenocortical system mediates the regulation of the internal milieu. And the kidneys regulate both water and electrolyte balance of the body fluid. The kidneys are the sites of production of renin which participate indirectly in maintaining renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. These system deserve special attention in the context of adjustment the effects on the body function. And so, maximal exercise and work load are associated with home-osthetic function. The nurses working in the hospital have been complained of fatigue and stress by frequent duty changes and overload. In order to define this, the possible changes of hormonal excretion during three-shift nursing practice were investigated. Urine samples were collected at pre-duty and post-duty, and were measured with chemical assay and radioimmunoassay in 30 nursing students, in nursing practice and 43 nursing students, in studying. The results obtained were as follows. 1. In nursing practice, urinary norepinephrine concentration showed a marked increase during day duty, urinary cortisol concentration showed a marked increase during evening duty, and urinary renin concentration was increased in night duty. 2. Corrected ratio of urinary sodium excreted by the urinary excretion of creatinin (UNa/UCr) and UCl/UCr showed a marked decrease during night duty. Nursing practice did not affect on the UK/UCr and urinary concentrating ability. From these results, it is suggested that further studies the define the effects on some physiological function of the three-shift nursing practice against circadian rhythm are needed for better working condition of nurses.
This study was about nurse's helping behaviors and the purpose of the study was to find out the nurse's helping behaviors, to identify the nurse's helping behavior level by the nurses personal back ground and to find out the relationship between the nurse's helping behavior and patient's self exploration. The subjects, consisting of 192 adults in-patients who had less acute physical problem and 192 registered nurses working on these ward in 3 hospitals in Seoul and 1 hospital in Kang Won province of Korea. The data were collected from Jan. to Feb. 1986 through; the descriptive responds and self-reported questionaires. The instruments used for this study were Carkhuff's index of communication. Henderson's Irritating Listening Behavior, revised by the Kim(1984) and patient problem understanding scale, patients trust scale on nurse, developed by the Kim(1984). Analysis of the Data was done by use of mean, t-test, F-test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The results of study are summerized as follows; 1. Mean of nurse's helping behavior was 1.84 out of 4. These point were less than 3.0 which means the minimum points as the facilitative helper. 2. There was no significant differences of nurses helping behaviors by the nurse's personal back ground (p<.05). 3. There were positive relation between the nurse's helping behaviors and patient's self-exploration behavior (p<0001). In conclusion, I may can give some suggestion, according to the study results; 1. The systematic study about nurse's helping behavior is need all over the Korea. 2. Educational program for the facilitative rela tionship between nurses and patient must be developed. 3. Further detailed analysis methods are need on the independent variables of patient's self-explorations behavior.
Changing concepts of health care, are stimulating the demand for health care, thereby orienting society to health care rights to such an extent that they are deemed as fundamental ones inalienable to man. Concomitantly, qualitative as well as quantative improvement is being sought in the nursing service field. Today, efforts are being made in various areas, especially to qualitatively improve nursing services. A second issue concerns proper staffing. It is important to study staffing, in as much as it continues to be the most persistent and critical problem facing hospital nursing administrators today. It involves quantity, quality, and utlization of nursing personnel A great deal of attention has been focused on this problem since mid 1930's when nursing services began to be felt as an important segment of hospital operation representing the largest single item of hospital budgets. Tra ditionally, the determination and allocation of nursing personnel resources has relied heavily on gloval approaches which make use of fixed staff-to-patient ratios. It has long been recognized that these ratios are insensitive to variations between institutions and among individual patients. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to point to the urgent need for the development of methodology and criteria suited to the reality of Korea. The present research selected one place, the W Christian Hospital, and was conducted over a period 10 days from January, and nurses who were them on duty in then unit. The total number of patients surveyed was 1,426 and that of 354. The research
represents many variables affecting the direct patient care time using the result from the direct observation method, then using a calculation method to estimate the relationship between the patients care time and selected variables in the hospital setting. The amount of direct patient care time varies with many factors, such as the patients age, diagnosis and time in hospital. Differences are also found from hosptal, clinic to clinic, ward to ward, and even shift to shift. In this research, the calculation method of estimating the required member of nursing staff is obtained by dividing the time of productive patient care activity(with the time of patient care observed), by the sum of the productive time that each the staff can supply, i.e., 360 minutes, which is obtained by deducting the time for personal activities. The results indicate a substantial difference between the time of productive patient care observed directing and the time of the productive patient care estimated using calculating
. If we know accurately the time of the direct patient care on a shift, there required number of staff members calculated if the proper method can be determinded should be able the time of the direct patient care be estimated by the patient classification system, but this research has shown this system to be in accurate in Korea. There are differences in the recommended time of productive patient care and the required number of nursing staff depending upon which method is used. The calculated result is not very accurate, 90 more research is needed on the patient classification system.
This Study is aimed at showing the effect of relaxation technique on reduction of anxiety of hursing students in the first clinical practice. The samples of this research were eighty fresh man students of Dong San Junior College of Nursing. Of them thirty- eight were experimental group and remaining forty-two were control group. This study has been conducted from October 14 to 22,1985. Subjects in all two groups had measured their trait anxiety, after then, the researcher carried out Byun's relaxation technique with experimental group every other day After the experimental period, subjects in all two groups had measured their state anxiety. The tools of this study were two kinds; Spielberg, Gorsnch & L.ushene's STAI, and Byun's relaxation technique. To test the statistical difference in the subjects' trait anxiety, score of lecture in pre-clinical practice and score of practice in pre-clinical practice, t-test was performed. To verify the hypotheses, ANCOVA was performed. Results of this study were as follows: The main hypothesis that the nursing students who use relaxation technique will have less degree of anxiety in the first clinical practice than the nursing students who don't use relaxation tech nique was accepted (P<.005). Conclusively, the researcher thinks that it is necessary that nursing students were prepared with relaxation technique to reduce anxiety in their first clinical practice.